Author Topic: SkyHawk  (Read 22831 times)

It's nice but it lacks color :/

does it realy need it?
it seems more relitive to not have it because its giant, and the blackness gives it a certain "terror" to it.

i like it the way it is.

nvm there was a glich in the game and it looked really cool
« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 09:42:27 PM by Sgt. Killan »

does it realy need it?
it seems more relitive to not have it because its giant, and the blackness gives it a certain "terror" to it.

i like it the way it is.

No, it needs color. Even Badspot disapproves because of how monotonous it is, color-wise. The model would be nicer blocko-style, or at least to make another one.

I think it would be cool if this had the helicopter script, it would be cool to control it like that.

this vehicle is great

i love the way it shoots

We need proof.
From both of you.

You might be just saying he stole it, and you are the one stealing it.

it looks plain awsome but i think it needs a little more color and deatailed spots :cookieMonster:

It defintely needs more colour. For having a Genereal Discussion topic, it seems to have been rushed out.

You might be just saying he stole it, and you are the one stealing it.
Ask him, i talked to him. Second of all, i have the MS3D files for all parts of it. It is uploaded to Heedicalking on Mediafire. Third, his version wasn't even made right, how could i steal something that doesn't work?

For some reason when i look at the right wing on the ship, theres broken texture!

nice, i hope V. 11 didn't kill it thou.

You might be just saying he stole it, and you are the one stealing it.
then how come the one solid block/brick released dosen't work?

Black and dark black doesnt really come off you are a very colorful person. other than that nice model

Model is too much.

Nice, though.