Author Topic: SCOUT UPDATE IS A COMIN'  (Read 12856 times)

Indeed. I am playing now. Sick of waiting for an update while I have school tomorrow.0

IN OTHER NEWS, I'm doing homework.

I have no homework :D
forget you. At least I had a half day (Which I blew off playing Sims 2.)

Also, v11 is out.

Also, v11 is out.
I am not going to go check. I am not going to go check. I am not going to go check. I am not going to go check. I am not going to go check. I am not going to go check. I am not going to go check.

The next thing will be the new gamemode they announced like 2 months ago, and probably the PL map. I'm hoping double payload isn't the new gamemode. That'd suck.

They're just going to update it, it's coming out tonight.

DPL just doesn't seem like a good game mode IMO.

Also no v11 isn't out. heehee.

got booted from two servers now due to steam downed.

I just got the invalid Steam ID thing 10 minutes ago.

Blagh I want the update now. ):



hey look at this:

Quote from:, January 27th
We're just about done with the Scout pack, and our design and coding has already moved on to the next pack. The weapons and achievements are all nailed down, and we just have to finish up the final artwork on them. We like to do the final art as late as possible to ensure that we don't waste any work, which turned out to be a good decision this time around due to the large number of unlockables we tried out as alternatives to the Scattergun. Balancing his replacement weapon has been very tricky due to large threat difference of the Scout between skilled and non-skilled hands. More on that soon.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 08:06:04 PM by Gen. Nick »

It's 1 AM Est, no update.

I rwall hope it's not a race-like double payload. Just seems like a stupid idea.

It's not 1 AM on EST... if it is stuff.