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Messages - Bester Bageler

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 220
Off Topic / Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 | SEASON FINALE
« on: June 26, 2016, 10:33:56 PM »
The music this episode was amazing
Kinda pissed at this tbh. The music was amazing however the piano was used. Something I loved about the show was how all the music was made from instruments that could be in the show. But this pattern was broken. Episode I give a 9.8/10. Minus 0.2 because piano

I coulda sworn you were already in blc, huh
Same, I don't think we even need to vote on Magus. (By that I mean, let him in.)

When is the next time the clan server will be hosted?

General Discussion / Re: Block Wars - The Blockpire Done Goofed
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:11:39 PM »

This is an older image, I made some progress.

A few weeks back my computer suffered a rather grim hardware error, it may be the ethernet cable itself or it may be the network adapters, but it seemingly forgot all connections, anyways, I have no internet connection on my building pc. I will try to get back to building the ship as soon as possible though. But for now I cannot use blockland and cannot work on the ship at the moment.

Off Topic / Re: Throat hurts like heck, what do?
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:19:31 PM »
There's no whiskey in the house.
Use just honey then.

Off Topic / Re: what is the chillest part about your school?
« on: May 19, 2016, 03:52:24 PM »
For me the most chill part is theater. A good amount of us gather in the guys dressing room (there is a rule that you don't come in while someones changing, but do to the fact seeing a man without clothes is less "indecent" its why we gather there and not the girls) and we just sit around and talk. We have deep conversations about thoughts we have, we tell really forgeted up stories. Sometimes we form a "cuddle puddle" which is really where you lay on the floor and are surrounded by everyone else (I am not sure if I made it clear earlier but gatherings in the guys dressing room are co-ed, its not completely gay it is just sorta gay, like everyone participating is.) We turn off the lights and nap, normally someone will play their guitar. Sometimes we form a mini-mosh pit where someone blasts music and we all just have a small rave with about 20 people. There are a few prank call sessions, we try to be silent as possible as someone prank calls semi-random people. For example: for the past few months we had a few sessions where one of my friends has been prank calling the people of this one family, pretending to be an extended family member. They call up "Uncle Ray" and go about just talking as a fake relative. Which is quite hilarious to watch since it has been going on so long. 

But really for me the high-point is the deep conversations, its not forced or faked anything, its just genuine conversations and it feels good to be a part of.

I gotta say with the style of everyone and the conversations we had, I felt like I was in a really weird "50s greaser film" Like the kind about the gang of dudes and there odd adventures. My who highschool experience has been ludicrously chill tbh. Everyone is just doing their own thing, almost everyone gets along, we are all just doing whatever, it is a good time. Listen to that, it is the most popular song around people I know and I feel like it is a good representation of them all as well.

Off Topic / Re: What happened to Badspot's MAME arcade series?
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:06:51 PM »
I asked him one time when he visited his Blockparty sever, he has the rest recorded he just has lost the interest to upload it.

Clan Discussion / Re: [BLC] Blockland Classics - Block Wars is OUT
« on: May 15, 2016, 10:52:42 PM »
torrent that stuff
no wtf thats ILL-EAGLE #goodkid #don'tdodrugs

Clan Discussion / Re: [BLC] Blockland Classics - Block Wars is OUT
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:32:24 PM »
Can anyone recommend me a good recording/editing software?

Off Topic / Re: So Monday is my official full last day of school.
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:47:48 AM »
The best prank I have ever heard about for senior year is releasing two goats into the school, the first tagged "one" the second tagged "three."

Game Modes / Re: Escort Mission
« on: May 11, 2016, 04:59:15 PM »
City Van was missing from the add-ons file

You have been playing the game for nine years and you still haven't beat it!? You must be really bad at blockland.

Something I remembered was how when we were filming the hangar escape scene, this idea came up: Darth Vader is not a "sith lord" but a "land lord", the battle of hoth is actually an eviction for the rebels rented base.

Setting it up how the empire knew about the echo base for a long time and were unable to attack because the rebels were lawful tenants. The imperial navy was called in to come evict the rebels for not paying rent (insert Rent reference.) It shows Darth Vader in echo base after the rebels have left, and there is a flashback to him giving the keys. Then it flashes forward and he makes a comment about how they really wrecked the place. The entire film with Darth Vader chasing the millennium falcon is actually him attempting to get them to pay property damages.

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone have v1 of T+T?
« on: May 06, 2016, 04:26:45 PM »
I would suggest trying the skin packs, and see which one it is your looking for.

Also on topic of jokes: I decided I would make an executor star destroyer model just because. Using Swholli's star destroyer model to set scale for accuracy in size.

That shows how large the model should be. I then decided it would be hilarious if the already giant starship was made much larger then it actually was.

That you see is the outline for how large the model is going to be for the "super" super star destroyer is going to be. Hell I might do both and we can have that in the film. Like it introduces the fleet of star destroyers. Then it shows the super star destroyer casting a shadow over them, then that is repeated a second time for comical effect with the "super" super star destroyer casting a shadow over the regular super star destroyer.

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