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Topics - Master Matthew²

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Games / Spyro Reignited Trilogy | PC Release + Modding
« on: September 07, 2019, 12:16:10 AM »

      Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a recreation of the original three Spyro games from the Playstation 1. This recreation is noteable for having to recreate the game, nearly from the ground up as all of the original source code was lost. However, using inhouse tools that work similar to usermade tools like SpyroEdit, they were able to extract gem locations and presumably level models. This recreation offers both the original soundtrack and a remastered soundtrack which features a dynamic mode. In the dynamic mode, depending on location, instruments in the music will get quieter or louder. The most obvious use of the dynamic soundtrack is a galloping sound effect which you will hear anytime you charge, This is similar to the extra drums that will play in the Super Mario World soundtrack whenever you ride a Yoshi. Spyro Reignited Trilogy was made in Unreal Engine 4 and released under Unreal Engine 4.19 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and 4.21 for Nintendo Switch.

    Aside from the Capability to run with a true uncapped framerate, which will unfortunately start destroying physics as the framerate exceeds either your refresh rate or 120 fps, (we're not entirely sure of which yet though) The PC release has unleashed another Pandora's Box, Mods. Unlike Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy, Spyro was made in a repetitively 'easy to modify' engine. Using pre-existing programs, it is entirely possible to effectively "unzip" the three pak files which contain all of the assets and most of the files needed to run the game. Unfortunately, because the game was made in UE4 (Unreal Engine 4) and not UE3 (Unreal Engine 3), blueprints cannot be decompiled and the other files can be finicky at best. But with that aside, the community has made great strides in less than a week. As shown above, there is now a mod which can replace Spyro's model with Cynder, make Spyro have his "Dark Spyro" skin, famously used in The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. However, this does show one of the major weakness of modding this game, every mod has to OVERWRITE a preexisting asset, meaning you can't just add a mod will give you an extra cheat code to access a new model. There is a silver lining, these mods seem to be able to run by being set aside in a seperate pak file with an "_P" at the end of the file name, prior to the extension, which will allow it to take priority over the other assets in the game, without deleting the original.

Off Topic / Pro Jared Returns | The Plot Thickens
« on: August 27, 2019, 11:08:25 PM »
Pro Jared Returns | The Plot Thickens


Holy forget. I went into this video expecting to be laughing my ass off, calling him a forgetface child enthusiast piece of stuff, and I came out with a realization.

This is, yet another, rage mob that took unfounded lies and destroyed a man's career.

forget cancel culture.

Off Topic / Annoying Orange says he "the chosen one".
« on: August 23, 2019, 12:07:57 AM »


which totally isn't a joke by the way, believe me.


FFA500 ♂ = 👿

For real though, I laughed

Forum Games / YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v777
« on: August 21, 2019, 10:52:15 PM »
R.I.P. YLYLv666

lets get this stuff going

But eh forget it, lets keep this stuff going

Democrats begin formal Impeachment Proceedings against President Annoying Orange Orange/

No big paragraph or anything. Just this:


yeah no big title or format this time.

Basically, 8chan, which is basically diet 4chan. Kind of A mix of Reddit and 4Chan imo.

So basically, because 8chan didn't censor people and nuke them of their platform, they're being punished and pointed to for these shootings. Ironically it's actions like these that cause people to go down the path of these violent actions. Silencing the people, doesn't make their grievances disappear.  All this will do is lock people off from expressing stuffty ideas, getting counter argued, and ultimately bettering both. Instead the person who had a chance at redemption is shoved into a dark pitri dish of their own stuffty ideas, which crop up in small filtered communities in which their ideas become validated.

The only reason to silence ideas, is because you fear they're better than your own. This is an action to show force. Kneel or be destroyed.

Silence or be Silenced.
Cloudflare is another omni-present system that is all around the internet. Many, many sites use it.

But the people's dependence on these monopolies has it's drawbacks, and this is the biggest one. If you piss off the computer gods, if you say a word they don't like, or even if something happens beyond your control and you just happen to not hold their ideals. Boom, the walls fall.

But of course, none of this is really happening.
After all, there is no war in Ba Sing Se.

Off Topic / -
« on: July 27, 2019, 02:35:27 AM »

Off Topic / Covington Student's Defamation Suit DISMISSED!
« on: July 26, 2019, 05:33:50 PM »
Covington Student's Defamation Suit DISMISSED!

B-bUt, cOnSeRvAtIvE pErSeCuTiOn CoMpLeX!

The Media has absolute control to LIE and do whatever the forget they want, with no repercussions, so long as you have the wrong opinion, the wrong skin color or the wrong genitals. And the Wrong opinion is conservative, the wrong skin color is white or asian, and the wrong genitals are male. For you smartasses who will try to twist these words.

This is a HUGE precedent being set. Apparently Defamation, lies and calling for loving DEATH THREATS, is covered by the first amendment. Atleast according to the judge.

TL;DR Death Threats against Conservatives are Free Speech, Mean words against Liberals are Criminal. Welcome to Clown World.

Super Mario Maker 2 is a stuffty downgrade, with slopes.

Alright, I can't believe I have to loving bash a NINTENDO game, especially for tactics and ethics I would put on par with EA, but here we go. Don't Buy Super Mario Maker 2, you'd be better off getting a Wii U with Super Mario Maker 1. Holy forget this game is worse than hot garbage, it's restrictive and misleading. How is it misleading? Well, most people expect a Sequel to be an Improvement, meaning, ya know, MORE features not LESS.

Nintendo Literally Removed Features, and it's not a minor omissions either.

What Nintendo Removed (Included but is not limited to):
Amiibo Costumes in SMB1
Shell Spin Grabs (Common in SMM1)
Overlaying Pipes with One Way walls
Overlaying Pipes with Other Pipes
Using Springs with Select Items, usually enemy items.
Extra Yoshi Eggs spawning Mushrooms
Super Mario World item Bounce Mechanics with Enemies (Not Including the Shell)
Building at the Start Area

Also because it's not on the Wii U, moving items is not nearly as intuitive.

Nintendo also limits the amount of levels you can upload.

While they may have thrown out a variety of level designs, new items and features, some of the features they removed were just asinine.

And until these are fixed, I advise that you

Do not Buy Super Mario Maker 2

Off Topic / Google goes NUCLEAR | Project Veritas CENSORED
« on: June 25, 2019, 11:35:27 AM »
Google goes NUCLEAR | Project Veritas CENSORED

"INSIDER BLOWS WHISTLE & EXEC REVEALS GOOGLE PLAN TO PREVENT "Annoying Orange SITUATION" IN 2020 ON HIDDEN CAM" (YouTube Mirror for those who don't want to watch the video on BitChute)

This video was posted on YouTube yesterday, and as it was approaching nearly a million views YouTube nuked the video. This desperate attempt to silence Project Veritas and their evidence of attempted election meddling is a sign of things to come. This is beyond "being a private company", this is illegal. 

Your wrong opinions will be silenced. If you stand against them, you are a bigot and full of hatred. This is Google.

Videos related to the subject on YouTube:

Off Topic / Today's Letter is the Letter E
« on: June 21, 2019, 10:07:34 PM »
BLF It's in the post.

Discuss the importance of the Letter E

Off Topic / My little brother had my account(s).
« on: June 16, 2019, 02:58:28 PM »
So ya know how I've been handicapped since you all met me? That was a big mix up, it was my little bro stealing my account(s) and buying alts, lmao. Yes we talk similar, he and I say the exact same things except mine are smart and his are stupid. Glad we had this talk, now we can start fresh!
Great to meet you all for the first time!

Oh yeah, and if you say this is fake, you are gonna have a stonk market crash, lmao.
disclaimer for the brainlets: this is a joke.

Off Topic / Actually forget the Left | Remember "no gamer"
« on: June 08, 2019, 04:32:17 PM »

Alright, let's get straight into it. I've been on the fence on whether the left is genuinely malicious, stupid, or just trying to do good with poor execution.

It's clear to me that the left is comprised of loving evil people and idiots. There is no in between. If you support this disgusting behavior, try and cover or damage control them. You are the problem. Plain and simple.

I'm done being reasonable to people who have no sense of reason. If you're a leftist, you're not worth arguing against, your mind cannot be changed, you're only purpose is to be degraded. You don't act like reasonable people, you act like an over emotional child on a power trip. I once believed arguing with you would turn those on the fence, but at this point, if you're still on the fence, you're not going to get off it.

forget the Left and forget it's zombie followers.

Off Topic / Woman aborts baby Annoying Orange Blimp.
« on: June 04, 2019, 01:57:06 PM »

"Stabbings are just part and parcel of living in London."

Okay, this was a very stupid move. And it was an overall, bad decision.

But its meme quality material i guess.


Does anyone think Real-Time ray-tracing will be revolutionary?

Ignoring the RTX ON memes, Ray Tracing has a visual impact on most games that have it. It can be subtle and obvious, but is it revolutionary? I've heard plenty of YouTubers, Discord Users, and various IRL people tell me that Ray Tracing is Revolutionary. However, I stand on the side of thinking it's more evolutionary. It's not quite like it changes everything, it just makes environments more realistic.

To me, for something to be revolutionary, it would have to be something that would change how games are made. If VR Exploded, instead of just being an expensive niche hobby, I'd see that as revolutionary. If Quantum Processors became mainstream and affordable, even for just online use by big companies, that could be a game changer for AI, game rendering, and it would likely change how games are made internally. Ideally, in that situation, I'd like to see a Quantum Co-Processor inside a consumer PC, but we're many years away from that happening.

what about you?

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