Author Topic: What Language are you taking in school?  (Read 3299 times)

yo también y a mí me gusta mucho aprenderlo. creo que es un idioma muy útil, especialmente en américa.

that being said i'm obv still learning oops
im sorry spanish I does not cooperate with mexican language.

私は三年生日本語をべんきょしています。 日本語の書いてがへたですよ。 おたくになりたくない!

moonrunes yo

None but I'd like to try German

la lengua de los frijoleros

rozmawiamy po polsku
but sometimes we talk english (its a bilingual school)

I took Latin/Greek (if that counts) in grade 8 or 9, and Spanish for grades 10 and 11. I'm not taking anything right now and don't have to.

German, or deutsch. (Sie Amerikaner.)

I took 4 years of spanish back in high school but the last year was brutal