
is minecraft dead

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Author Topic: Minecraft Megathread; yeah its update 1.12 big whoop what about it  (Read 5960459 times)

Nothing , due to 2 reasons:
-Mac is (mostly) used by no-one , so scripters take virtually no effort to make a mod work for it
-Minecraft just entered beta , that broke all mods , that now need re-writing
Well you're misinformed or stupid.
Mods that work by placing files in minecraft.jar work on the mac too.

Can someone recommend me a few mods that will work on a mac? I'd like a minimap too, please.
I'll refer you to my previous post where I detailed the instructions for getting the minimap mod on a mac.

Minimap mod! Get it, it's awesome.

First install ModLoader (put these files in minecraft.jar, delete META-INF folder)
then install Zan's Minimap mod! (Click on the "Raw Files" for modloader one. Add the files to minecraft.jar like before)

Modloader topic

First, delete the bin folder, then run minecraft again and it should re-download/update stuff. Once that is done close out of minecraft.
Then follow these instructions.
1) Go to Applications>Utilities and open terminal.
2) Type in the following, line by line:
    cd ~                Woo Jsk's commenting is in italics, I'm going to explain so you know what everything does. This command will move into the home folder
    mkdir mctmp               This makes a directory inside the home folder called mctmp.
    cd mctmp               This will then go inside that directory, mctmp, that you just created.
    jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar               This will extract a jar file. The X indicates an extraction command, and the f states that you will specify a specific .jar file.
3) Outside of terminal, copy the class files(from the modloader archive AND the minimap archive) into the mctmp directory.
4) Back inside terminal, type in the following:
    rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.*               This will remove the META-INF folder. You are still in the mctmp folder, which now has all the mod's class files AND the recently extracted minecraft.jar files. The 'rm' indicates the remove command.
    jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./                This will update(indicated by u) the specific jar file("jar f") with whatever is in the directory you are currently in.
    cd ..                This goes back a directory, which should lead into the home folder.
    rm -rf mctmp               This will delete the mctmp folder. The rm command is for removal of files, the -r indicates the deletion of a directory, and the f means that it is a force delete and won't display any prompt.

5) Run Minecraft, enjoy!

If something goes wrong, don't freak out, just explain the error, maybe we can figure something out. I don't have a mac, but I understand how to read, and I can google things, so hopefully I can help.

Mini map + 303s grappling hook = mini map not working

I don't know which I want more, course, I haven't spent much time with the hook, it might be bad, or less useful than it seems.

I can put a basic server, with no mods up if anyone is interested.

I can put a basic server, with no mods up if anyone is interested.
please do

I can put a basic server, with no mods up if anyone is interested.
That would be splendid.

I don't understand why some of you don't pool some money and buy a ~30 player dedicated server. Some friends of mine did it, and that's the server we play on regularly. It's not that expensive either. Maybe $20/month.

>> Everyone asking for a host is too stupid to learn how to host and is waiting for their smart friend savior.

>> Everyone asking for a host is too stupid to learn how to host and is waiting for their smart friend savior.
No computer in my house can run an SMP server.
What now, mister proogles?

My internet sucks richard.
What now, mister proogles?

My internet sucks richard.
What now, mister proogles?

Servers up.