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Topics - Ethan

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Add-Ons / Ethan's Color Sets
« on: November 26, 2014, 06:57:54 PM »
Just sharing my old color sets, which have been lost in the time warp and various forum archives etc.

Colorset 1 - Architectural

I made this colorset with the aim of creating large cities etc, and opted for various ranges of colors that can be suitable for both inside artificial colours and outside natural colours (the kind of variance you would see in day to day life).


Colorset 1 - Standard

This one was made with a more generic range of colors, for people who aren't really interested in the specific set above.



Off Topic / Nokia N9 achieved
« on: February 09, 2012, 03:15:10 PM »
My uncle wanted a ride into town. When we got there, he asked if I wanted to go for a walk.

We went in to the vodafone shop. He said "we need to have a talk" to the clerk. "I just bought one of these phones a week ago" and showed the clerk his Nokia N9.

"Is it broken?" asked the clerk.
"No, the thing is, my nephew liked it so much that I think I need to get him one as well."


Store clerk: That will be $999.99 GOD OMG


Add-Ons / Ethan's Colorset
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:58:22 AM »
Ethan's Colorset V3

Outside (brick colors, wood colors and similar)
Inside (softer colors and colors more suitable for inside)

Click here to download a Beta version.

Currently being approved on RTB. Please tell me what you think of it.

Off Topic / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:39:41 AM »
I thought I'd take advantage of my timezone and be the first to make the thread.

So, post what you got, and just general Christmas chat.

Gallery / Christmas Server
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:05:21 PM »

Nothing much in here right now, but come along and build something christmassy/something with snow on it. :)

[Ethan]'s Christmas City

It's dedicated, so I might be AFK.

Off Topic / 11111 Posts
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:02:32 AM »
Get to the shelters!

Off Topic / Meet the Maoris
« on: November 27, 2011, 02:11:04 AM »
I think it's time some of you around here met New Zealand's native people, and laugh about how many braincells they lack.

Will add more soon.

Off Topic / 680-tonne Oil Rig Accomodation Block Transported
« on: November 15, 2011, 02:29:50 PM »

It's 680-tonne, 7 stories high, and they made 10 specialist hydraulic trailers just to move it. It had 4 trucks pulling, 2 pushing.
My father built the first 2 floors :)

It's the 4th biggest thing to be transported, ever. In the world.

I went and watched it move last night. loving huge :D
Apparently it cost $250,000 per kilometre to move. And it's 6km from the engineering place to the port. So $1.5m total travelling cost 0.0

Off Topic / Profiles now show BLID
« on: November 14, 2011, 04:09:29 PM »
Sorry if this has been posted before, I did a search but couldn't find anything.

Take a look. All profiles now show ID. Pretty cool.

Off Topic / Tomato
« on: October 22, 2011, 07:18:10 PM »


Off Topic / 10000
« on: October 17, 2011, 07:28:38 PM »
Oh stuff, missed it.
Oh well.

Just passed my 10000th post! :D
w00t, 5 digit club

Off Topic / The Computer Megathread
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:18:35 PM »

Welcome to the Computer Megathread. Here, you will find all the information you need on buying a new system, upgrading your current system, or just problems you are experiencing with your current system.

Table of Contents:

What is a computer?
     - Purpose-built computers
     - Cases/chassis
     - Power supplies
     - Motherboards
     - CPUs (processors)
     - RAM (memory)
     - Hard drives
     - Video cards
     - Optical drives
     - Operating system
     - Other

     - Pros
     - Cons

Custom builds
     - Pros
     - Cons

     - $300
     - $400
     - $500
     - $600
     - $700
     - $800
     - $900
     - $1000
     - $1200
     - $1500
     - $2000
     - Custom
     - Other
     - How to Build

What this thread can do for you
Additional Reading - How to fix a Blue Screen of Death

What is a computer?

A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.
Retrieved from

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Purpose-built computers

There are many different types of computers based on what you wish to do with them. The one you are most likely familiar with is the personal computer, your laptop or desktop. If you are building a system, you will need to decide what you are going to do with your system so you can work out which solution best suits your needs. Some examples are:

Gaming Computers

These computers are a pack-load of power to deliver high-quality graphics and smooth gameplay. This is probably the computer you (would/want to) use.

Emphasized hardware:

Graphics Card: The gamer's best friend, the graphics card is pretty much the heart of making the game look pretty and run fluidly.
Processor: Delivers the power than games can run on.
Computer Monitor: There's no use in investing in monster graphics cards and CPUs when you have a tiny little monitor to look at. Larger monitors fill up your vision more (and may seldomly allow some increased area of vision!) Remember that the bigger the screen, the more work your graphics card has to perform.

Workstation Computers

Workstation computers are built for productivity and are the most used computers in businesses.

Emphasized hardware:

Processor: This dictates the amount of data it can work through, so quite often workstation computers will have 2 separate processors each with their own socket and cores etc.
RAM: RAM would allow the computer to "remember" more things going on at once. This allows multiple programs to be run at a single time, and more data to be remembered in a single application, perfect for productivity programs like video editing or illustration.
Graphics Card: The graphics cards in workstation computers are super expensive, but super powerful.

Server Computers

These computers are used to host internet content, such as web pages or gaming services.

Emphasized hardware:

Internet Connection: Faster and higher-quality internet connections allow users to access your stuff faster. Outdated dial-up connections will probably never be sufficient, while cable broadband systems suit the job way better.
Hard Drives: If you're hosting large amounts of files and data, it's good to know you always have extra space on hand.
RAM: Especially useful for gaming servers where all the game data has to be loaded on to the RAM for faster access and less lag for the end user.
Thanks to QuantumEagle.

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There are a number of components that go into making a complete computer system, some compulsory for the working of the computer system, some are optional for extra features.

Some great places to shop for parts are Newegg or NCIX US.

Below, the main components are listed and briefly explained.


The case of the computer holds all the parts within, in a tidy, manageable, easy-to-build way. It is necessary for part structure, avoiding static charges, and good airflow, as well as looking good.

Typically there are a few brands of computer cases that are built better than the rest and offer more features and better airflow as a rule; some of these are Cooler Master, Thermaltake, NZXT, Silverstone and Antec.

When choosing a computer case, if possible I will always choose a mid ATX tower sized case. This provides lots of room for big video cards and CPU heatsinks and good airflow. I try to stay away from mATX cases due to the cramped insides with not much room for the components and no room for a full sized ATX motherboard.

Even for a cheap computer build I'd recommend keeping over $50 for your case. This will make sure you are provided with a decent quality case if you don't know for sure which one to choose. Feel free to ask me in this thread for my opinion on a case and/or my suggestion for you for a case.

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Power supplies

The power supply unit is arguably the most vital part of the computer. While the CPU is the brain, the PSU is the beating heart, providing juice to the entire system. One that isn't good enough quality or enough wattage for your system's needs will often end up failing and frying some of your components with it.

When choosing a power supply, once again I try and stay with brands that are known to have good products. A few of these are XFX, Cooler Master, Corsair, OCZ and Antec.

Recently a nifty PSU rating system was introduced, called 80 plus. Each power supply is now tested and rated based on its quality. If possible always keep to the power supplies that are rated with at least a 80+ sticker. Strive to get the 80+ bronze sticker instead if you can, and for high budget systems, go the extra mile with a 80+ silver, 80+ gold, or 80+ platinum PSU.

And as always, make sure that you have enough power connectors to power each of your components.

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Motherboards are the boards that everything in your system plugs in to, in one way or another. It provides the routing between your components so they can communicate, so therefore a high quality one is vital. It also provides the socket for your CPU to plug in to, as well as a few other technology limitations, for example, the RAM, or the chipset may not support 2 nVidia video cards working together, but may support 2 AMD video cards working together. For this reason it is quite hard for a beginner in the field to pick a good motherboard, and more often than not, a beginner will usually have at least one incompatibility in their system, usually pertaining to the motherboard.

Some of the good brands I like to keep with are MSI, Gigabyte, Asus, ASRock and EVGA. ASRock provides a great balance between quality and price.

As for the chipset, I like to always strive to get the latest chipset on a motherboard, however due to price, this isn't always a good option. The good chipsets I recommend are 970, 990X and 990FX for AMD boards, and Z68 for Intel boards.

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CPUs (processor)

This is the brain of the computer. Any information running through the computer must be 'processed' by this first. Picking a fast one is always recommended because if you don't, it will limit the information throughput, slowing down the computer.

There isn't really a quality factor with these, and there is only 2 big brands, AMD and Intel.

AMD makes reasonably powerful processors that are cheaper than Intels processors by quite a margin. AMD just released a octo-core (8 core) processor for a really cheap and reasonable price, that can overclock quite easily to 4.5GHz.

However it still doesn't perform as good as Intels latest offerings, the Sandy Bridge lot. These offer amazing performance for $200 or $300, whether or not you want 4 or 8 theoretical cores.

Make sure your motherboard has the right socket for your processor.

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RAM (memory)

This is storage for your computer, but differs from a hard drive. Whilst the hard drive has huge storage and is slow, the RAM is smaller but super fast. It is used as temporary storage for the things you use most while on your computer, such as the operating system and your web browser, so that they are launched faster.

Some good quality brands are Mushkin, Corsair, G-Skill, OCZ, and most of all, Kingston.

The speed of the RAM doesn't really matter above DDR3-1600, as this is kind of the top point that most motherboards/cpus can support effectively. The new AMD 8-cores can support DDR3-1866 though.

For size, a small budget (< $600) I tend to go for 4GB, as that is ample, but anything over, I recommend 8GB at least.

If you are using the computer for productivity, eg music production, photo editing or video editing, you'd want to maybe go for 12gb or 16gb.

Once again, make sure it's compatible with your motherboard :)

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Hard Drives

These are the main storage of your computer and contain everything, including your operating system. These can pretty much be changed around to your liking, depending on how much storage you want/need.

Most current hard drives use the same technology to connect to the motherboard and to the power supply so they are for the most part the easiest component to install if you ever want more storage.

Some good brands are Western Digital (Caviar Black or Caviar Blue, try to stay away from Green), Seagate, and Samsung.

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Video Cards

Often called Graphics Cards, these do all the rendering to achieve what you see on your monitor. If you are an avid gamer, it is crucial to have a good one of these. If you are doing photo editing, illustration or especially 3d modelling, it is crucial to have a good one of these. You don't really have to get a good one if you are only going to be browsing the internet.

It's also recommended to get a good one/multiple good ones if you are going to be using more than one monitor.

Generally they scale with the price, however it can also be misleading.

Most of the brands are good, but there are a few cheaper ones to keep away from if possible, although no major difference if it can't be avoided. Keep in mind that the graphics processor underneath is built by the same 2 brands AMD and nVidia, only the cooler/pcb it is kept on is changed.

Video cards slot straight in to the expansion ports on your motherboard, mostly the PCI-E 16x slot. Sometimes they will need extra power from the power supply, but only on high end cards.

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Optical Drives

These are the CD or DVD drives in your computer. Not really much difference in them, mostly just the speeds, but they all hover around $20. Quite often I won't include these in a new system configuration, because they are cheap, universal and quite often people have them in their older computers that they can use.

If you have a big budget you may wish to go for a blu-ray reader or even a blu-ray writer.

Some features to look out for here are LightScribe and LabelFlash, both are technologies where you can 'burn' a label on to the top side of the CD straight from the CD drive.

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Operating Systems

Pretty much Windows, Linux and Macintosh. I recommend Windows 7, however if you don't have the $100 for an OEM version of Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, then maybe you could install a version of Linux until you can afford Windows. Up to you.

Make sure to keep with the 64-bit versions of your desired operating system to support all your RAM.

There are also free versions of Microsoft Server available for free download off DreamSpark if you are a student:
Suggested by Wedge.

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Other things such as TV cards, wireless adapters, modems that are completely optional but up to the user to install if they want those extra features. These slot in to the expansion ports on the motherboard.

This image made by Wedge shows the location of the components of a PC inside a PC case:

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These are the majority of computers. They come pre-assembled and often bundled with monitors and a bunch of unnecessary software trials installed.


     - Pre-assembled, no hassle for the user
     - No need to have to worry with a parts list and making sure the parts are compatible

Quite frankly that's where the pros end though.


     - Expensive. Quite often you can achieve equal specs, at about 2/3rds of the price. Maybe even more.
     - Build quality. Most prebuilt brands use cheaper components such as the motherboard and PSU.

There are a few good prebuilt companies. Two that offer good price to performance ratios are iBuyPower and CyberPowerPC.
MSI and Asus have really nice laptops for sale.
If you really have a lot of money, I recommend a Falcon Northwest for build quality and raw power, however they do cost a lot.

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These are computers you build yourself. This is what I recommend. You can get much more for your money, and you can get a computer where every single bit you like, from aesthetics to how many USB ports you want.


     - Cheaper
     - More quality parts are used (if you pick properly)
     - Totally customizable
     - Upgradeability in the future


     - Inconvenient. Unless you are like me and enjoy building/tinkering with computers, you may find it a nuisance.

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Below I will suggest some systems for varying price ranges. Don't forget that the total may include rebates. Also, none of these include an operating system. Keep $100 aside for your OS.



Use the onboard integrated video chipset until you can afford a better one, unless you don't need one.

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Same as the $300 but this one has a decent video card.

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Once again same as the $300 but with a better video card.

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Complete rebuild using better quality parts. Won't notice too much performance boost over the $500, but has much much better upgrade ability.

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Off Topic / Unwritten Calender
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:37:12 AM »
"Hey, just wanted to say, for my birthday I gained about $174 from others.
With that money, would you recommend that I buy the Radeon 6850?"

Well, in case you missed my ever so subtle signature, you won't know that I can't PM.


I'd suggest the XFX both for the cooler and the lifetime warranty they have, but it is over budget without a rebate.

Off Topic / Bad Translator
« on: September 18, 2011, 11:21:07 PM »

Pretty fun to play around with.
Post your results!

I'll go first:
I like pie. > I love cake. 10 translations.

Off Topic / Ethan's New Car!
« on: September 16, 2011, 09:30:05 PM »

Ford Telstar TX5 XRI 1993:

2.5L V6 KL-DE engine producing ~180 to ~200HP
Manual 5-speed gearbox
Sunroof and Roof racks
Tape and CD player with a decent amplifier
4 wheel ABS brakes
Lowered a bit
Bodykit lip
15" DTM Rims
Cruise Control

Me and a friend tested it the other day. Got it 0 to 50km/h (30mph) in 3.4 seconds, and that was with LOTS of wheelspin. Could be tweaked to be faster with less wheelspin (new tyres, current are quite bald) and could be gotten to 100km/h (60mph) with a short shift to 2nd (2nd gear is amazingly powerful) and the standard awesome acceleration, for a rough 0-60 time for it, of about 5.5 to 6.5 seconds. It's really really fast.

Top speed is apparently 227km/h (141mph) although I have gotten it to 150km/h in 3rd without even trying on a short road. Maybe this one has been tuned.


Front corner, notice the awesome 15" mags.

Another shot of the front.

The back. The whole car has just been resprayed Red.

Front again.

Side, you can see the sunroof.

Another side, lower.

Side again!


The back lights, showing my old Mitsubishi Mirage MIVEC which has a leak in the piston rings :(

Roof, roof racks and sunroof.


Grand total: $2000 NZD ($1600 USD)


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