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Topics - SuperSuit12

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General Discussion / Dystopic: The Second Revolution (Build/RP)
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:55:56 PM »
Hosting yet another server.
Please don't make this thread weird like last time.

It has 2D music and a bunch of events that make a full song play instead of just a <40 seconds loop.
It's an RP or a build, whichever you feel like. The theme is, of course, a dystopia. Creativity isn't allowed, everyone must conform or be locked away. There's already been a revolution, but obviously, it has failed. Years later, the revolution has been rebuilt and is ready to fight for their creativity!

...I now wonder if there's a weaponized paint can weapon. That'd be kinda cool. "WANNA TURN EVERYTHING GREY? TOO BAD, YOU ARE PURPLE AND DEAD."
Anyways, the name is Dystopic: The Second Revolution.

Suggestions & Requests / Gravity Events / Playertype?
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:21:53 PM »
I want some sort of events or playertype that allow me to make players have their gravity changed.
A playertype for each direction could be sorta brute-forced with events, but I'd prefer events that work with different playertypes or at least with only one playertype that is the only playertype that responds to the events.
Basically, gravity modification so it goes in different directions.

General Discussion / Building a map
« on: August 30, 2015, 04:13:05 PM »
Okay! So I finally got over my notsurewhattosay-ness and this should be the final major edit!

I'm not sure how to build a build. I've got loads of neat bricks, but I can't figure out where to start with this build.
Where do I start with a build, generally?

Modification Help / How to make static maps?
« on: August 29, 2015, 06:49:58 PM »
I want to know... How do I make static maps? The thread just gives you some maps... It doesn't say how to make them.
(Wondering what I'm talking about? Go find the static maps addon. It brings back the Bedroom, which I haven't seen, so I don't care about it that much. But I want to be able to build my own maps for it and don't know how.)

General Discussion / Scriptopia Freebuild
« on: August 25, 2015, 09:17:59 PM »
I don't know what to put here, other than that Scriptopia is a server, so lemme describe it!
First off, it's not always up. It's there when I either forget to close it or am playing on it, so it's not going to be up during the day on weekdays.
Secondly, it's an organized freebuild server with addons, some custom-made for the server and not avaliable elsewhere. There are different zones for different things. Want to play around and spawn a million cars to hit bots with? Go to the playground. Want to build pretty? Go to the normal zone. ModTer racetrack? The Huge zone is for you. Your builds will eventually be removed, but they will always be saved somewhere and can be restored.
Most addons are bricks, tools, or other decorative things. There are three or so addons that aren't bricks or part of the normal game.

My name is SuperSuit12 and the server name is Scriptopia Freebuild, and you can find it in the list by sorting alphabetically. My IP is kinda messed up due to firewall or something, so just sort alphabetically. If it isn't there, it's not up or my firewall has decided to start blocking it.

Also, it has some addon examples in spawn. Be sure to turn right and go to the tutorial when you first join! Spawn has lots of things that send chat messages, so be sure to read them.

Modification Help / Not sure how to make custom blocks
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:28:56 PM »
I want to make custom blocks.
How do I get started? I've seen a few tutorials that seem to be about addons or weapons, or all the pictures are replaced with ads.
(I mean blocks like the prison bars or the grating. Not just regular bricks, those are like, generated by a script or something and you give it dimensions.)

Help / Brick Ownership + Updates
« on: August 20, 2015, 04:52:46 PM »
Two questions.
A: Sometimes public bricks, when built on top of, turn my bricks to public, but NOT ALWAYS. Sometimes they're fine! I have one save where I built on public bricks, but my bricks are still my bricks. However, once I actually complete the garage I've been building, it turns public. So, why are they not always turning my bricks public? Is there a way to keep it from happening? I'd like to be able to have people build on public bricks and not lose all their build to the perms system being stupid when it comes to public bricks.
B: Is this game ever going to be updated? Has anyone heard anything from the developer, whether it's "it's done, I'm finished" or "I'm taking a long break" or "Help I am about to be hit by a bus"?

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