Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8855364 times)

I took the opportunity to earlier ;)

why is everything about love for you? why do you choose to talk about it here? its all you talk about  :panda:

why is everything about love for you? why do you choose to talk about it here? its all you talk about  :panda:
I'm guessing he likes love like most of us would.

all lgbtq people are autistic besides everyone but tenshi so leave tenshi alone he can't help it

I loving lost my mind over this my sides are now oribiting jupiter.

all lgbtq people are autistic besides everyone but tenshi so leave tenshi alone he can't help it
ya my dik cravin is ingrained in mah brain

like slayer's dik wil be latr in my ass tonite

I'm guessing he likes love like most of us would.
so that gives him a license to creep on others, make endless and weird comments about love and having love with others who clearly dont want it, allegedly harass others and more? people are probably going to point out a lack of ethos on my part because of previous posts, but lets take a step back for a second. ive met a lot of people in the lgbt community and a hyperfocus and constant attention on love and things related to it almost always seems to be related to unchecked mental issues. do his posts really seem conducive to a normal attitude on love and viewing others? its all he is apparently. additionally, this is a rather peculiar place to unendingly post streams of loveual content and quite frankly disgusting behavior. as i and others have pointed out, tenshi is an individual who harasses others and preys on younger individuals and this forum seems like a pretty ripe place for that because large differences in age are accepted.

just some food for thought. hes going to reply to this asking for proof like always but there is something up when quite a few people come forward with an issue. this behavior has also been going on for years and is unlikely to stop. it seems as if hes stuck in a loop or this is just the only place he can continue his weird antics without being noticed too much.

So people actually take Tenshi's posts seriously? Didn't realize people can be that handicapped.

-wall of blah-

In case forums forgets how attractive furdle is

I've been making some good progress on my legs

dis is y my panties always wet

So people actually take Tenshi's posts seriously? Didn't realize people can be that handicapped.

So people actually take Tenshi's posts seriously? Didn't realize people can be that handicapped.
they take an interesting twist when he harasses others because of their loveual preferences/other reasons and preys on younger people to nude pictures. you might not be affected by them, and i'm not that much either. its just interesting to see how child enthusiasts conduct themselves online.

ono youre taking this a bit far

ono youre taking this a bit far
just speaking my mind. i dont come here that often, you can not mind the child enthusiast minding his own business and its fine :)

I am never gonna post a picture of my self I just came here to see what all the forumers looked like.

I am never gonna post a picture of my self I just came here to see what all the forumers looked like.
we're lovey adults with suave.