who's seen this?

Author Topic: who's seen this?  (Read 11402 times)

but getting the lag fixes that the retail has, I doubt TBG will make it that far
Already getting there with the work we did this weekend.

Also, this is not being "made by the TBM people." The only TBM staffmember involved at the moment is gobbles IIRC. I'm lending a hand wherever I can.

I don't understand why elfprince posted this, and on the flipside I don't understand all this vitriol coming our way. Are you going to trying to convince yourselves that this is going to be a failure? Is that why everyone's yelling about this so loudly? Obviously, the people involved and some of the TBM community don't think this is going to fail, so what do you guys hope to accomplish? (Incidentally, I'm of the mind that it would be wise to keep your mouth shut in case we do pull it off) I told Ephialtes he's free to believe that we'll fail, but are you guys trying to convince the people trying to make this that it will fail?

Anyway, I'm still probably buying retail, and basically this is just a side project for me from my real job to make something fun to play. As far as TBM modding retail - please. Even if the TBM people were allowed to & followed the mod rules, you can already see the negativity that would surround them. We want to play a cool building game with the approach that we had made, and the mod we prefer hasn't been welcome in this community for a long time (I also play & host RTB now and again) so why not break off and make our own approach? We're not selling it, the features will be different than retail's (the only similarity will be that they are both building games, but even the approach to how building works will probably be completely different - I can't be certain since I haven't played retail, but yeah) so it shouldn't cannibalize retail's sales.

Sadly TGE 1.4 is inferior to 1.3 in many ways.  I'm using 1.3

is Vanilla0002 using 1.3 as well?

I would probably buy retail, but I dont have money.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 04:35:03 PM by elfprince13 »


  • Administrator
vanilla uses 1.2

Can you be a bit more specific as to the disadvantages of Torque 1.4?
I am currently using Torque 1.4 in my own project, and I wanted to know what made you stick with 1.3.

vanilla uses 1.2

so it should still surpass Vanilla0002 easily, and have fewer bug in the engine. ;)

I think you people are missing the whole point of TBG.  As someone stated earlier in the thread, the first beta of TBG is going to be the base Torque engine with two widely-available features, the jetpack and crouch, thrown on top.  Now, you're saying that this is somehow "infringement" on BL0002, and that TBG is copying Blockland.  Not so! Are you aware that TBM has almost _completely_ discarded the files in the fps folder from Badspot, creating entirely new scripts, maps, models, etc? Basically the only reason TBM even requires a vanilla install first is for the blockland.exe file.  We all know that Badspot didn't really do anything original with blockland.exe; his true originality was the scripts, maps, and models in the /fps/ folder.  By creating an exe to replace blockland.exe, TBM/TBG is simply severing its last link to an outdated and frankly feature-poor game.  Oh, and to the person who asked why the TBM team can't just make a TBM mod version for Retail BL, Badspot has specifically stated that he will actively block and ban users using TBM with retail, but not RtB or AiO users, something he will be able to do since he will no longer be using the GarageGames master server.

Yeah, I can't wait for the day when spammers get held accountable on more than just one server.

Also, I can't wait for this magical day when TBM players claim to quit bothering the people over here. Still waiting.

The reason TBMers keep bothering OBL, imho, is that they honestly feel TBM to be superior to Blockland and/or RTB, and despair that Badspot always censors/removes all references to it.

Seems self-defeating. Why keep going somewhere where you keep getting discouraged? Doesn't make sense to a rational person. Good luck with it!

I keep telling them the same thing, you can ask 'em.  :cookieMonster:

My guess is they will just throw back the standard MCP line: "It's the principal of the thing. If we don't stand up, then we will have admitted defeat to Badspot, and we CAN NOT do that!"

MCP once told me that if they changed the name of TBM, then that means that Badspot "wins". I'm not sure what the prize is for winning... must be pretty cool though!

I don't get this at all. they're just remaking Vanilla blockland Exactly the was it is now. I'm pretty sure that they pressed Ctrl+V more than a couple times. Now, stop me if i'm wrong but isn't that kind of infringing on copyrights? This is just so they can have a seperate community? I'm sorry, but TBM loses my respect, it just seems like TBM is being overly sour about the incedent that happened HOW long ago!? I would agree that what initially happened was unfair to the TBM crew, but they won't fÃœcking let it go. Flame away TBMers tell me i'm being being biased because I don't know all the facts, when I infact DO. This TBG is just copyright infringement, you guys are being "Ebaums".

even if it wasnt all copy and paste, or any at all if they rewrote all original script...

in general the entire game concept was ripped off straight from here. no amount of changes or new features could hide the obvious fact.

My post was consumed by the others so here it is again:

Can you be a bit more specific as to the disadvantages of Torque 1.4?
I am currently using Torque 1.4 in my own project, and I wanted to know what made you stick with 1.3.

even if it wasnt all copy and paste, or any at all if they rewrote all original script...

in general the entire game concept was ripped off straight from here. no amount of changes or new features could hide the obvious fact.