Author Topic: What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say on Blockland?  (Read 178043 times)

Either "HAX", "LAG" or any variation.

Chernobyl was an old name of mine.
Anyways he was trying to be a suck up when he said that. :/

i was IRCed

THE_FFF: wanna gay be little buddys?

GHOST-1: no homo/troll

my friend mindfreak can tell you the THE_FFF  asked him to lol

A 24k comes to my Freebuild and says:

"isnt ur blid a lil 2 hi 2 do a frebild???????????? my blid is lo i can do 1"

He was a 24k and I'm a 12k, he was so hilarious that I let him stay,  he said he was Badspot in disguise, I mean what the fuzz, so then I told him he wasn't and then he asked for admin, I let him stay, only because of how funny he was, then he got too boring, so I kicked him.

"This 1x1 house is NOT spam! ..Its on a baseplate..."

"Your name is stupid" -ImAGayFan
Look at the Name! hes name is not even better lol.
lol reminds me of a video called sanity not included.
there was a guy who was putting on normal clothes, and another guy who was wearing a dress and a fancy stripper's crown.

Some guy came to my server.

him:Can i have admin
me:NO, I don't know you.
him:ye u do from 2 days ago
me:....does not ring a bell
him:Im badspots cousin


WTf is that brick to text thingy?!
WTf is that brick to text thingy?!
WTf is that brick to text thingy?!
WTf is that brick to text thingy?!
WTf is that brick to text thingy?!

you should relate.

Well, I used /cloakme, then /mount pants (name) [I forgot the guys name]. Then I enabled click push, which allowed me to basically control the guy by clicking. XD It was pretty addictive. So someone came on my server and I did that. He figured out that I was doing it somehow, and started saying Stop or I'll hack you!!!! We challenged him to do so, he left and I irc'd him. So Hows that hacking going along? He said it didn't work lol

"my o9 butto9n is stuck to9 my o9 butto9n because i spilled so9up o9n it."

"my o9 butto9n is stuck to9 my o9 butto9n because i spilled so9up o9n it."

o9mg l9ol

it can go9 b9oth ways?

can i have admin i want 2 test the wand