Author Topic: Which game should I get?  (Read 1349 times)

I recently got Uncharted 2 and I beat it and it doesn't have much of a replay value so I would like to return it while I still can. (Game Stop's return a used game within a week deal). And I'm trying to decide wether I should keep it, or get Infamous, or get Little Big Planet, or get Assassin's Creed 2. I would like to have a headset for Little Big Planet and I don't have one yet, but what do you guys think?

EDIT: Not getting AC2. My friend just got it and I'm going to borrow it from him when he's done with it.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 12:48:38 AM by Hazard »

Little big planet Rockz! Get it!

I hear Infamous is boring, and Assassin's Creed 2 is really fun, but idk about LBP

You return the game to Gamestop within a week if it doesn't work. You can't just return it because you beat it, at least I don't think you can.

Do you have AC1? If not find it, buy it, play it. Then possibly get AC2. (AC1 is only 20$)

You return the game to Gamestop within a week if it doesn't work. You can't just return it because you beat it, at least I don't think you can.
You can if it was used when you bought it. I've done it plenty of times.

Do you have AC1? If not find it, buy it, play it. Then possibly get AC2. (AC1 is only 20$)
What's "AC"?

What's "AC"?
Assassin's Creed

I love AC2, it's got an interesting plot and it's just more fun than the first one in general.

Infamous was pretty fun, from what I got out of the demo.

LittleBigPlanet is fun if you're creative, and like minor-puzzle solving.

Out of the 3, I'd choose LBP.

I'm gonna get Infamous when I rassle up 40 bucks.

Depending on what console you have, which I don't think I saw mentioned, Dragon Age Origins takes up a lot of time and has a bit of replay value.

Depending on what console you have, which I don't think I saw mentioned, Dragon Age Origins takes up a lot of time and has a bit of replay value.
PS3 I think.

What's "AC"?
Assassin's Creed
Wow I feel stupid...

LittleBigPlanet is fun if you're creative
I play Blockland don't I?  :cookieMonster:

Depending on what console you have, which I don't think I saw mentioned, Dragon Age Origins takes up a lot of time and has a bit of replay value.
I actually have all three main consoles, but I'm not into RPGs. Especially medieval type ones.

You don't even need a headset for LBP, there's a text system in it. Anyways, the forgeters that play hardly communicate at all.

Try Armored Core: for Answer.

LittleBigPlanet for online community-based stuff.
InFamous for running around and doing whatever you want (most of the time).
Assassin's Creed 2 for awesomeness.  :cookieMonster:

I'm more of a fan of stealth games, therefore I suggest AC2. But I also love LittleBigPlanet. ARGH. /splode
Just use the above reference guide (bolded).

I actually have all three main consoles, but I'm not into RPGs. Especially medieval type ones.
Well if you would have specified that as well, I'd know, eh? :)