Author Topic: Read Please (Ray Gun)  (Read 1226 times)

not a good idea admins would just give us cruddy weps and they would have this weapon [admin abuse].

btw messed up on other post 3: srry.

ladios said he was making something like it...i wonder if ill be happy with his design though...

So BobandRob if you are out there you may want to make this.

Im actually friends with bobandrob, so i'm going to inform him about this.

What the hell is with making add ons admin only? Badmin is the dumbest word I've ever heard of. If the server has "Badmins," Leave. If it does have "Badmins," It is obviously not a good server/the host is not there. Any sensible (over 10) host would not appoint people like that *cough* Pawner *cough*

Badmin? Never heard of one *cough cough*. Eh...