Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8855402 times)

Dearie me, sorry I've actually got facial hair just like men usually do. As for gross, yeah okay go shave your sack or something. Buncha mop headed children who've yet to get a chest hair.

You need something manly like a safety razor or a straight razor to beat that gross beard on you.
All I use is a straight razor actually.

Cut the hair off one's face with a razor.

Shave is not mutually exclusive to removing all hair. I did cut hair off my face, it just wasn't the full length.

Don't worry, you'll have to shave eventually kiddos. Good luck with the Justin Beiber look-a-like hair.

As for gross, yeah okay go shave your sack or something.
what is that supposed to mean?
I don't see anything wrong with shaving your pubes

ITT: guy who used to pretend to be a girl gets extremely offended when people tell him his facial hair looks stupid and to defend himself calls them prepubescent justin biebers


enjoy your neckbeard friend

I personally like Atlas' facial hair. It really fits his face.

what is that supposed to mean?
I don't see anything wrong with shaving your pubes
Saying facial hair is idiotic. I'm not assed enough to come up with anything so take what you get.

ITT: guy who used to pretend to be a girl gets extremely offended when people tell him his facial hair looks stupid and to defend himself calls them prepubescent justin biebers


enjoy your neckbeard friend
If the entire thread is summed up by my post I'd be pretty impressed. Let's slice this into pieces so I can tell you just how stupid you are. Yeah, I said I was Aeris and you absolute morons bought it for two years. If you think that your opinion on my facial hair is what bugged my, you're self-value is way too high. I take offense that people who've never had a hair on their face think they know what looks good and what doesn't when let's face it most of us are computer nerds and shut-ins. Yes, you do in fact look like Justin beiber with your raggedy ass uncut hair that you don't wash. Tough stuff, it's the truth.

Now, let's take a look at neckbeard. I'll admit, this one gave me a good chuckle. From a literal view, you're wrong, my hair is firmly attached to my chin. From the current slang definition here:
1. (n) Facial hair that does not exist on the face, but instead on the neck. Almost never well groomed.

2. (n) Derogatory term for slovenly nerdy people who have no sense of hygene or grooming. Often related to hobbies such as card gaming, video gaming, anime, et. al.

You're implying that I'm a nerd(IMO I don't quite have the nerd luck, but that is entirely opinionated.), unhygienic(another good laugh here, I wash everyday and keep myself presentable when heading into town or work.), card gaming(not since yugioh when i was five), video gaming(yespls), and anime(only once). Now, let's be really really smart here for a second. That second definition is extremely broad and is applicable to probably all of you. So, by calling someone a neckbeard you're being rather hypocritical which isn't new for you really.

It's 1 am, and you're still a cunt.

I personally like Atlas' facial hair. It really fits his face.
Thanks. I have a feeling it's more who I am then how I act for them though. They also probably can't get over the fact that someone who said they were a girl for a solid two years actually looks better than them.

I've been shaving for almost two years now, That's normal, Right?

>I don't like your beard!
>Wall of text explaining why you are stupid.

>I don't like your beard!
>Wall of text explaining why you are stupid.
Seventh needs walls. If stuff isn't explained to him he doesn't get it.

Yeah, I said I was Aeris and you absolute morons bought it for two years.
personally I wouldn't say that I had "bought it" if I'd decided to trust that my friend wasn't lying to me about his gender
but maybe that's just me

and that's not sev

older than you

awkward  :panda:
Not mentally.

personally I wouldn't say that I had "bought it" if I'd decided to trust that my friend wasn't lying to me about his gender
but maybe that's just me

and that's not sev
Too lazy to keep track of all the new kids that sign up. W/e

Atlas calm down jeez
Fear the beard

Not mentally.
i couldn't hear you over how much of a tantrum you're throwing over peoples comments


i couldn't hear you over how much of a tantrum you're throwing over peoples comments


i couldn't hear you over how much of a tantrum you're throwing over peoples comments

Watch out everyone my loins are frothing.

Edit: Hear text? Why can't comebacks translate better over the web?