Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8850644 times)

Gerard Way is a loving emo fatass, don't compare me to him.
In a way you look like him. :(

Either way, the suit suits you.

The bigger you are, the harder you fall. [pic] YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

10 awesome points if you recreate the whole comic.

I photoshoped myself :D

Buddy you look like you need sleep, and fast.
Nah, he looks German to me. :P

No you.
I'm bored.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 03:15:38 AM by Junior »

Why is your mouth always doing that stupid..What to call..? smerk? dunno

Also, Awesome koden :D

Junior go to bed your eyes look like there gonna explode D:

Why is your mouth always doing that stupid..What to call..? smerk? dunno

Also, Awesome koden :D
Is this better?

Wtf why do you wear your headphones like that?

They look like special headphones

They look like Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000, the ones I have, they are meant to go around the top of your head, not the back.

Root Beer > Any soft drink
Root Beear Straight from the Barrel > Any Drink.