Post real life pictures of yourself.

Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8862903 times)

is that Hello Kitty behind you?

Djy thinks i look "teh seckz"...

Nice Emery poster in the background :)
It's her brother's room.

How do you know this?!  xD

How do you know this?!  xD
Ratty asked too.  I'm an all-knower.  MAGIC.

He obviously haxxed into Cowgirl's computer, found where she lives, broke into her house, and raped her till she stopped moving. After that he took a tour of the house.

I'm so full of teen angst!

He obviously haxxed into Cowgirl's computer, found where she lives, broke into her house, and raped her till she stopped moving. After that he took a tour of the house.

I'm so full of teen angst!

I'm full of more teen angst than you!

He has the hole You Gonna get raped Thing going


Don't worry, you're not black, he wont stab you.

What the f*ck are you doing with a knife ?

Do you realize how STUPID is it to let a pre-teen playing with a weapon like this? Dude, if I was near of you, I would throw this knife in a trashcan and I'll try to immigrate to Canada, where stupid people with dangerous people aren't allowed to have.

Strange society, and I say it's because of U.S.A.

I have a knife collection, and if I go out alone I carry a knife or 2 with me.

pretty cool...

i don't trust my bro with a knife..he's going through the age (he's almost 15) where knives and fire are i hate it! he burns himself so much with firecrackers and lighters. he has this fire starter thing that flicks, and he does it right in my face..i'm like OMG WTF JD?! it drives me crazy..

and my eldest bro just came back from camping in Maine for 10 days, and he bought JD a knife..

yep..thats what i have to say about this whole knife thing. =P
« Last Edit: October 05, 2006, 12:09:15 PM by Cowgirl Up »