Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4381580 times)

The jewmobile???
srsly though those look sick, can't wait to see the other stuff

you should add the little dots at the points of the star, for that authentic police feel
I'll try my best with that! c:

woa how did you suddenly get rly good and start making these

woa how did you suddenly get rly good and start making these
Idk help me

Based off this

ayup, only took 6 years of trial and error is all

That anime gives me a Kill La Kill and Panty and Stocking vibe.

its both of those things, so yes

That anime gives me a Kill La Kill and Panty and Stocking vibe.
Same creators
Same sense of humor

Same creators
Same sense of humor
also has direct references to other anime's they made (including KLK)
i didn't get pretty much all of them but it was hilarious anyways

That anime gives me a Kill La Kill and Panty and Stocking vibe.

I mean it is by Trigger so...

Holy forget Pompmaker.

You make too many flat-chests. Give them some bust or bust.

By the way I'll be redoing the Sedan cause holy stuff the model sucks and the proportions are way off and everything

Edit: Here it is so far

« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 08:47:45 PM by Insert Name Here² »

hey its nice you're getting into modeling and they look great, but tone it down with the posts. you've taken up the past eight pages