Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9555801 times)

hahahah yes stuffty joke hahahah

sorry if this is a bad question but is that a filter or is your skin naturally pale? if it is a filter please let me know what it is because it looks great

obviously the blur is there but anything else?

it's naturally very pale, the filters are just for smoothing and evening out skin tones


i've been legitimately asked so many times already if they're drawn on with Sharpie that it isn't a joke to me anymore

you have pretty lips
LOL thanks

how old are you because if youre 14+ and have PERFECT ASS SKIN like that im gonna need you to give me your skin
im 15 and i can say that i don't rly have any problems with skin but it's not great either

This thread will live forever.

Will I be right? Tune in, in three more years for an update folks!

Every single person that has done a face reveal on here looks like they'd bring an uzi to class

Every single person that has done a face reveal on here looks like they'd bring an uzi to class
fight me

i've been legitimately asked so many times already if they're drawn on with Sharpie that it isn't a joke to me anymore
its obvious to me that they're tattoos given that you're straight edge but traditionally the Xs go on your hands.  that was the joke I was making.

Every single person that has done a face reveal on here looks like they'd bring an uzi to class
You sir.... are EPIC

Every single person that has done a face reveal on here looks like they'd bring an uzi to class

Every single person that has done a face reveal on here looks like they'd bring an uzi to class
talk stuff about carolcat one more time and I will personally hire her to kill your ass

Every single person that has done a face reveal on here looks like they'd bring an uzi to class
im black we dont shoot up schools

im black we dont shoot up schools

is shooting up your neighborhood a better alternative though?

better than movie theatres or concerts O_O

im black we dont shoot up schools
thats because you guys dont even know where your schools are (a joke)