Author Topic: Building  (Read 9748 times)

Have you played anything besides RTB? I'm thinking of trying AIO-r :-/

I may be building a city, and instead of doing it all at once, I'll build the buildings one at a time, then load them all at once, and take a screen while getting 0FPS.  :cookieMonster:

Nothing there except for DM mania.

BOOM headshot.

Booting up AIO-r now.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 11:20:18 PM by Pimpin »

Hey, I just gave my own opinion, and talked of my own experience with Gobbles. I said other people may have more fun than I did interacting with him. What's wrong that that? Everyone has their own opinions. Some say everyone should try TBM and Amod, while others think they suck. If you want to talk about immature, how about you stop posting that lame little emoticon in every post you make? If you want to talk about maturity, how about the creation of a script with the express intent to crash another person's server, and all the other servers using RTB just because you don't like one of the people that helps make the mod, even if that person doesn't give a damn about your mod.

The best thing about these mod wars is how hilarious it is to see people like PhatStreet hide behind his emoticons, pretending like he's making some huge statement... thinking that everyone will laugh along with him if he tries hard enough. Here's a news flash dude: People don't give a rat's ass what I think anymore than they care what any other user thinks. Why is it that you're always attacking me personally? Is it going to let TBM come back? Have you guys just gotten tired of attacking Badspot?

Maybe you realised that Badspot won't ban you just for attacking regular BL users like me, so you do that all you can? It's not going to help you make your case. There's pretty much nothing you can say that's going to get people to believe you over the big capital letters on the front of detailing the exploit and telling people to not use TBM. TBM and its users have lost credibility, sorry man.

FYI, I really don't care what you say about me, if attacking a person is the only way you can try and make people read your posts, then more power to you. The only thing I care a stitch about is the safety and security of the people that use Blockland. I wish I could say the same thing about MCP and Gobbles at TBM, but considering they tried to write exploits for their own mod, then they felt it was important to crash RTB servers with spam, I'm not inclined to befriend them any time soon, or lend them any credibility.

It's easy to live in separate worlds as TBM and its users, without any tension. However, it gets hard to do when people are posting links to files on their webspace, and telling people to switch to TBM and it's child-mods. Do you expect the people that were here for the exploit to just lie down and let you try and switch people to software that obviously doesn't have ethical leadership, and a proven track record of hacker mentality? Not likely dude. It also doesn't make it any easier when your users start RTB servers who's sole purpose is to switch users to TBM, and directly personally attack me. I'm sure people are really going to listen to your mod pitch when half your arguments are that I'm lazy (doesn't everyone know that already?).

RTB isn't my mod anymore than Blockland is my game. RTB belongs to the users that play it. Without them there would be no RTB, and no me sticking around to make sure they are enjoying it the best I can. I'm just one of many developers to work on RTB. I'm not a leader, and I probably do the least amount of work as anyone.

Anyway, Unknown, I would recommend trying out the other mods listed in the Mods forum. There is some fun stuff out there that many people have forgotten about. If that doesn't satisfy you, maybe Ephi's/SS's RPG server on RTB would be an interesting alternative to building. Not my personal cup of tea, but it might be yours!

Hey, I just gave my own opinion
Me too. I said what I liked, but apparently your team member felt that was out of line. I don't care about what's happened since I left TBM, or what script(s) gobbles or anyone may have used on RTB servers - I just like to play and build and blah blah blah, and I was stating my mod of choice, besides of course Vanilla which is where I spend most of my time these days anyway.

Going back through the thread it seems to me - and maybe I'm mental here - that things were going along peachy until astro trolled me & by proxy TBM. Not slagging off on you, mo, but that's what happened. I'd made a point that gobbles is a great mapper, people were talking about modelling, then boom the thread took a turn for stuff.

If you think TBM's unsafe, fine. If you want to tell people to not play it - more power to you. We blew it, TBM got banned, people got banned. mod rules were put in place, yadda yadda. But don't come after me for offering my opinion - that I like TBM out of the mods, and that gobbles is a good mapper - and not expect me to respond in kind... which will probably lead to another thread stufffest. I'm going to keep offering my opinion, and I think it's among the fairest around these parts, and if you guys want to troll me for it so be it

I'm not a leader, and I probably do the least amount of work as anyone.
Except for Lazy Pete, that lazy-ass bastard. Curse you, Lazy Pete, curse you!!

Anyway, Unknown, I would recommend trying out the other mods listed in the Mods forum. There is some fun stuff out there that many people have forgotten about.
Or, mod your own. That's a lot of fun as you get decent at it.

Hey, I just gave my own opinion, and talked of my own experience with Gobbles. I said other people may have more fun than I did interacting with him. What's wrong that that? Everyone has their own opinions. Some say everyone should try TBM and Amod, while others think they suck. If you want to talk about immature, how about you stop posting that lame little emoticon in every post you make? If you want to talk about maturity, how about the creation of a script with the express intent to crash another person's server, and all the other servers using RTB just because you don't like one of the people that helps make the mod, even if that person doesn't give a damn about your mod.

The best thing about these mod wars is how hilarious it is to see people like PhatStreet hide behind his emoticons, pretending like he's making some huge statement... thinking that everyone will laugh along with him if he tries hard enough. Here's a news flash dude: People don't give a rat's ass what I think anymore than they care what any other user thinks. Why is it that you're always attacking me personally? Is it going to let TBM come back? Have you guys just gotten tired of attacking Badspot?

Maybe you realised that Badspot won't ban you just for attacking regular BL users like me, so you do that all you can? It's not going to help you make your case. There's pretty much nothing you can say that's going to get people to believe you over the big capital letters on the front of detailing the exploit and telling people to not use TBM. TBM and its users have lost credibility, sorry man.

FYI, I really don't care what you say about me, if attacking a person is the only way you can try and make people read your posts, then more power to you. The only thing I care a stitch about is the safety and security of the people that use Blockland. I wish I could say the same thing about MCP and Gobbles at TBM, but considering they tried to write exploits for their own mod, then they felt it was important to crash RTB servers with spam, I'm not inclined to befriend them any time soon, or lend them any credibility.

It's easy to live in separate worlds as TBM and its users, without any tension. However, it gets hard to do when people are posting links to files on their webspace, and telling people to switch to TBM and it's child-mods. Do you expect the people that were here for the exploit to just lie down and let you try and switch people to software that obviously doesn't have ethical leadership, and a proven track record of hacker mentality? Not likely dude. It also doesn't make it any easier when your users start RTB servers who's sole purpose is to switch users to TBM, and directly personally attack me. I'm sure people are really going to listen to your mod pitch when half your arguments are that I'm lazy (doesn't everyone know that already?).

RTB isn't my mod anymore than Blockland is my game. RTB belongs to the users that play it. Without them there would be no RTB, and no me sticking around to make sure they are enjoying it the best I can. I'm just one of many developers to work on RTB. I'm not a leader, and I probably do the least amount of work as anyone.

Anyway, Unknown, I would recommend trying out the other mods listed in the Mods forum. There is some fun stuff out there that many people have forgotten about. If that doesn't satisfy you, maybe Ephi's/SS's RPG server on RTB would be an interesting alternative to building. Not my personal cup of tea, but it might be yours!
I'll stop "hiding behind emoticons" if you stop slandering a mod you never played. About the attacking servers, 90% of servers attacked have been from other RtBers that have "clan enemies" and the like. Nobody from TBM does that anymore. I'm not here to convert people to TBM, I'm here to get people to change the opinion people like you have created about the mod, which is why entrepreneur in's post made me happy. He's apparently one of the few open minded people on this forum.

The only thing I care a stitch about is the safety and security of the people that use Blockland. I wish I could say the same thing about MCP and Gobbles at TBM, but considering they tried to write exploits for their own mod, then they felt it was important to crash RTB servers with spam, I'm not inclined to befriend them any time soon, or lend them any credibility.
Gobbles wasn't involved with the protection scripts. The thing is, Luquado was one of the most supportive of us trying to come up with a way of not having our stuff ripped off. Perhaps in hindsight, making something that could be exploited was a problem, but the thing is, why would we want to crash our own user's Blocklands and cause havok to their Blockland folder? There is no reason. You need to stop saying you care about people's security, because it really isn't possible to have a "security risk" in Blockland. The extent of a possible exploit is deleting and creating the script files in the game folders. BJway Bandit, one of the first people attacking us over the "exploit" has since apologized. Labrat, one of the ones to figure out the technical details of it, started to lean a bit towards our side near the end. He didn't agree with what we did, but he realized why we did it. Hindsight is always 20/20. Looking back, if it hadn't been "aoi", perhaps somebody could have exploited it and filled up hard drive space or deleted the server scripts. But -WE- don't have a reason to waste our time doing that to them. It kinda reminds me of
Perhaps it was in there for a good reason. But once people found out, it was exploited a ton, and was thus removed. But the point is that it's removed. We don't have the time to waste ruining our own players' Blocklands. Rob, the main guy behind the exploit is gone. MCP may have had a hand behind it, but he's not going to make the same mistake again. Gobbles, while he acted stupid before with the spamming, hasn't crashed servers and he hasn't done anything "malicious" in a very long time. We never had a "hacker mentality", we just wanted our work to not be bastardized. So give us a break, we're not here to screw things up. We just want people giving the mod we work hard on an equal chance.
I remember a few months ago in the RtB webchat that you said you wanted mod peace. Work towards it, instead of creating more tension between us.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 06:26:02 AM by PhatStreet »

woo, the F-16 was in my server.

Looks more like a Harrier :|

I'm wondering: Have you played RtB PhatStreet?

I have a question? Why do the current developers of TBM even bother anymore? Many of you have stated on several occasions that you dislike Badspot, and the last thing you would want to do is support him. I don't know if you realised this, but modding for a game is a huge support system. It keeps people playing the game, and keeps people interested in the retail version if they are sticking around in the community.

By making TBM, Gobbles and MCP are putting much more money in Badspot's pocket. Even if you guys go and try to make Blockland on another engine, it's just acknowledging that he "won" in your silly little ego match. I guess you're pissed off either way about it.

And Harold never justified the exploit. He said that his own work was ripped off on many occasions, but that didn't give him the right to hack those mods. People borrowing from you is inevitable, you should embrace that fact rather than despise it (it's a lot less crap to worry about that way too).

Luq, though Gobbles may have mapping skills, that doesn't change the type of person he was, and what he did. How often do we ask each other about the good things Riddler did? Obviously that's an exaggeration, but it's the same reasoning. Some people have strong feelings of dislike toward people like Gobbles, and when they see people saying nice things about the guy (even if it's unrelated to hacking and crashing), it's near impossible to separate.

Gobbles has skills at mapping, but that goes out the window when he's manipulative, immature, unkind, and actively tried to ruin the Blockland experience for hundreds of innocent users like astro who had nothing to do with his mod dying and him getting banned from the BL and RTB forums.

PhatStreet, I think you may need to look up the definition of slander. First of all, slander has to be spoken. The word you're looking for is probably "libel", but it still doesn't fit because everything I wrote is either fact, or my own opinion. I never made anything up to defame MCP or Gobbles. They've done plenty to implicate themselves without me needing to falsify evidence. And it doesn't matter if I've played the mod or not, because my opinion isn't based on the quality of the mod, it's based on the character and integrity of those who made it.

When you ask me why Rob and MCP would put that script into the mod to attack their own users, that's a question you have to ask them. I have no idea why they would stoop so low as to do that. I couldn't imagine any one of the RTB members doing something crazy like that. Before you tell me that it would only attack users of AOI, that's just not true because in order for the script to work people would need to have downloaded TBM. Last time I checked, people who downloaded TBM usually had the intent to use it, therefor making them "users" of TBM. Was it TBM's opinion that people should not be able to use more than one mod ever?

Why should the users have to be punished for the mistakes of the developer? It doesn't accomplish anything positive. And arguing against the punishment that Badspot gave them isn't going to make you guys look like anything has changed either. Saying stuff that's in direct conflict to the posts on the front of isn't going to gain you many points.

I don't know what TBM can do at this point to increase credibility, or get people to come back. I don't think there's much they can do at this point. Their reputation is going to be tarnished forever. The best thing they could do for themselves and the rest of the community (if they care for the community) would be to leave and work on their own unrelated game projects. Move on guys, you'll be much happier if you do.

makes sence moch. So if we get some kind of ignorant responce we know they just keep on going for the sake of stupidity?

makes sence moch. So if we get some kind of ignorant responce we know they just keep on going for the sake of stupidity?

Either that or they are masochists.

I don't know what TBM can do at this point to increase credibility, or get people to come back. I don't think there's much they can do at this point.
Oh, I don't think there's anything that can be done either. TBM 2.0 could be the second coming of Christ and what people would say would be "yeah, on the third day He rose, but on the fourth day He hacked your computer." :D