Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8857396 times)

So are these snapchat filters only compatible with iPhones? I heard they don't work well if at all with older Androids but they aren't working on my S5.
S3 here, hold above the capture button.

that smile is a little offputting

best teddy

It's unfortunate that upon first glance you look like you could be a mild mannered partly odd individual with whom i'd pay no mind

then I remind myself of the vitriol you've spit and must say the following:

i legitimately thought i was in the special interest thread for a sec and the next couple posts had me confused

>gay stalker posting lewd pictures of himself on a forum filled with plenty of users under 16
>constantly comments on peoples appearances in really weird and suggestive creepy ways
>reinforcing the stereotype that lgbt and cigarettes tend to be creepy flamers
>collects weird dirt on people as well as saving their pictures
>doesnt see that nobody likes him in general BECAUSE hes a creeper
jesus christ. ya i stuffpost but damn :panda:

edit: i remember when you were asking underage 16 year old boys for richard pictures and you had already saved some... this was like 3-4 years ago like come on!! lol
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 11:43:00 PM by Ono-Sendai »

oh it's ono again lol here we go

Goes in special interest thread.

YOU belong in the special interest thread because it takes special kinds of people to like you  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: