Author Topic: BattleAxe  (Read 17232 times)

Hmm...For a first add-on, it's...well...normal. But...not good. (I shouldn't be talking cause I myself have never made an add-on, and I don't plan to for a while) Keep trying and soon you'll get the hang of it!  -Does anyone know a good thingy to make add-ons with?-

Oh and I forgot, to me it looks flat -_- Is this just my computer or was it made like this?...cause it isn't flat in the picture.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 08:59:32 PM by (Blockland-Lover) »

Cool now we need a mace and other Medieval stuff
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forget HIM/HER i dont care about the dam replay damit

forget you for trying to fit in.

The model is okay.

Why did you include Weapon_ExampleMelee.cs, CI_Spear.png, sword.dts, and icon_sword.png in the zip file?

OH YEAH THIS LOOKS AWESOME  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Nice, just what I need.

The model is okay.

Then I think my computer is just handicapped. :I

this isnt a battle axe, its a bearded axe, but still, good job!

worst piece of shee-shee i ever seen in my blocko life! if i were you i wouldn't even think of releasing a new add-on ever. 

Shee-shee? It's just a weapon, you don't have to be emo about it!

Lol its not epic just its just a *battleAxe* thats not the right size for a blocko player

worst piece of shee-shee i ever seen in my blocko life! if i were you i wouldn't even think of releasing a new add-on ever. 
I bet your ID is over 8000, Go burn in hell now.