Author Topic: the golden block!  (Read 2575 times)

the golden block some people know its real its just none know where it is. post suggestons on where it is here

How many times do i have to tell you guys!?

Its in Slate... keep driving till you find the end of Slate. Then jump off the end. You will sooner or later fall in the Golden Block Garden.

Once you fall in the Garden there will be 2 red blocks. If you click the wrong one, you will be banned from Blockland forever! If you click the right one, you get the Golden Block, a picture, and Badspots full trust.

How many times do i have to tell you guys!?

Its in Slate... keep driving till you find the end of Slate. Then jump off the end. You will sooner or later fall in the Golden Block Garden.

Once you fall in the Garden there will be 2 red blocks. If you click the wrong one, you will be banned from Blockland forever! If you click the right one, you get the Golden Block, a picture, and Badspots full trust.
im not asking but just letting people post their own sugesstons on where it is

I got SA on all servers when I found the Block.  I also found Snot which was weird considering I was playing single player at the time.

im not asking but just letting people post their own sugesstons on where it is
besides this is a suggeetson spot so0 let people post there own suggessons on where it is or post a pic on where it is

You go to the bottom of the edge.  It's a long ways down though...

You haven't seen it then...

If you click the wrong one, you will be banned from Blockland forever! If you click the right one, you get the Golden Block, a picture, and Badspots full trust.


That picture is the golden block after getting the right one.

What is this topic even about? Ref is lost/mad.

the newb needs help finding the golden block