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Topics - TheArmyGuy

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Add-Ons / [Item] Perkele
« on: January 13, 2019, 06:13:24 PM »
An item similar to Conan's spectator items (i.e. I pretty much just imported it in blender and changing the animation and sounds) that lets you give the finger to anything and everything, accompanied by up to five different Finnish cursewords.


Add-Ons / [Vehicle] Bloko Subway Train (fixed datablock load issue)
« on: January 13, 2019, 02:13:15 PM »
A small subway train sinpired by the New York Subway trains. This train was made for Conan's server_railroad add-on.

  • 18 seats plus the driver
  • Driver position flips based on direction of train
  • Lights flip based on direction of train


Does not really require but works really well with Conan's server_Railroad:

Add-Ons / [Vehicle] Pickup truck
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:35:41 PM »
A large pickup truck with 5 seats. Comes in normal and police versions.
Heavy code and sound credit to Teneksi, check out his vehicles on Glass!

This vehicle has a large amount of extra features. A comprehensive list:
Daytime running lights (Press R)
Headlights (Press R twice)
Indicators (Press shift brick left or right)
Brakelights (Press space bar)
Reverse lights
Working gas pedal
Working brake pedal
Opening doors (click to open, needs interactive vehicle support)
Opening hood and trunk (needs interactive vehicle support)
5 seats (compatible with support_VehicleDismount)
4 different bed options (use /veh)
Bullbar and lightbar options (use /veh)
Working fuel gauge (needs server_GasMod, optional and not required)
Working speedometer
Working/integrated dash board with:
*Daytime running light notifier
*Headlight notifier
*Fuel low notifier
*Door open notifier

Shifter shifts into reverse when reversing
Working window wipers (click the wiper stalk)
Police version has working emergency lights/siren (press +, shift brick away or shift brick towards)

This vehicle does not REQUIRE any of the below add-ons, but will work a lot better and be more interactive with them:
Gas Mod: (gas gauge wont work without this)
Vehicle dismount: (puts you next to the doors instead of on top of the vehicle when dismounting)
Interactive vehicle support: (allows you to open the doors, hood and trunk, and operate the window wipers)


Add-Ons / [Vehicle] Tatra 813 extreme offroad truck
« on: July 18, 2018, 06:07:19 AM »
A heavy offroad, 8 wheeled transport vehicle originally made in Czechoslovakia.

-Seats 6 blockheads
-All four doors openable by clicking on them
-8 wheels, 8WD
-Front two wheel pairs steer
-Animated suspension
-Animated steering wheel
-Working headlights (press R once for daytime lights, press again for actual light)
-Working indicators (use brick shift left and right, normally numpad 4 and 6)
-Working brakelights
-Configurable payload, use /veh payload to select it
-Toggleable plow, use /veh plow to enable or disable it
-Can take pretty much all terrain

Loads of credit to Teneksi for the code used for the lights and indicators, and Barnabas for providing reference models.

Requires interactive vehicle support:

Download (mediafire until glass approves it):

Add-Ons / [Brick] Road markings
« on: June 25, 2018, 01:09:02 PM »
Several bricks to spice up your roads. Road bricks not included.

These go on top of the road. They're very flat (about 2% of normal brick height).

Includes (top to bottom, left to right):
Yield sign, max speed 80, ahead or turn right, ahead or turn left, max speed 30, max speed 50, turn right only, turn left only, ahead only, 2x2 block, 1x1 block, 1x1 triangle, 2x2 triangle, 3x3 triangle not shown in image for some reason, 1x8 block, 1x4 block and 1x2 block.


Gallery / [Wrong board]
« on: June 25, 2018, 01:07:55 PM »

Add-Ons / [Vehicle] Passenger train
« on: June 18, 2018, 02:54:06 PM »
I made a passenger train a while ago, decided to fix it up and release it.
As some of you may know by now I'm something of a train enthusiast so it's quite detailed and accurate to real life.
The passenger train is a 3-car Stadler FLIRT-3, in NS (Dutch railways) livery. Google it for comparison.
I tried my best to make it look both true to real life, yet kind of blocky and with a reasonable polycount (total at around 21k, which is like two detailed cars like Filipe makes).

  • The doors open if you click the little buttons on them. All doors on one side open at once when you do this (you cannot walk inside the train, but you will mount if you walk 'into' the doors).
  • Seats 16 blockheads (driver+conductor+14 passengers).
  • You can just barely fit under it if you crouch to prevent getting run over.
  • Teleports itself back on track if derailed.
  • Type /togglebell to toggle the bell.
  • Click to sound the horn.

This train does not follow track. It goes forwards and backwards only. This add-on will not be changed to be able to do that unless you yourself are willing to put the coding effort required into it.
Put it on a 7 wide track. It will probably break if you put it on a 6 stud wide track. This is an example of a 7 stud wide track:

Some renders and in-game screenshots:

Some credit to Uxie for code and sounds from the steam train add-on.



Add-on itself:
Blockland glass

Do not ask me to make a specific livery of this train, because I won't. The .blend is all yours to try for yourself though, so you can PM me should you want that.

Add-Ons / SWep Heavy Sniper and Hunting Rifle
« on: April 01, 2018, 01:48:29 PM »
I made a couple of additions to the SWep package Swollow made like a year ago. I asked Swollow to be sure and have her permission to make/release this.

These addons require Swollow's SWep package in order to work. They will not work without it
Download the SWep package here:

The Heavy Sniper requires Rally's Fast Projectile script which is in beta
Download it here:

SWep Heavy Sniper

  • Does 90 normal damage, 250 headshot damage
  • Bullets go insanely fast (800 u/s, where 200 u/s is the normal max)
  • Has really good gravity simulation thanks to Rally's script
  • Uses Heavy ammo (I know it's not accurate but I don't want to spam datablocks with an ammo type for each weapon)
  • Reload animation
  • Firing barrel recoil animation (just like the real M82)
  • The handle jiggles a bit when you fire it
  • Holds 6 bullets
  • Is semi-automatic
  • Has CI icons for headshots and normal kills that match Swollow's package's icons as closely as possible in style
  • Uses the sound from CoD MW2 when firing so you get really nostalgic shooting it
  • Really good at shooting Russian ultranationalists in the left shoulder

SWep Hunting Rifle

  • Does 30 damage
  • Uses Shotgun ammo, but it fires slugs
  • Break-action reload animation
  • Single action, so it only holds one bullet
  • Has CI icons that match Swollow's package's icons as closely as possible in style
  • Steals pretty much all sounds and shells from other shotguns in the SWep base package so it has like 3 datablocks

The Heavy Sniper is really overpowered and the hunting rifle is really underpowered. They are not meant to be balanced but instead different tiers.

Suggestions & Requests / Hammer that 'cuts' a single brick
« on: January 24, 2018, 05:57:10 PM »
Basically an item much like the default hammer, except it performs the function of the new duplicator cut function. It doesn't keep the brick or anything, but would only remove that one single brick, leaving any other bricks potentially floating. Should be possible, right now I often have issues with bricks disappearing clientside while still existing serverside when I hammer a floating brick connected to other floating bricks.

Off Topic / My loving laptop was stolen on my birthday
« on: November 20, 2017, 07:44:17 PM »
So yeah quick vent

Having dinner for birthday with the girlfriend and parents. Come back to the car, window smashed, bag stolen. Bag had my laptop with lots all of my wip addons on it but not much else since that's all in dropbox. 250 dollar watch my gf bought me for my birthday was in the bag (literally only that day and never again since I had just gotten it for my birthday and still had to be made to fit at the goldsmith). Car insurance doesn't cover because apparantly you need a household effects insurance for that which I don't have because I don't own a loving house. Was literally in the middle of the city at 7pm right next to a main road. Also lost my gaming mouse and another 60 dollar shaving set I got as a gift. I hope the guy who stole it loving dies the most horrible death imaginable because this pretty much ruined my 21st birthday. Gf is incredibly upset as she worked a forgetton for that watch. Bag wasn't even in sight they just smahsed the window, opened the door and searched the entire car. I also have a test tomorrow for which I need the laptop so I'm gonna fail that (profs don't give a stuff, already emailed).

So yeah forget this birthday forget me forget forget forget


So I'm trying to make some turrets again but either something changed in Blender since my last turret or I am loving something up by forgetting it. I've been trying for 3 hours to get it right but it just won't work. The barrels of the turret point down into the ground and the projectiles spawn way up into the sky. The turret also hovers slightly above the ground.

.blend file:
add-on .zip:

My main problem is that I am using the exact same rigging as another turret I made which works perfectly, so that's incredibly weird.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: The turret is now working except the barrels are flipped 90 degrees. As in the player's view is 90 degrees ahread of the barrel rotation.

Suggestions & Requests / Fillcan deletion tool?
« on: July 18, 2017, 06:48:27 PM »
Bascially a tool like the fillcan except it destroys all bricks of the same color instead of painting them.

Suggestions & Requests / img2brick
« on: July 18, 2017, 03:30:26 PM »
Does anyone have it? I need it to lay out a map I made in for an ingame project.

Add-Ons / [TURRET] SeaRAM air defense turret
« on: July 07, 2017, 02:26:29 PM »
I've made this a while back, but have never gotten to releasing it.
It's a Phalanx SeaRAM turret. It's basically the javelin except stationary and with infinite ammo. It can only target vehicles (not players/bots). It has a minimum lockon distance (not too big), but it's maximum lockon range is pretty much as far as you can see. Great to prevent spawncamping by jets/helicopters in deathmatches.

Requires the Javelin by Stratofortress to work, download here:

Download link for the actual turret:

Modification Help / Default/integrated animations?
« on: July 06, 2017, 09:29:50 AM »
What are all of the default integrated animations in vehicles? I know there's steering and brakeLight (or something like that), but are there any others (like tilt/roll/throttle up)?

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