
Do you see yourself lagging the hell out of someone with this in the distant future?

Wouldn't bet on it.

Author Topic: The Lagilator  (Read 3404 times)

I made a lag box once. :cookieMonster:
It spammed pong balls

*Orders online*
Can't wait for my Lagilator!


we must stop it before it blows up blockland >.> hurry get a n-LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG

And SeventhSandwich made a real lag bomb. It has a 30 second countdown and if you're anywhere near it you freeze. Don't know how he did it though.
This sorta looks like it but I could be wrong.

pretty cool.... crash some dudes server where you're admin.... then blame it on some 17k handicap.... lol

Somone on one of my servers made it so that it spawned about 30 'beep_no' sounds 300(no joke) spear projectiles and about 30 pong projectiles... perm ban...

It trounced this...

No. You'd either get to a point where you couldn't fire more missiles, or it would lag for a bit and hit the ground and that'd be the end of it. I'm talking something that will almost definitely crash the server no matter what unless you destroy it.
He means  tsilpamteg/

OMG so funny please give save want to test

you can put a sign saying free admin over it :3

bump Yah I don't think I will be releasing considering it spawns sounds, projectiles, explosions, etc that some people wouldn't have or would need to download. I might post a save for a new classified project I am working on- oh stuff nevermind...