Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4285061 times)

MK14 EBR/M14 magazine has indents:

Other than that these are cool AF, but please make the DragunOV have wooden furniture not just grey polycarbonate or something
I'm fine with the AK47/74 having plastic because it's the RIS version
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 01:42:34 AM by Sideswipe »

whAT In the fck
w h a t  in the actual forget
Pompmaker what have you done
Based off this

i presume you know how to make custom playertypes from scratch now?
ayup, only took 6 years of trial and error is all

I can help you get that animation ingame if you need.
Can you code a weapon that can only be used by a specific playertype "AnimuLulucoArmor" figured that bit out
and when people hold down the trigger it makes them play this particular animation "gunmorphing" and makes them unable to move?

Done, thanks!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 09:19:49 PM by Pompmaker2 »

Woo both are ingame. The Roadster is fine but the Touring car handles a bit weirdly but I'm working on it.

Roadster name - Wrightly 22-Liter
Touring name - Kazahn Mk1

I can't tell what happens to her right foot
its warping into the stock - it gets stretched out and such.

I may make a sporty car like this next but if you want to suggest a pre-war car, go right for it!

Based off this

ayup, only took 6 years of trial and error is all

That looks extremely painful