Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3907628 times)

well that took a while

« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 10:29:45 AM by lolz?? »

well that took a while
It would probably be easier to press F12 than try and not change anything while you're waiting for the viewport render.

knobs & switches
Wait, what?
They are all switches.
Well the first two do look like knobs a bit now that I look at it, but they are buttons.

those best be blb doors
then i'll finally be able to totally disable jvs from my server

those best be blb doors
then i'll finally be able to totally disable jvs from my server
They are.
Any suggestions?

knife switches
round buttons
glass-top switches (actually, just a glass top FOR the switches)
huge like, mad scientist switches
a ground version of the last switch to the right

an aircraft knob-type switch they don't have animations?
forget, they suck then.

the animation usually just forgets over the flow of the game for me cause it's too slow

i much prefer blb switches they don't have animations?
forget, they suck then.

w0t m8 they don't have animations?
forget, they suck then.
...animations of things quickly moving up and down make or break an add-on to you
yeah, alright, your opinion's worth a lot

Looking great!! they don't have animations?
forget, they suck then.

knife switches - I would pretty much suck at modeling the knife.
round buttons - Wilco.
glass-top switches (actually, just a glass top FOR the switches) - I can't really think of any way this would work, sadly.
huge like, mad scientist switches - ?
a ground version of the last switch to the right - It's supposed to be a Light-up European Light Switch thing, I don't think making it horizontal would be any good.
an aircraft knob-type switch - I have no idea how is this supposed to look like as a brick. Basically the pre-last switch on a smaller but more frontal base?

make the glass top a water brick so you can build in it
horizontal and upsidedown versions of EVERYTHING