Author Topic: Gravity Cats Firearms UPDATE V3!  (Read 134261 times)

Overwrites default bullethit.wav sound. I think it also overwrites the default gun. (Does not appear on weapon list, even if checked in Add-on selection menu.) (That could just be me, but so far I have no reason to dought what I said.)

Models and sounds are good, however. Make more, but do try to fix these problems first.

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Holy stuff you forum trolls work fast O_O

]rpg 7 is  best hands down

Overwrites default bullethit.wav sound. I think it also overwrites the default gun. (Does not appear on weapon list, even if checked in Add-on selection menu.) (That could just be me, but so far I have no reason to dought what I said.)
I already know that it overwrites the default bullethit. But nothing overrides the gun, it should be impossible. I don´t know how you achieved that :P

I don't like to look in 3rd person at the axe, as only the axe swings, without the players hand.. :/
Uhm well, I don´t know how i can make a custom hand animation... if theres no way, i will use the standard one.

The RPG looks like crap.

I liked the original one.
Nobody forces you to love it, and if you know how i could make it better, don´t just say "looks like crap" ;)

Create models but thats the only real thing that defines it as differnt from other assualt rifles and pistols.

I modified the FN Scar with my own high def model. :3

Great work btw! Really like the weps. Btw the pinapple grenny dissapears a second after you throw it. D:

I modified the FN Scar with my own high def model. :3

Great work btw! Really like the weps. Btw the pinapple grenny dissapears a second after you throw it. D:
Don't do stuff like that. You give out invalid packets.

I love you! Not really...just the addons

Yes i am FYI I was born with it and shut the hell up Taboo i haveenough bullies at school

Nobody forces you to love it, and if you know how i could make it better, don´t just say "looks like crap" ;)
I like the old one because it didn't look too fat.

For those who don't know the concept of implication, I am implying that the one here is too fat.

Very nice.... but we got so much of these...