Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4381657 times)

it's not like im putting this in game anyway

[img width= 500][/img]
[img width= 500][/img]
wait why not

cuz i forgot how to do so in blender, i cant script, and im also pretty lazy

i know how to do the joints/empties, animation sequences and stuff, i just forgot how to do the textures and others
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:18:44 PM by DerpDerp »

plus the most you could get out of it is the melee weapon pack with better animations

and tbh the melee pack sucks ass

« Last Edit: June 23, 2016, 12:46:03 AM by RallyBlock »

plus the most you could get out of it is the melee weapon pack with better animations

and tbh the melee pack sucks ass

isnt it cute
also i finally learned how to make trees

EDIT: lol desert camo in grass

mobile pencil sharpener

mobile pencil sharpener

you know what? ill just name it that! its now the TPSU, tactical pencil sharpener unit.

do you have any tactical pencils though? you need tactical pencils for that to actually have a use.

do you have any tactical pencils though? you need tactical pencils for that to actually have a use.

is this tactical enough for you?

Needs a bipod, better scopes, dank muzzle flashes and 24 bayonets stapled together.

Needs a bipod, better scopes, dank muzzle flashes and 24 bayonets stapled together.

will do! (tomorrow)

okay so some more information about stream:

things are set up and my twitch is
the current plan is to go over how to bone and animate playertypes, followed by a q/a session, since im expecting most of you to already know how to model in/use blender. to speed things up, anyone planning to attend should set up blender 2.49b for playertype making as covered in the first two parts of my cobbled-together tutorial. after the stream i'll post a couple more parts in that thread about how to make playertypes.

i set up a discord for anyone who wants to request certain stuff to get covered or send me model files to look at/resolve problems with. ik it might be much for just a single stream but i want to make this a regular thing - on weeks i dont get anything i'll just model or code stuff on the stream and anyone can drop by to check things out.

the stream will most likely be held Saturday 1-5PM PST (that's 4-8PM EST, 3-7PM CST) since i'll be on my college campus with good internet. i may host a second stream Sunday at home just cause; if I do i'll post about it here. it might be on short notice though.

I've had that "doe a dear, a female dear" song going on in my head for ages

Edit: animating time :D
« Last Edit: June 23, 2016, 08:54:05 PM by Jervan »