
Should the Drifting Supra's be Right-Hand-Drive? (Steering wheel on PASSENGER side of car)

Yay! European Integration
Nay! Keep it all to one side.

Author Topic: NightHawk's Development Log - American Speedsters Released!  (Read 48761 times)

I found one of them!

Default wheel is temporary, but you might want to click that image...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 09:43:44 PM by Night_Hawk »

Mystery variant complete...

All 5 Variants Complete!

(Click to View GIF if it doesn't work)

Just need a whole bunch of CVS to do in the background...
« Last Edit: October 28, 2020, 11:34:04 PM by Night_Hawk »

CVS Integrated in the Classic Supra!

Starting with the ability to create a "two-tone" color scheme with the default parts, and just applying different colors. The Trunk and Exhaust categories have 5 and 4 parts to choose from, respectively. In this one, it just demonstrates the default parts.

These next two variants showcase the two whale-spoiler trunk options, colored and non colored, and the "Fin" and "Sport" spoilers. Not to mention the sport body kit that's in-line with the [rally] fender wells. The red and green showcase "Aftermarket" and "Magnum" exhaust parts, respectively.

The last 2 showcase the "fin" trunk option you can have, both greyed and colored. The "Blower" exhaust is displayed on the dark Reaper.

I have yet to implement decals and maybe a couple of parts, but this will be 3/5 Variants complete.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2020, 11:44:50 PM by Night_Hawk »

Last batch of CVS for the upcoming update on the classic!

You can now have banger-racing lights, roof stripes, and a "Dragon" spoiler!

Or equip some rally lights, a roof rack, side stripes, and this "Aero" rear bumper!


BREAKING: Supra is nearing release!

The extra T H I C C widebody supra has finally acquired the remaining CVS parts needed! 5/5 variants complete!

Additionally, CVS icons are finalized for all variant types.

Without further ado, first off, this Sport Kit, with included "Eyelid" light fixtures (Note: All light parts demonstrated are also on the default variants)

Next up is the infamous "Race" kit inspired by Castrol Tom. I won't be doing any race decals for the moment, perhaps in a new update? HOWEVER, exclusive to the Widebody, you can install a "Pane" decal on the front windscreen, and choose from two different "Race" rear bumpers: Race, and Diffuse

Of course, you can also have Angel-Eye headlights; they also apply for the rear cluster as well!

And when getting drifty, there is a "Dragon" rear-mounted spoiler for you!

Just got to make a trailer, and then the update is yours!

could you make a 96 firebird (t top) with the flip up headlights that would be epic

damn there has been so much stuff being posted since i left

damn there has been so much stuff being posted since i left
Where have you been.

could you make a 96 firebird (t top) with the flip up headlights that would be epic
Sorry for the late reply, I will consider it while collaborating with someone on it.