Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 524599 times)

Wish granted, but, you wished you didn't wish wishes.

I wish for a level 20 TF2 hat.

Wish granted. But it looks like a snake. I wish I had a  :nes:

wish granted but your nes was REALLY a genesis.

i wish for an imaginary lolipop.

Wish granted. Enjoy your lollipop of nothingness (in everyone else's mind, that is).

I wish to kill this guy, that guy, and that girl.

wish granted but you were in a hall of mirrors, and that last mirror reflected in a way that made you look like a girl.

i wish for a machine that makes unmeltable snowballs.

Wish granted. But the mystical doge must play with you.

I wish for 99999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999$

Granted, but taxes reduce it to a mere thirty cents.

Damn taxes.

Wouldn't wish for no taxes however, because then the country would fall apart.

I wish for a pencil sharpener.

Granted, but you cut your finger and it gets seriously infected and you go to hospital.
I wish v21 would have terrain maps.

Im Kompressor, and i say no.

I wish for doge's

You get cate,s.

I wish for a sniper, a machine gun, and another random gun that can never run out of ammo or malfunction.

You get these things, but the gun that won't jam or run out of ammo is a bow and arrow.

I wish for a hug.

Wish granted, but you get hugged by a rapist. So we all know what happened.

I wish for wishes wishing for wishes of wishing wishes

Wish granted, but each wish deletes the next wish and you only have 5 minutes to wish

I wish for a braaaaand new caaaar!

Granted...a giant turd falls from the heavens and crushes you.
I wish i had a lot of beautiful girls around me....