Author Topic: MoltenKitten - stuffposting / Derailing  (Read 14235 times)

MoltenKitten's Profile
stuffposting & Derailing Threads
Page 19 of the thread 'Why is Tezuni and his servers so despised?' - MoltenKitten didn't even know what he was talking about in this thread. He was literally stuffposting whatever came to mind.
Pages 4, 5, and 6 of the thread 'In loving memory of 9/11 victims.' is filled with his insensitive behaviour. He talks about how the world should stop 'complaining' about 9/11, even implying that the holocaust isn't important anymore.
And, last but not least, Derailing stufflord's thread. He consistently tries to derail the thread by asking for an answer to a pointless question.
I don't know how long this has been going on, but it's pissed me (along with a number of other forumers) off in the process.

about time somebody addressed this. he tries acting normal but he just ends up messing up again. apology after apology too. it's happened too many times

I made a drama about him a while ago, it wasn't that great. This one's great.

OT: This guy's annoying as stuff.

if molten stopped being dumb for a week i will gift him a steam game

if molten stopped being dumb for a week i will gift him a steam game
He could just not post for a week.

do people really have a hard time not posting?
I certainly do but at least im trying to fix my problems instead of doing it over and over and then occasionally apologizing

do people really have a hard time not posting?
Probably if we're the only ones they talk to