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Topics - Planr

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I see these servers with custom loading screen images; how do I do that myself? Is it a mod? What is required to replicate that?

I've been having problems lately with my Minecraft installation where I was getting extreme lag doing the simplest tasks, so I've been trying to reinstall all my mods and forge itself. I already deleted and uninstalled forge from my computer and my minecraft installation, but for some reason when I try to run the installation file I downloaded from the forge website to run it again, it won't run. Neither the .msi or .jar will work, all that happens when I click on them is the mouse cursor displays the "working" symbol then stops and nothing further happens.

What is wrong with my computer? Why won't forge install? I need help bad.

So I went to join Edd's server since his server title "Edd's a" made me believe he was making a funny new version of the "e" addons.

Everything seemed perfectly normal, I suspected nothing and was hoping to check out what he was hosting.

Then a few seconds after I had fully connected and started downloading the server's files, I was immediately and permanently banned by Edd for absolutely no reason:

What's his problem? Anyone else had similar encounters with this guy?

Off Topic / what kind of ponic is the one with soil?????
« on: December 01, 2017, 07:30:18 PM »
so theres hydroponics, which is growing plants with just water, without soil
then theres aeroponics, which is growing plants with just fancy air, without soil
but whats the ponic that *does* have soil? aka normal ways of growing food, in soil with water, fertilizer and air? whats that called?
what ponic is it?

Off Topic / Is it safe to drink hot chocolate out of a tervis?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:51:02 PM »

is it safe to drink hot chocolate out of this? i wont get cancer or plastic poisoning or anything? the plastic wont melt?

asking for myself because i already fixed the hot chocolate and the tervis mug is the only thing big enough around to hold more than 2 cups of liquid

Off Topic / I can't seem to change my avatar? ("Generic Error!")
« on: November 18, 2017, 12:48:08 AM »

this is what shows up when i try to change my avatar

the heck is going on

My only beef with modter is how awful it is on server performance when it's cleared. I built an awesome modter planet that is even better than the classic Reactor Worker's solar system planets map from pre-v21, yet it's a total nightmare for me to clear and sometimes crashes my server due to issues with clearing large amounts of modter at once. I wish this issue was fixed or a workaround was found somehow, but sadly I haven't seen any good solution to the problem yet. Because of this, I can't use my modter planet except for specific static gamemodes (where the bricks are loaded and nothing needs to be cleared until the server shuts down).

Is there any fix to this? Clearing large amounts of modter either crashes the game or freezes everything for  30 seconds-5 minutes. Is there any better way to use modter or to clear it so this does not happen?

its from some car movie

like i think its vin diesel or the rock johnson and he pulls up next to some skinny white guy in a car (i think it was tom cruise) and he nodded and looked at him and this song played and was like "nanananaNAAAAAAAA never SEE your face"

idk i keep hearing this dumb song at my workplace and i have no idea what its supposed to mean

ps i might be handicapped



Quote from:
The death toll from a truck bomb that exploded near to a hotel and market in Mogadishu rose to 276 on Sunday, making it the worst terrorist atrocity in the country's history.

Saturday's savage attack targeted a busy street close to several important ministries in Somalia's capital. Officials say about 300 people were wounded.

"This is the deadliest attack ever," police official Ibrahim Mohamed told AFP.

"It is very difficult to get a precise number because the dead bodies were taken to different medical centres and some of them [were taken] directly by their relatives for burial."

Most of the bodies in have been burnt beyond recognition, and police are braced for the number to rise due to the severity of the injuries sustained in the blast, which is the Horn Of Africa's deadliest single attack.
Quote from: NBC News
The government has blamed the al-Qaida-linked extremist group al-Shabab for the attack, which it called a "national disaster." However, al-Shabab, which often targets high-profile areas of the capital with bombings, had yet to comment.

"They don't care about the lives of Somali people, mothers, fathers and children," Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire said. "They have targeted the most populated area in Mogadishu, killing only civilians."

We have two rape mods, the dinner blaster and carrot launchers. Why isnt this a thing yet too.

Someone make it please.

Preferred to be a model of a boeing 767 for accuracy but feel free to just use an existing airplane model, like phydeoux's passenger jet model (assuming he gives permission).

So I want to be able to listen to the music of Star Trek Online whenever I want (like one does when they buy a CD for something), but the problem is that there are no CDs or online copies of the music for the game sold. However, I already own a copy of Star Trek Online (from back when it was still pay-to-play) and I still have it now in its free-to-play state.

So, taking all that into account, and the fact that I want to be able to listen to the music wherever, anyone know what the legality is (US law in question here) of listening to music from the files of a video game I bought? I want to be able to legally listen to it without breaking copyright/piracy laws. Do I have to officially buy the music (even if nobody makes or sells the music separately from the game)? Or is it okay if I rip it from the game's audio files and import it into my iTunes library.

This is an example of the music I want to rip from my game files to listen to offline:

Just wondering.

Off Topic / Today is my 21st birthday, AMA
« on: September 19, 2017, 04:11:36 PM »
happy birthday 2 me

went bowling on sunday for my bday party, got a PS4 Slim 1TB with kingdom hearts HD 1.5+2.5 Final Mix, and Horizon Zero Dawn
also got a deep fryer for home so i can make my own chicken tendies

do i plan to drink: no
would i be against it: also no

feel free to ask me anything i guess

So I have a resource pack I've been using on Minecraft for the past six months or so, but lately i've been having serious problems wherein I can't update the resource pack anymore, because I can't find the default sound folder. None of the tutorials or guides online are any help since they're all grossly outdated (they're all from like 2015, and I can't find any good ones that are newer than that).

My assets folder no longer has a sound folder in it after upgrading to 1.12, and I can't find any asset folder templates online that have the sound files in them either.

What do I do? Help pls

Basically I need an inverted version of this brick:

I can't seem to find the pack it's from but if anyone happens to remember do let me know

i'm asking because I need it for a lot of my spacebuilding projects

anyone up to the task?

Airlines VS People round 9001

Here we go again

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