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Topics - Master Matthew²

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Forum Games / Super Forum Simulator 2
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:56:21 PM »

Welcome, Super Forum Simulator 2 is the thread where you act as though you are going to be put into a forum simulator. Keep in mind, there will only be Super Mario 2 Music should there ever be a video

Wow, another simulator thread? Real original
Almost as Original as your Comment
Is this where I post the memes?


Off Topic / I made a Petition on to Valve.
« on: January 03, 2017, 07:17:40 PM »
I made a Petition on to Valve.

Recently, the community on steam has discovered a way, through manipulation of code, to use a leftover avatar colour from the 2014 Holiday Season. In this discovery of the golden avatar border and name colour, many have been asking if Valve would add in custom colour options for the Steam Community. But it would appear unlikely due to concerns over misuse of such features. But I believe these concerns could be easily fixed and I have created this petition to let Valve know this.

The concern over improper use of custom name colours and border outlines is understandable when very few have access to it, but should everyone have access to it, why would it be an issue? I genuinely have yet to understand this. Currently name colours are used to identify Moderators and other forms of Staff on steam forums, but not only does this seem to be a large reason as to why Valve likely would not wish to implement these features, but it can and should be changed. People who suffer from visual disabilities such as colour blindness, may not be able to differentiate between moderators and normal users, unless some other form of recognition is set, such as a Star over the corner of the avatar or subtext below the name that reads 'Moderator'.

For many years, colour has been used in steam to Identify if a player is Online, In-Game, or offline, but the same colour has been used for Online, Away and Busy for as long as I can remember, making the colour identification a bit unreliable, and really this should be noted, again with a small icon next to the avatar or the name, which could be identified with a glance, instead of needlessly sifting through a friend's list to find someone to invite to your game.

In conclusion, the colour identification system of Steam is archaic, and unneeded. This system should be replaced to both benefit players, and increase the creative ability of the steam community. 

What are your thoughts on this?

Off Topic / -
« on: January 01, 2017, 11:10:34 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / A subtle Renderman Mod - Removing the FNAF Element
« on: December 20, 2016, 07:12:00 PM »
A subtle Renderman Mod - Removing the FNAF Element

In ChrisBot6's Renderman mod, I have seen a gamemode that does not represent the original Renderman update and phenomenon, but instead ham-fisted FNAF Elements into this once fun passtime. Rendermen were once far away characters, who would watch as we were put into an unnerving and creepy environment. But this mod, which has some how become the only remnant and for some reason what people remember of this era, is nothing more than Jump Scares and loving Irritating deaths.

Changing the famous ascii Terror Face

To the meme Grin Man Face

What i'm requesting is very simple to understand, yet it would seem I have yet to find what I'm looking for.

  • Renderman to be on their original Model, using their Original Face (Ascii Terror Face)
  • Preppers to use their original face (Ascii terror face)
  • I want a mod where there are no extra sounds, just rendermen
  • No renderman death match or anything stupid, just far away spectators, and nearby preppers
  • Maybe a little variation in the models, but no extra elements (hats, capes, etc.), and no chest decal
  • And for the love of forget, don't link me to the Chrisbot6 Mod, I've already posted it here, and that mod is NOT what I'm looking for.

Off Topic / $40.10 in Steam Money, what should I do?
« on: December 07, 2016, 08:32:17 PM »
$ 40.10 in Steam Money, what should I do?

I was looking on steam, but so many of them are cash grabs, stuff, or above my price range. So, BLF, What should I do?
Get your hooker jokes out now.
And no, you aren't getting handouts.

Off Topic / My 1500th Post! - Let's celebrate/critique my posts
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:56:36 PM »
My 1500th Post! - Let's celebrate/critique my posts

The image above is a higher quality version of my avatar, click it for the full size version.
       Whether it be funny, cringy, awful, informative or just interesting, I'm sure in 1500 Posts you can find something of worth that I have said to post here. Just post the Quote and I will feature the best ones in the OP. I'm sure many of you know me by now, so finding my posts shouldn't be hard, although reading them all might be, so the best of luck to those who wish to go out and search for my best and worst posts. Mostly, out of this, I want feedback, I know I haven't said the smartest of things, and I no doubt have made some bad posts, but that is what this is here for, I want to improve. One of my major posting issues I've been trying to work on is shoving politics down peoples throats when it isn't necessary, and when I see what some of my family members post on Facebook, I can see why that pisses people off, and I have been trying to just push myself out of politics altogether anyway (holy stuff its cancerous.).

Disclaimer :

       While some may consider this an unnecessary post, I feel I need to make this post, less for making it to a marking point, and more as a way of improving, sorry if this thread seems pointless to you, but it isn't to me. I Just can't help but feel I haven't been doing my best to improve, and it is kind of hard when I'm not getting feedback on things I have posted commonly, and instead of randomly asking for feedback, I thought I should combine this so I can have a proper critique on some failed posts and at the same time celebrate my few not so failed posts. Without any further explanation let's get this show rollin'.

TL;DR - This is a critique thread on my failed posts, and a celebration thread on my successful posts, this is a reflection thread for me, so I can get some input on any and all of my posts.

Off Topic / [News] Electors Plot to Sabotage Donald Annoying Orange
« on: December 02, 2016, 10:32:48 PM »
15 us electors plot to vote against Annoying Orange and the will of the people.
This is illegal in several states

No doubt should this happen, *representive* democracy will be pronounced dead.

Off Topic / Adobe VoCo - Witchcraft in Disguise!
« on: November 23, 2016, 11:30:14 PM »
Adobe VoCo - Witchcraft in Disguise!

So, I saw this stuff, and I didn't believe it. But holy stuff, this is loving madness, this will undoubtedly lead to many interesting YouTube Poops. So without confusing you any further, this program takes 20 minute voice samples, and makes it so you can change anything the person in the sample says, to something else. Let's use the examples in the video, here so you can follow along and see what I mean.
Or you could just click the numbers next to the text and hear it.

2:12 And ur I kissed my dogs and my wife

2:34 And ur I kissed my WIFE AND MY WIFE

3:11 And ur I kissed my WIFE AND MY dogs

Now are you ready for some life changing stuff?

3:54 And ur I kissed Jordan AND my dogs

4:40 And ur I kissed Jordan three times

I expect A whole new era for YouTube Poops as soon as this is released.

Off Topic / Actually forget it!
« on: November 22, 2016, 11:34:58 PM »
Online IQ test that isn't bullstuff!

Fairly Simple, just take the test and post your Score.

Mine ranged from 99 - 105 (I took the test multiple times to get an range there)

Off Topic / When I close my eyes, everything goes black.
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:28:59 PM »
When I close my eyes, everything goes black.

      Okay I'm not sure if any of you are like this, it's really weird, so most people say when they close their eyes they can see they're 'imagination' All I see is black. It's dark and empty, it reminds me of night time. Although it's not very cold when I close my eyes, it is very dark and I DO NOT see anything I imagine when I close my eyes. Why do people say 'Close your eyes and imagine this', You don't see your imaginations, you think them, if you close your eyes you see black, or at least I do. When did this tradition of crushing people's dreams start? All closing my eyes succeeds in doing is making me see black. It's like that old song "Paint it black" but instead of paint, it's just your eye lids. Do you guys see black when you close your eyes, or is that just me? Apparently people can see imagination in their eyelids, All I see is black though. I don't understand where this bullstuff came from, it actually really pisses me off. Closing your eyes is for when your tired, not for 'imagination'. Whenever I feel tired I always close my eyes for sleep, unless I shouldn't. Also, if you close your eyes, everything doesn't go silent, so how the hell can you concentrate on fake visualising 'imagination' when you hear the heavy breathing of other people, cars, idiots slamming their heads into their hands? I don't get it, this is stupid. When I close my eyes, Everything goes black, not silent. There is no imagination in your eyelids, this bullstuff needs to stop.

Before you ask, here are some quick Q&A's

Q: Do you only see black, because your black?
A: No, Because I'm not black.

Q: Why can't I see black, I only see red?
A: Stop shoving Flashlights in your eyes.

Q: I imagine things when I close my eyes, Why can't you?
A: I imagine things all the time, closing my eyes just makes no sense, all it does is make everything black

Q: My eyes are open, and I see black, why?
A: You're blind

Was your question not answered above, Do you agree or disagree with me?
Feel free to post about it, I will get back to you as quick as I can.

Drama / Nickpb 4.0 - IMPOSTER! He is not the real Nickpb!
« on: November 15, 2016, 08:34:44 PM »
Nickpb 4.0 - IMPOSTER! He is not the real Nickpb!

Note: The image above used real quotes and images together to create a dramatised effect (because leaving in the actual bullstuff random server goers say looks like stuff, but feel free to look at the original pics below.

The Story:
So I was playing on a freebuild server, because why not, I don't usually build. Then I see Nickpb Join, I start to talk to him. But then something interesting happened, he acted like he didn't know me, (because he didn't) when I started to bring up his forum activity, He tells me he isn't on the forums. So I show him his recent drama, and he tells me he that the current Nickpb on the forums isn't actually him. Nickpb 4.0 is a Fake.

Click the image below for a larger version.

The images below are all full size.

General Discussion / Whatever happened to the Good rendermen mod?
« on: November 12, 2016, 06:18:08 PM »
You know, the one that wasn't an annoying screamer mod.

The subtle one where rendermen would appear very far away and stare, along with preppers. That was fun.

Games / Banjo Kazooie - That Rare Platformer
« on: November 11, 2016, 07:07:13 PM »

Banjo Kazooie is one of the most well known platformers out there, and since I just finished playing the game 100% I decided to make a thread dedicated to the game, it's pre-sequel, sequel and fan games. Banjo Kazooie is a playformer featuring a Bear and a Bird, named Banjo and Kazooie respectively. In Banjo Kazooie you have to collect three main items, Music Notes, Jiggies, and Jinjos. Upon collecting all of the needed items you face Gruntilda, the evil witch who kidnapped your sister, first in a board game and then a climactic battle. Banjo Kazooie has one of the most diverse soundtracks I have heard in a game. Most games make each world have a single theme, this one has it for each environment in a level.

The Collectables:

There are five of these little creatures in each level, upon collecting them, usually they drop a Jiggy. These creatures make a whistle sound whenever you are near them, and they have five various colors.

There are 10 of these in each world, these are used to finish puzzles in the overworld and open levels.
Music Notes

There are 100 of these in every world, and I hate them so loving much.

Forum Games / Make a Meme - Squidward Smells Good!
« on: November 05, 2016, 08:01:11 PM »
Make a Meme - Squidward Smells Good!


I have created a modified GIF of the Squidward Smells good GIF, that can be altered, to create some awesome memes. We can do more than Squidward Smells Good. We can do amazing memes. Just make some requests and I'll make them, or you could make them yourself (good luck). Here are some examples:

Have Fun!

General Discussion / Blockland Trailer Ideas - Let's look back
« on: November 03, 2016, 03:28:21 PM »
Blockland Trailer Ideas - Let's look back

Currently, from What i've seen, there are two major Blockland Trailers, both made by Teneski.
Blockland - That game where you build stuff (Pre V21)
Blokcland Trailer 2013/2014

And While these both are great Trailers, they didn't do what they should have intended in the first place.

Let's look back.

In the first video It flashes by maps that you can play in game, and this showed off a feature that the game offered, which was many different playable maps, and that's great. An Advertisement should show all the features a game has to offer. Then around ten seconds in, we have a player spawn, then it shows a feature of the game that really should be advertised, in game customisation. Despite what you may think, not many games allow for that, and while they do exist, they aren't usually sandbox-like games, Now this also could have been done better with other aspects, that I will get into as we move along. So right after that, we see the player (in the same avatar, continuity error?) traverse the other maps, and then end back at Bedroom, building his first house. Now this is where we should have a scene where the user discovers the build menu (and then in the four corners have different scenes of him choosing bricks.). Now after this it shows the player driving around in a vehicle, and then it shows off the wrench and by extension, eventing. But eventing should have lead to the jeep being spawned (and then the rocket thereafter, which shows of Blockland Physics.). Then the sweet building montage of one of the default city builds happens, which is cool. Then we have a montage of default and player-made builds, servers and then the final transition. But before the montage started three things should have happened, you have more players join, like you did earlier with the initial player, introducing multiplayer. Then after that you do a menu montage of mini-games, and show the players destroying the city, and transition between other builds and other activities. And if we updated this, replace all the maps with environment changes, along with other default and user-made minigames and servers.

As for the second video, I actually don't have a whole lot to say.

While it does fix some issues I had with the first one, it also breaks some of the good things it did before, like showing off avatar options. other than that, it wasn't better in terms of design, but the editing was fantastic.

Also, a bit of a side note, a bit of a change in music direction may be good, like start off with After School Special playing and then transition into something else. (preferably not the same type of music either.)

Also it would be great if these advertisement videos, would actually show up as advertisements. Funny thing is, I actually found out about blockland through one of the old Youtube corner ads.

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