Author Topic: Building Association, The  (Read 14077 times)

     Quite a while ago, The Founders, felt something missing in their Blockland experience. After consulting this with many, they decided to make a clan. They began to round up members. The clan began to grow. After a steady four months, Silence. The clan went inactive. No servers. No Thread. No Nothing. The members no longer saw one another. The hosters for the clan developed computer problems. The inactivness was like a lingering plague, slowly spreading from member to member.  
    Two months have now gone by. Still no signs of members or servers. The thread was lost do to the poster getting Banned. No Trace was left. Until, it happened. The members had started to come back. Activity is slowly being restored. A server was soon back up. It was a geat time of joy. Applications were being processed once again.      
    The Thread was back. There were servers up almost everyday. But not all was well. The Plague struck back within a week of the clan's return. The only left option was, a great purge. Everyone has been kicked out.  
    Out of the blue, the clan was closed by one of it's leaders. No reason was officially given, but it happened. After a month or two pass by. The opposing leader wanted a clan again. After long deliberation it was decided to revive the clan for a second time. But I warn you, this is the last time this clan will return. Once it gets closed yet again. It will be not buried with dirt. But be covered with cement. We will not bother renting a Jackhammer.          

    Official BA Member List

      • Greekgeeker (ID:194)
      • Drake (ID:4243)
      • Jeorge (ID:731)
      • James (ID:3585)
      • Randomguy (ID:4508)
      • Zoneark (ID:2056)
      • Lordy Lord (ID:5265)
      • DarthVolga (ID:1364)
      • Brad (ID:871)
      • Sirrus (ID:5082)


      Acception Processes

      In the time of when only the three leaders voted, was when BA was first established. Since then, the amendment of voting in BA has since been changed. Everyone has the right to vote on someone's application to join BA. These can be based on the personality of the persons applying and there build. Now, there is complete fairness spread amongst the clan. The leaders have the power to conjoin together and accept someone into the clan, however two out of the three are able to decide if they are BA material, or if they want them in the clan; They can reject. Not at anytime may only two leaders accept an applicator into the clan, but if the majority of the peoples, ranked members, respond positively to the application and no leader has responded. The one applying is accepted into the clan. There are no limits of building, the one who is applying has to express their building skills in there own personal ways of choice. Originality is encouraged.

      Server Rules/Clan Rules

      1. Don't Spam.
      2. Non BA members may NOT have Admin
      3. Admins are always correct, like it or not.
      4. Be civilized and show respect to other players
      5. No pinking/hammering/trapping/etc.;
      6. We have the right to ban you, so don't complain!
      7. If you are banned, and you don't feel that it was justified. Please consult one of the members.

      _____________________________ __________
      1. Know how to type! Grammatical and spelling correction is key!
      2. Don't be a total "richard" Just because you are admin.
      3. You don't have to wear BA tags against your own will.
      4. Do not ban any other clan Members. You get be suspended.
      5. There are more to come once you guys mess up more.

      These people are banned from all BA servers.

      SliceSkater760  (ID:13760) Being a richard
      ChrisD (ID:1276) This may be an incorrect ID
      GreekGeekers (ID:7711) Imposter!

      « Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 04:09:02 PM by Jeorge »

      First post. Good clan.

      ive lost respect for you
      No one cares about your  respect.

      No one cares about your  respect.
      and no one cares about you

      and no one cares about you
      If you have anymore childish comments , keep them to yourself.

      If you have anymore childish comments , keep them to yourself.
      No thankyou i get angry with people who say first post

      Pfft, first post.

      « Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:02:41 PM by Soviet »

      Second page Bump,

      Will there be a clan build starting soon, Greek?

      No thankyou i get angry with people who say first post

      Quote from: Boonshan
      First post!!! good idea but the spread effect would be hard


      Want proof,;u=9298;sa=showPosts;start=1110. Post: 1118.