
Should I ask Badspot to move this topic to Community Projects?


Author Topic: TCBB: The Coalition for a Better Blockland  (Read 19890 times)

i promise to be nice to the, uh, new people and defend people who are being mean in a not mean way. And I, Unknown Player, promise to be nicer to EVERYONE no matter what.

can i join?

Yes. Welcome, thanks for the support.

Maybe we should move this to community projects, I voted no... So when you check votes, subtract one no and add it to yes for me.

Woops, i said i would defend mean people. i mean defend people who are being meaned in a not mean way. not sure meaned is a word.

Woops, i said i would defend mean people. i mean defend people who are being meaned in a not mean way. not sure meaned is a word.
It's ok, we know what you meant.

I would love to join this, I'll help!
Also, it's me, Duck Invaders!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 12:56:09 PM by Unwritten Calender »

I would love to join this, I'll help!
Also, it's me, Duck Invaders!

Reg, take me off the list.  It isn't that I don't support your cause, but I don't want to be caught up in the ever increasing blaze of drama.
Like Fizzles said, it really isn't worth it.

Reg, take me off the list.  It isn't that I don't support your cause, but I don't want to be caught up in the ever increasing blaze of drama.
Like Fizzles said, it really isn't worth it.