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Yes, Badspot should sticky this!
Not really. I'm ok with my clan.

Author Topic: Layout Or Get Out! [Want to make a good clan? Click this!]  (Read 7355 times)

SPREAD THE WORD! Copy/paste a link to this topic on bad/new clans!
EDIT: I would like to thank the lot of you who are helping with this ^^^

    After many years of seeing horrible topics plague the Clan Discussion board, I have decided to take action. I've seen other topics in this section of the glorious Blockland forums that are horrible and amazing. The latter of the two which should always be there. The other, needs to go away.
     My name is EvDowg BLID 13525, and I have had to put up with bad clans for the majority of my days spent on the forums. Not to mention the horrible 'clan meeting' servers I have randomely inspected. After other topics trying to stop this plague from happening have been pruned/locked, I have made it my duty to keep this one alive.

    This topic I have created will hopefully help any newcomers to Blockland create a decent clan rather than give it a try and bathe in a sea of trolls and flaming the minute after. I've provided some simple steps, ideas, and sources to contribute to my goal. Without further commentary, let's get started on the basics:

    Rule #1: Have a visual - A successful clan needs a basic structure and idea established. Whether it be building or Deathmatching, you need to at least know what you're aiming for. Look through a few other clans to see what we already have and try to think of a fresh idea that hasn't been made before.
     This means not copying another idea (We don't need 100 building clans). Try something unusual like a clan dedicated to a certain mini game (Zombies, Racing, etc).

     Rule #2: Get a layout - Clan topics cannot be taken seriously without a layout. A layout basically consists of what's in the topic. Be it a cool logo/picture and fancy lettering for each category; you need something that draws attention. Just plain enlarged text and default topic tools are NEVER a good idea. Look at some of these other awesome clans for ideas (But do not steal from them. At all!):

--Blockintosh (Building and Eventing)
--Flying Fish (Sports)
--krypt (Building, Eventing, and Scripting)
--GBLD (Army)
--Oceanco (Boat building)

NOTE: Please don't ask to have your clan added. We have enough examples.

     Rule #3: Accept constructive criticism - If you made a clan that is decent, and someone asks you to improve it [in a nice way], please do so. If you don't improve after people start pointing out obvious problems, hate comments will follow. Trust me, I've been there at least three times.

    Rule #4: Start advertising - Now that you've got your clan, you're going to need some members. You need to find a good way to tell the world about your clan and what you do. Try some of these steps:

--Make a topic that appeals to forum members (Good layout).
--Tell your friends.
--Ask around, but not excessively. Spamming servers/RTB chatrooms with "JOIN MY CLAN!!1!" is a bad idea.

     Rule #5: Host often - By 'host' I mean open your server. It's good to have your own server (and not somebody else's) so you can do what you need to do when you need to do it. Don't rely on others to make you a server if you don't have one. Make sure to enforce any rules you may have or things will get rowdy.

     Rule #6: Show-off your talent - Whether you build or race or whatever, show the forum what you can do. Put up pictures or videos of your clan's activities to get people's attention. If you build, make sure it's detailed and doesn't include spam (Bricks without a baseplate, not using as little bricks as possible, or just randomely placing stuff down for no reason). If you don't do this 90% of the time, more hate comments for you.

Need additional help with your clan? Then feel free to Private Messege (PM) me for extra advice. If you don't get something or just plain don't know what to do, I'll always be there to help.

CREDITS: Any clan mentioned in the 'Clan Basics' section
Copyright: EvDowg (BLID: 13525) 11/30/11 5:00PM EST
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 09:11:55 PM by Ev Dowg »

Nice, although we have what, three of these now?

How does my Layout look?

Nice, although we have what, three of these now?

Like I said: most have been pruned or locked.

How does my Layout look?

I'm not a critic, but I'd give it a 7.5/10 (average). I like some of the features like including the clan's logo in your ally list and the logo. The only problem is that it could use a bit more categories and pictures. It's short and there's a small amount of text. Fill it up a bit.

Pictures of the clan server. We haven't done a whole lot yet to post at this point.

You should make a clan where they help newcomers.

You should make a clan where they help newcomers.

That's one of the things Paladin will do.

You should make a clan where they help newcomers.

I sometimes host a serv where i teach people to build.

Needs a better layout....


A while ago I had the idea of making a clan to helping newcomers, just never actually did it. If you do though, I'll help you manage because I know we work well together.

stickied probably
Mack's guidelines sucked
Mack sucks at clans

This hopefully will help people understand how to run clans and not get Scottish girlfreidns (Mack)

Mack's guidelines sucked

After other topics trying to stop this plague from happening have been pruned/locked...

It's ironic because your layout isn't that great

Nice layout, but CoolText isn't the ideal website to make a logo or title.

You could've used GlowText but I'm not very fond of that either.