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Topics - Masterlegodude

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Games / Foundonthetape ARG - /!\ WARNING: Scary /!\
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:33:50 PM »

This may be a part of an ARG (alternate reality game), like how Valve had an ARG for Portal 2, but i don't think this is by Valve, i think it's something for another game, but anyway

This is scary, really, there is this Youtube profile called 'foundonthetape' [link], the user's videos contain an old VCR tape being played and showing various footage with a bad quality camera while various scenes with scary stuff flashed in between, one of them looked like a disembodied head that was all bloody and laying at the edge of a stair

In the comments, someone said
Because the numbers in the middle of the video "74696E7975726C2E636F6D2F42565­52D38303074696E7975726C2E636F6­D2F4256552D383030" converted to ASCII link to a HL2 EP2 map.

After some messing around with conversion sites, i found the Megaupload download link that i heard people talking about that contains a Source Engine map file called foundonthetape_1.bsp with the description "ep2", i totally expected something scary, but what i experienced wasn't that bad, i open up HL2: Ep 2, load up the map, you start out in this small room with a grayscale effect

Due to the player's view being taken control by a camera, and the player having no player model, i was unable to see where i was, so i went into thirdperson to see the 'player.mdl' model that was a low poly player model that's never seen without the use of console commands, after i seen where i was, i went into the door, hoping it wouldn't be a screamer or anything really scary

It was technically a SCREAMER, the image wasn't scary, it was a bad quality blurred image, but there was this NOISE OF WHICH I DIDN'T KNOW THE VOLUME OF because i lowered my volume expecting something, fret not, it's not screaming or any gory sounds, actually, i don't even know what it was, like i said, i had my sound lowered

So what could this be? What could it mean? I tried exploring further, but i jumped from the sight of that picture showing up out of nowhere, so even with thirdperson, i couldn't see where i was because the image took over the whole screen, so not knowing where i was or what i could do, i just console killed myself to see if the image was still there once i restarted back in the room, no, it was gone, i didn't dare go back into that door though

Download link for foundonthetape_1.bsp

FotT Steam Group

FotT Wiki


I wish they'd make Survivors figures from both Left 4 Dead games, but what they're saying they have right now, i really REALLY want those, especially the Portal Gun and the Companion Cube!

Off Topic / How's them weathers where you live?
« on: July 21, 2011, 07:16:27 PM »

Because everything is absolutely fine here! /sarcasm

I really hate the summertime ;~;

Off Topic / Jadusable: More stuff having to do with Ben?
« on: July 09, 2011, 12:39:09 PM »
Apparently this video was uploaded around February
h b i s r ea l

SirTobbii's 'A Deep Look into' for Jadusable's video

What could it mean? D:

Links to the Creepypasta

General Discussion / Whatever happened to the Blockland/RTB Wiki?
« on: May 30, 2011, 11:26:29 PM »
I know there used to be one, but was it deleted for it not being edited much and being ruined on some pages?

Anyway, Paladin Zack was saying how there should be a Wiki for Blockland and he came across this Blockland Wiki from 2009, it's barely got anything on it and that MetalMario guy hasn't done anything since 2009, so it's pretty abandoned

I feel too disturbed by how there is no design to it, just the default Wikia design and there's barely any content, i know that it's because no one's worked on it since it was created

But i can work better if there's already stuff there, like the Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead, and Half Life wikis, i may contribute to it, but i'm not good at designs

I really don't want it to have the lame default Wikia look, it needs to look like the Blockland site and the Blockland Forums, i guess

Music / Aperture Innovators theme
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:50:03 PM »
/!\These OGG files were made to be played in a specific way with the Event System, see below/!\

Listen to the full song here

Download (16929 in milliseconds) (1505 in milliseconds) (7054 in milliseconds)

How to:
To play the songs in order and correctly, place a music brick and put in the following settings

[Check] [0] onActivate - Self- setMusic - Aperture Innovators Intro
[Check] [16929] onActivate - Self - setMusic - Aperture Innovators Loop
[Check] [18434] onActivate - Self - setMusic - Aperture Innovators End
[Check] [25488] onActivate - Self - setMusic - NONE

If you want to extend the loop, just multiply the length of the 'Loop' (1505 milliseconds) by the amount of times you want it to replay, and plus that number to the length of the 'Intro' (16929), for example, you want the 'Loop' to repeat 5 times, multiplying 1505 by 5 is 7525, plus 7525 to the length of the 'Intro' (16929) and you get 24454, so set 24454 as the delay time for the 'End', it should then look like this

[Check] [0] onActivate - Self- setMusic - Aperture Innovators Intro
[Check] [16929] onActivate - Self - setMusic - Aperture Innovators Loop
[Check] [24454] onActivate - Self - setMusic - Aperture Innovators End
[Check] [25488] onActivate - Self - setMusic - NONE

Now here's how we're gonna take care of that pesky 'NONE' delay, the length of the 'End' is 7054, so get out your Aperture Science Number Processing And Calculating Unit and plus 7054 to the amount that is in the delay box for the 'End', in this case, 24454 + 7054 = 31508, but due to limitations, we can't actually use 31508, so use 30000 instead, no one's gonna know the difference! Now here's what it should look like

[Check] [0] onActivate - Self- setMusic - Aperture Innovators Intro
[Check] [16929] onActivate - Self - setMusic - Aperture Innovators Loop
[Check] [24454] onActivate - Self - setMusic - Aperture Innovators End
[Check] [30000] onActivate - Self - setMusic - NONE

And you're all done, now click your music brick and listen to the wonderful sound of science!

Oh and clicking the music brick multiple times will result in strange happenings so here's some advice the lab boys gave me; DO NOT press the music brick multiple times!

If you are unable to follow these instructions correctly, then you are not worthy enough to work for Aperture Innovators and will be thrown of out the nearest exit

Cave Johnson, we're done here!

Games / Borderlands' Modest Proposal
« on: May 22, 2011, 04:47:39 PM »


Gearbox Software created this fantastic video for two of its biggest Borderlands fans, Ben and Tora. With the help of Claptrap, Ben popped the question to Tora on April 23. As seen exclusively on Kotaku.

Update: Tora said yes.!5795148/when-your-favorite-game-is-proposing-marriage-the-answer-is-yes

I didn't know Borderlands had 'biggest fans', i thought everyone liked that game all the same, it's a silly video though

Off Topic /; Now with more Facebook!
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:52:49 PM »
If you've been to recently and went to any of the downloads, you'd see Garry has replaced Disqus with Facebook, what are your thoughts and opinions on the matter?

I personally hate this, i don't want to get a Facebook account to comment on things, and i liked to make comments here and there, now all the comments are gone as well, it should be A) Have Facebook an optional choice, B) Back to Disqus, or probably the best choice, C) Comment using your Steam account, since to download things you need to be logged in anyway

Off Topic / Happy 17th birthday to me!
« on: May 05, 2011, 03:15:40 AM »

Yay, i'm only getting money because i have nothing else to get, but yay nonetheless :D

Music / Lavender Town (Pokemon Red/Blue)
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:37:11 PM »
I have to hurry and post this quickly, i'm cold and i feel scared... i think there's a ghost here to put a curse on me, i blame myself, i think i let it in, didn't i? ...I should just go hide in a tunnel or something

Listen to the full song

It's a 38 second loop, here's the download link
Lavender Town.ogg

Put it in the Blockland/Add-Ons/Music directory

Games / Team Fortress 2's Meet the Medic: Coming soon!
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:29:28 PM »

and it’s going to be one of the best TF2 videos yet.

The best? :D

Off Topic / So the moon will be coming close to the Earth tonight...
« on: March 19, 2011, 03:17:47 PM »

Get your cameras out and climb the biggest tree while you still can!

Yes another topic in the Games section about the Source Engine, but this video shows off a day and night cycle where the shadows actually move according to the sun direction and the lighting changes and dynamic weather, Left 4 Dead 2 uses a rain effect in the Hard Rain levels, but it's still a pretty awesome effect

The art style of whatever game that is reminds me of Borderlands

Games / Garry's Mod + Kinect
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:54:33 AM »

This guy wrote some looa scripts and some see that allows him to use the Xbox 360 Kinect device with Garry's Mod and is able to control ragdolls and hoverballs constrained to each other, it seems to work pretty well, the ragdoll that's being controlled looks a bit twitchy and it doesn't seem that Kleiner's hands are being controlled, but it looks nice overall

Music / Terminator (NES): Sewer
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:02:39 AM »
A 4.273 second loop of the sewer theme from the Terminator game for the NES

Terminator Sewer.ogg

Just drop it into the Blockland/Add-Ons/Music directory and don't forget to enable it by going to the Music Files menu

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