Author Topic: The Craftymans - A nonblockland clan. Bug us on Steam! We still love you!  (Read 108838 times)

I got a IRC from "Moybus" a few days back, he said the Craftsmen is shutting down. Is this true?
Nope. Must've been an imposter.

I got a IRC from "Moybus" a few days back, he said the Craftsmen is shutting down. Is this true?

I'm Spock on IRC. So it must have been some crazy kid. Especially since if I was shutting down, you wouldn't be the first person I'd run and tell.

I'm Spock on IRC. So it must have been some crazy kid. Especially since if I was shutting down, you wouldn't be the first person I'd run and tell.
Spock, trust me, managing a Secret Santa is hard. Thats why I stopped doing mine. Way too complicated

I want to do a secret santa :<

Spock, trust me, managing a Secret Santa is hard. Thats why I stopped doing mine. Way too complicated

But I already made my gift :C
It's waaaay easier for me, since everyone is in clan and easy to deal with.

But I already made my gift :C
It's waaaay easier for me, since everyone is in clan and easy to deal with.
Can I be in Secret Santa anyways? :3

Can I get back into this clan? You already know what I'm capable of. I see no point in making another script.
Unless you require it

Ok, I'm considering buying a Weebly site.

For a basic plan (with a domain name) for 40 bucks a year, I'll get:

The ups:

lovey, easy to build sites
Keeps players up to date
Emails Addresses ( for easy communication
File sharing
HTML coding thingies (dunno HTML though :C)

The downs:

No PHP, from what I understand (if PHP = HTML, please tell me so I don't look stupid. I've never handled web coding)

Then for an extra 47 a year I can get:

Password-Protected Pages <--- for myself and my managers

Enable password protection to stop unauthorized visitors from seeing your website. You can require a password for your whole website, or just individual pages.

Customize the Weebly Footer Message

Now you can remove the "Create a free website with Weebly" link that is placed at the bottom of your website and replace it with text & links of your own, or nothing at all.

Audio Player <-- Force you to listen to mai musics, bitches

Upload and embed audio into your website in 1-step. Weebly's audio player makes it incredibly easy to add music, podcasts, or other audio files directly into your website.

Video Player new!

Weebly's video element will automatically convert video files for playback directly on your site. The player is completely unbranded so you can control the visitor experience. The player has seeking, volume control, and full-size options.

Embedded Documents new!

The embedded document element lets you choose a document file (such as as .doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt) to be displayed directly in your site for your visitors to view, scroll through, or print. This is an easy way for visitors to view a document without requiring them to download it and open it on their own.

10 Sites per Account

Create up to 10 different sites under each pro account. All of these websites will have the pro features enabled. Standard Weebly accounts are allowed 2 sites per account.

Increased File Size Limit

The 5 MB file size limit placed on standard Weebly accounts is removed to allow 100 MB file uploads! We don't even place a limit to the number of 100 MB files allowed, so your storage capacity is virtually unlimited.

Premium Support

Our pro users receive the fastest response from our most qualified support staff. When support tickets are received by our system, pro users' questions are placed at the top of the queue.

Lots of Weebly Love

With your purchase, you also receive lots of Weebly Love :-) We truly appreciate your support and use the money generated from pro accounts to purchase more servers, hire additional developers, and grow Weebly's feature set to ensure it stays the most powerful website creator available.

Thank you!

I bolded the things that I could really want.

This would be 87 bucks a year. Worth it? Not worth it? You decide.

Double post: We're using Sagezze's site for CCC, so keep in mind we wouldn't need a site for that.
I wish Sagezze was on :c

:S forty dollars a year?



Not the same. Different system, I mean REALLY different.

Hmm, after searching around, weebly doesn't support PHP, databases, OR Phpbb forums. Just nabble.

I don't think I'll use this. :I

Sagezze is on, if all goes well CCC will obsolete this.

REAL men buy domains and have no idea how to loving use them. i'm talking about myself, of course

Are you considering my reinstatement into this clan?


Not the same. Different system, I mean REALLY different.
Please leave, you have know idea what you're talking about.

PHP creates dynamic web pages, for example, a login system like this forum.
PHP normally outputs HTML,