Author Topic: Dark Ninja - A idiot who doesn't deserve sa.  (Read 781 times)

Really, the guy is a loving idiot. I go on the BiT server (Ben's) and he was flaming like an idiot. He is supposedly a co-host on Ben's servers. I never heard of such thing. Straton was AFK for the whole time and he was kicking and stuff. Really this guy was saying I was working on this mod for 2 years when he was on BL for 1 year ID 6095.

Also Straton, consider to revoke Ben's hosting privileges + Casio's it is really loving annoying to have 3 of the same serves when there is one of you.

I can second this. He asked me for a mod I have after kicking and banning me twice. He said "PLZZZZSZ" and stuff like that. I might be able to get a pic, but I'm too lazy. He finally perma'd me for sending him a .txt file that said "No."

An apple

A cat

An orange

A dog


wat ben hosts BiT

An apple

A cat

An orange

A dog


wat ben hosts BiT


He wasn't in it to begin with?

This is focusing an auto-sa'd non-member: Dark Ninja.

is he the one that could not admit it died.

At the time yes. They hosted a meeting that will be back public in a month.