Author Topic: PORT: Pigs Back Yard  (Read 6873 times)

topic moved to another post

« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 11:51:28 AM by Mutantz »

whoa, wtf happened to it?

it's all fat and bad now

loving eyesore , thank you..

« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 02:40:17 AM by Mutantz »

it appears time has ruined it

wow..... ummmmmmm DESTROY IT PANDA!!!

 :panda: panda: die! *goes in fail bin*

Since when did the trees seem so massive?

wow..... ummmmmmm DESTROY IT PANDA!!!

 :panda: panda: die! *goes in fail bin*
Gtfo the forums you little 8 year old

Quote from: Mutantz
and you are?,i can take the critcism,but not from people who have had everything handed to them their whole life and oh ya thanks for the credit for trying to help you.

and i am not seeking any attention,but it seem you are as your complaing because your topic is not at the top of the list,if i put them all in one post now then there would be them all in one post and all the other posts,i might just forget this place and put em on my website,start a forum and have some real strict rules,is it your forum? do you make the rules here,i try to be helpful to people,but all people like you do is ride peoples ass,your number is 1992 from mine,shows ya how long i have been playing this game,you wont see me posting these on RTB so chill out and take another hit off of that silver spoon.

I've been here for 3 years so I know what I'm talking about. The real question is who are you? I'm going to keep posting in all of your topics until you listen to the people who are complaining - we are complaining for a reason.

" i can take the critcism,but not from people who have had everything handed to them their whole life"
- excuse me? I've been learning how to map for well over 3 years, and if anyone respects me it is because of the hard work I put into my maps. All you do is port old maps and then get upset when older players get upset about ports flooding the maps section.

You're not seeking attention? Then why are you posting so many ports? Why did you post in my topic saying you resized my map, but didn't want to release it? Why did you post a picture of a map you haven't even started yet and said you would only release it if anyone pms you?

I'm not complaining that my topic isn't at the top of the list, I'm complaining because...
1] Ports are flooding the maps section, and new players don't get to see the other maps that have much more effort put into their creation.
2] You ignorant to the fact that you are upseting a lot of people, and you refuse to listen, which is why you starting porting again.
3] My topic along with others that have all the maps in one topic are being pushed to the 2nd page.

No it isn't my forum, it's Badspot's, and I'm sure he and all of the other users on this forum want to see a much more organized map section, instead of ports being bumped to the front page. And stop being childish and flaming me, I'm trying to get you to see the truth in why people are complaining.

If you put all of your ports into one topic, it will still get bumped. Plus the map section will be more organized and everyone will stop complaining. Everyone wins, so why is that so hard for you to do? And if you are paying for bandwidth, then why not just pay for your own website to host these? Or even create a free website to host them.

"All people like you do is ride peoples asses? your number is 1992 from mine,shows ya how long i have been playing this game," If you have been playing this game for so long then I'm sure you would have matured since then, but you haven't. And ride peoples' asses? A very childish statement. I have my own opinions, and other people agree. Listen to us.

"chill out and take another hit off of that silver spoon." The same goes for you buddy.

nice map 9/10 coz the trees are a bit bear

there are about 9000 users of this game now,i think that maybe 4000-5000 of those people have never seen some of these maps and will enjoy them,ya know how many pm's i get asking for maps,port this port that,at least i try to give them something different,not a repaint,filled with water or 9 versions of the same map,and why is your number so high,i started with  v0001 and still have the rtb all in one,i own 5 cd keys and every single number is should be proud your post has 37 pages,thats more than any other,and i am thinking about making one big file with all my maps and ports.
locked to prevent this topic being moved to drama as its getting thick.