Author Topic: Cats - They're douches >:[(But I still love them)  (Read 2453 times)

Cats don't have souls.. you won't see them in heaven/hell. Or any animal.

Where did you get your facts? Your just using an old belief from the 18 hundreds! You are so far behind your like a Muslim in the Middle East still beating your wife. Ill just throw the forum at you and theyll deal with you.

I have the most fat cat in the world.
His name is Steve.

My cat scratched my arm and my hand :c it hurts my hand when I put my middle finger down towards my hand.

I know everything about you humans.
You over there!

Eror: I am using an iPod touch.
Yea, I broke your ISP thing

my cat to get me killed the yesterday, he was in the middle of the road and a car was coming so i ran infront of the car picked him up and had a car honking at me. then to pay me back he starts biting my toes and clawing my hands up.

I have the most fat cat in the world.
His name is Steve.
If he is that famous, then we should know his name.

My cat just tore open my finger again its really getting annoying he keeps freaking attacking me fore no reason!

I have a very old cat... She enjoys to sit on any project I do on the living room floor.
I think cats are actually deceased geniuses that have taken the form of the intelligent animal that is the cat. Also, I think they are give a very artistic environment :3

Then i got one loving violent smart person. He is also kinda stupid and i think his hacks are broken cause he lands on his face a lot.