Author Topic: Sleep walking.  (Read 2539 times)

What probably happened was somebody woke you up early and told you to go to your room and you just don't remember. If I ever stay up late and crash on the couch, my parents will wake me up when they get up and tell me to sleep in my room for my remaining 4 or so hours of sleep. I usually forget that happened unless they remind me.
I had a dream(?) that i got up out of bed and put on my black hood and pants, then snuck out of my room into the hallway and eavesdropped on my mom.
and that was it

I was at godikt's house a few years ago, i was extremely tired at 1 am. i decided to lay on his couch, and what i thought was a blink, i fell asleep and woke up with chocolate ice cream on my face and godikt going WTF?!?

I remember one christmas morning I kept dreaming that I had gotten up and received presents. Then I'd wake up and see that it was still 5 or so. Then I'd fall asleep and repeat the process like 7 times :c

zer0 used to have a bunk bed, i would sleep walk and somehow get my neck caught in the small railing on the side. i almost died alot doing this stuff.

This isn't really sleep walking, but one time I fell asleep at my friends house and I guess I woke up super tired and didn't know what I was doing, but I managed to get up some stairs, into the kitchen, and started making a hamburger with 3 patties(Really thick ones, so it was ridiculous).  That's when I realized what I was doing.  He had relatives over(In the kitchen), and it was embarrassing.

Is it possible that someone woke you and told you to go to your own bed, but you were only "half" awake?

That's happened to me, eg. I fall asleep on couch and my mom tells me to go to bed, but I don't recall it in the morning.

 My girlfriend told me that i make eggs and pancakes naked, she recorded me too. No links :V

Never sleep walked. I do laugh in my sleep though.

One time I went to bed on the couch at 4:00 am, after having a couple rockstars.I wake up the next day in my mothers truck with the key in the ignition

The only rational explanation for this I can come up with is that I got up to go to the bathroom and went back to my bed instead of the bunk bead.

If you sleepwalk while moaning, sooner or later someone is going to mistake your for a zombie

One time I went to bed on the couch at 4:00 am, after having a couple rockstars.I wake up the next day in my mothers truck with the key in the ignition
Drive by?

Me and my friend guzzled a bunch of Monsters, and when I was asleep I heard some noise, but I ignored it and slept again. When I woke up at 1:00 pm I saw my friend upside down sleeping in his sink. O.o

Anyone ever had it where you close your eyes and open them and it went from 1 am to like 12 pm?

Anyone ever had it where you close your eyes and open them and it went from 1 am to like 12 pm?
ya, it's kinda freaky because you don't actually want to sleep more than 5 minutes..