Author Topic: How to Make Weapons for Blockland - The Up-To-Date version. (As of 2 years ago)  (Read 85677 times)

When I had the demo, it let me export. I don't know why it won't let you.

Azerath, Milkshape comes with a 30-day trial, that may be why it let you export and save, after that you can't do either.

fipen brillant mate you rock

Azerath, Milkshape comes with a 30-day trial, that may be why it let you export and save, after that you can't do either.
I doubt that he had the program for that long.

i am posting the console.log in a few hours...
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 10:40:42 AM by Logo3801 »

I doubt that he had the program for that long.
If you guys are any smart use a keygen i got milk shape forever now. shh dont tell milkshape

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« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 08:28:54 PM by Badspot »

If you're using the Torque DTS Plus exporter, as long as your groups (meshes) don't have numbers after them, you won't need to use the texture tile mapper.

 thanks for the tutorial, i just had problems making my models dts files because i didnt use a modeling program with dts exporter(wings 3d is nice and easy to use =P ). Never thought to export and import.

...all i get is a little gray line only visible on 1 side in game.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 09:40:04 PM by dumdum566 »

how do you set a delay from when a Sword/Melee weapon can be swung?

Bump, I can't figure out how to properly texture my gun still, I know you have to put the colors in the Weapon_BLALHLHL, but before that when I didn't my gun showed up at least, now it's invisible.

Help? :c

You never sed we hade to buy any code

Bumping to end

This thread

HOW DO I MAKE ADD-ONS! Support all our blockland users! Someone make a tutorial 

I cant save my model or export it :(

I cant export or save, just says "buy milkshape 3d!"
EDIT: sorry for double post.

Badspot, Please Sticky This...
Well needed