Author Topic: [FIXED] Blockland v13 now runs on Snow Leopard (Mac OSX 10.6)  (Read 14409 times)

Well, I understand where you're coming from if your main concern is Blockland (I haven't had any time to play it lately). Hope you kept your installer disk :)

I just thought comparing 10.6 to Vista was overkill, it's not like the majority of mac users shipped their OS back for a downgrade

So if we double click our leopard installation discs will it bring files on snow leopard back with it or will it just screw you completely over and I don't know if they are leopard discs they came with my imac when I got it they say "iMac OS X Insall disc 1" theres two of them both say the same thing except for the number.

I'm not sure if i should be laughing or fealing sorry for you.

Lol but I was just asking a question to be answered you don't have to feel for me... Wait a minute that does not sound right :cookieMonster:

So if we double click our leopard installation discs will it bring files on snow leopard back with it or will it just screw you completely over and I don't know if they are leopard discs they came with my imac when I got it they say "iMac OS X Insall disc 1" theres two of them both say the same thing except for the number.

First one's install disk, unless you need to use both.
The second one has additional installs (like XCode).

To install, I think you hold 'c' at startup. Or command.. something like that, you can look it up.

Edit* and it won't screw you over unless you check the "DELETE EVERYTHING" button before installing. I made that mistake with Ubuntu once...

I'm on my Mac Pro with nine processors and I just hacked it so whenever Steam starts up on OS 10.6, A kernel panic is avoided with the multi-touch GUI.


I'm on my Mac Pro with nine processors and I just hacked it so whenever Steam starts up on OS 10.6, A kernel panic is avoided with the multi-touch GUI.



Sorry had to.

I'm on my Mac Pro with nine processors and I just hacked it so whenever Steam starts up on OS 10.6, A kernel panic is avoided with the multi-touch GUI.


No I belive the mac pro tower does not have over 9 processors, but it does have a standard of 8. Heres were kevin could find out more about his mac online.

I'm on my Mac Pro with nine processors and I just hacked it so whenever Steam starts up on OS 10.6, A kernel panic is avoided with the multi-touch GUI.

I doubt you even know what hacking is.

I'm not that happy with Snow leopard, but I had to do a clean install of my OS, and since I lost my old install discs, I had to buy SL, which means that I am stuck with it.

Hardware Overview:
  Model Name:   MacBook
  Model Identifier:   MacBook1,1
  Processor Name:   Intel Core Duo
  Processor Speed:   2 GHz
  Number Of Processors:   1
  Total Number Of Cores:   2
  L2 Cache:   2 MB
  Memory:   1 GB
  Bus Speed:   667 MHz

Intel GMA 950 (Graphics card):
  Chipset Model:   GMA 950
  Type:   GPU
  VRAM (Total):   64 MB of Shared System Memory
  Vendor:   Intel (0x8086)
  Device ID:   0x27a2
  Revision ID:   0x0003
  Resolution:   1280 x 800
  Pixel Depth:   32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)

If you payed more than 200$ for that, which I assume you did, you got RIPPED OFF.

Apple pulled a vista.

Too bad Blockland always worked 100% with Vista/Windows 7 so long as you had the proper drivers :cookieMonster:

Too bad Blockland always worked 100% with Vista/Windows 7 so long as you had the proper drivers :cookieMonster:
what now apple?

Please excuse my super long quote reply.

So if we double click our leopard installation discs will it bring files on snow leopard back with it or will it just screw you completely over and I don't know if they are leopard discs they came with my imac when I got it they say "iMac OS X Insall disc 1" theres two of them both say the same thing except for the number.
...disk 1 is the OS, disk 2 is a ton of other software to go with it.
As for "screw you completely over" with downgrading, no, not at all.
I always do a clean install anyway, I like to wipe everything and install from scratch and then only put back the minimum amount of backups I made. It keeps my systems much cleaner that way.

I'm not sure if i should be laughing or fealing sorry for you.
Either laugh or shake your head and sigh, you choose.

-snip- check the "DELETE EVERYTHING" button before installing.-snip-

I'm on my Mac Pro with nine processors and I just hacked it so whenever Steam starts up on OS 10.6, A kernel panic is avoided with the multi-touch GUI.

The above is...   ...   ......... I.... oh never mind, you leave me speechless with something which seems crazy.

If you payed more than 200$ for that, which I assume you did, you got RIPPED OFF.
... I got it 3 years ago when it was brand new. Even today it's worth more than that.
Please don't comment on stuff you don't know about, It doesn't benefit anybody.

what now apple?
Simple answer: 10.6.2
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 03:11:50 PM by BobAndRob »