After back reading a bit, here's what I think needs to be done for this to pull through:
1) Regulith, lock this as a clan and move it to something such as the General Discussion or Community Projects. That will get rid of the whole "elitist clan" idea and make everyone feel as if they're a part of the effort. Also, scrap the memberlist and re-type the first post.
Something tells me that you revised the mission statement, but didn't change the first post accordingly.
2) Current members: Seeing how they're such a problem, scrap your avatars. I can see why people don't like them, although some of them are pretty awesome. The first reason is that they're too similar, most of them, at least. Next, they flaunt the false elitism of this clan, which I still don't see where people get that from (bandwagoning, maybe?). Final reason: It makes us seem like we're trying to claim fame and glory for crusading for good; be nice, but be subtle.
3) To everyone else: Go ahead and call me a hypocrite, but shut the forget up. Regulith obviously is trying to do good, and simply made a few mistakes. If he was doing this for any kind of fame, right now it has the opposite effect, so why would he keep going at it? It doesn't make any sense for him to. Next, I haven't even seen the worst, noobiest, stufftiest clan get flamed this bad, and this follows guidelines laid out for other clans, so obviously you have another reason to flame (Must I say it? Bandwagon)
I realize that some of you are bringing up any hypocrisy that Regulith has been guilty of in the past few days, but doesn't that show that he isn't perfect, and that he isn't trying to be above everyone else?