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Topics - King Tøny

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 47 48 49 [50] 51 52 53 54 55 ... 92
Add-Ons / Laser guitar reuploaded - glass release
« on: October 04, 2018, 01:13:25 PM »

Off Topic / [tinythread] Is christine ford guilty? [poll]
« on: October 04, 2018, 06:51:07 AM »

There is no absolute way this woman is telling the truth. She seems like a spider to me. Very deceptive.

No one is corroborating with her bullstuff story.

The dems just using her to make sure brett doesn't get the seat.

Gallery / Interactive lore book bricks
« on: October 03, 2018, 04:42:30 PM »

Custom prints made by me. You click on the book a centerprint text shows up displaying text that is 100% exactly like what is on the book page.

Right now I'm debating on whether or not I should remove the centerprint text since the print shows exactly what is on the page. But I kinda need it for those who cannot see textures.

I think it's cooler to read from the page than from the centerprint.

Also the books do infact open.

Add-Ons / DINNER blaster - number 1 weekly download on glass!
« on: October 03, 2018, 01:33:12 PM »

Shoots hot dinner at people

Model by narko555

I fixed decal data after 5 years.

Anyone could of had big avatars, some guy from like 2006 had a big avatar

But because someone decided to go public with the exploit we now no longer have avatars.

Why did that person had to go public? That 12 year old exploit could have remained secret.

Now no one can have avatars.

Suggestions & Requests / Fishing mod
« on: October 03, 2018, 05:05:58 AM »
Has a fishing mod ever been made yet?

All you need is a fishing rod that can hook bots like these sharks.

there is controversy around my avatar about people claiming I am a confederate, this is not true.

This was simply a joke with this thread here.

I would change my avatar if I could but thanks to unova, avatars got broken.

So it was either this tribal avatar or some liberal SJW from hollyweird.

Can we please drop the confederate controversy?

It's not my fault I can't change my avatar.

Help / TotalRPG modification - bot target is Not working
« on: October 02, 2018, 12:58:31 PM »
I modified a totalrpg leveling up event but it doesn't appear to be working.

I needed to add a bot target for more specific events, it shows up but the events don't work. Console says nothing.

registerOutputEvent(gameConnection, "addSkillEXP", "string 50 80   int 1 999999 1   bool false", false);

registerOutputEvent(fxDtsBrick, "checkSkillMoreThan", "string 50 80   int 1 999999 1", true);

registerInputEvent(fxDtsBrick, "onHasSufficientSkill", "Self fxDtsBrick   bot bot Player player   Client gameConnection   Minigame minigame");
registerInputEvent(fxDtsBrick, "onHasInsufficientSkill", "Self fxDtsBrick   bot bot Player player   Client gameConnection   Minigame minigame");

function getLevelEXP(%level)
   %answer = 0;

   for(%i = 1; %i < %level; %i++)
      %answer += mFloor(%i + 300 * mpow(2, (%i / 7)));

   return mFloor(%answer / 4);

function gameConnection::addSkillEXP(%this, %skillName, %exp, %announce)
   %this.currentSkill = %skillName;

   if(%this.skillEXP[%skillName] $= "")
      %this.skills = %this.skills TAB %skillName;
      %this.skillLevel[%skillName] = 1;

   %this.skillEXP[%skillName] += %exp;

      %this.chatMessage("\c6You have gained\c4" SPC %exp SPC "\c6experience in the\c4" SPC %skillName SPC "\c6skill.");

   while(%this.skillEXP[%skillName] >= getLevelEXP(%this.skillLevel[%skillName] + 1))
      %this.onLevelUp(%skillName, %this.skillLevel[%skillName]);
      %this.chatMessage("\c6You've gained a level in the\c4" SPC %skillName SPC "\c6skill! You're now level\c4" SPC %this.skillLevel[%skillName] @ "\c6.");


function fxDtsBrick::checkSkillMoreThan(%this, %skillName, %level, %client, %obj)
   $InputTarget_["Self"]   = %this;
   $InputTarget_["Player"] = %client.player;
   $InputTarget_["Client"] = %client;
$InputTarget_["bot"] = %obj;

      $InputTarget_["MiniGame"] = getMiniGameFromObject(%client);
      if(getMiniGameFromObject(%this) == getMiniGameFromObject(%client))
         $InputTarget_["MiniGame"] = getMiniGameFromObject(%this);
         $InputTarget_["MiniGame"] = 0;

   if(%client.skillLevel[%skillName] >= %level)
      %this.processInputEvent("onHasSufficientSkill", %client, %obj);
      %this.processInputEvent("onHasInsufficientSkill", %client, %obj);

function gameConnection::onLevelUp(%this, %skill, %level)
   // This function exists just for packaging.
   // Probably handy if you want to implement more exquisite features of certain skills; like a combat skill.

function serverCmdSkills(%client)
   %max = getFieldCount(%client.skills);

   for(%i = 0; %i < %max; %i++)
      %skill = getField(%client.skills, %i);
      if(%skill $= "")

      %client.chatMessage("\c6" @ %skill SPC "Level\c4" SPC %client.skillLevel[%skill] SPC "\c6(\c4" @ %client.skillEXP[%skill] SPC "\c6/\c4" SPC getLevelEXP(%client.skillLevel[%skill] + 1) @ "\c6) EXP");

Suggestions & Requests / setNamedBrick Events
« on: October 02, 2018, 01:35:32 AM »
I looked but I couldn't find anything like this.

I have a bunch of bricks I need to update with new events

So instead of me going around manually setting these events I just want to click a brick that will set all namedbricks to that specific event  I need.

Off Topic / [tinythread] Marvel has 8 million subscribers on youtube
« on: October 01, 2018, 10:36:40 PM »

With all those subs in mind how come their vids get less than 50,000 views?

THeir most cringe vids get 1k.

Off Topic / [news] [tinythread] LINDSEY LOHAN WAS TRYING TO STEAL KIDS!
« on: September 30, 2018, 10:35:00 AM »
In what started as Lindsay Lohan’s attempt at a philanthropic act to help a homeless Syrian refugee family turned into accusations of children trafficking and a scuffle with Lohan ending up on the ground crying.


The Mean Girls actress documented all of this in a very strange Instagram video where she was insisting she help a Syrian family of four she spotted on the street. Throughout the video, she speaks to them in a combination of English and what she claims is Arabic and offers them a hotel room so that they won’t have to sleep on the street.

In the video, the family doesn’t seem to be interested in Lohan’s offer — and they may or may not understand what she is saying. Nonetheless, they stay put but Lohan insists — quite aggressively — that she put them up in a hotel. Still, the family doesn’t seem interested and look confused as to what she is trying to do.

Lohan continues to press them and they get up and start walking away but she follows them saying that it’s “not right.” As she follows them she accuses them of trafficking their children. That’s when a scuffle starts to happen. In the video, it seems she attempts to reach for one of the kids and her shaky camera works starts to go the Blair Witch route with voices in the background suggesting that there is a scuffle.

When the dust settles, Lohan is crying and the family is gone and she says: “I’m like in shock right now, I’m just like so scared.”

The entire incident and altercation were quite bizarre. Lohan has been keeping a low profile as of late, but this aggressive act of unsolicited kindness is putting her back in the spotlight. She is also set to have an MTV docuseries about her life in Mykonos, Greece.

Modification Help / [Guide] custom hud icons.
« on: September 29, 2018, 11:49:11 PM »
So decaldata no longer works. Players with textures enabled will not see custom hud icons anymore.

But all you have to do is set the hud icon as AddDamageType. The CI will download normally through clients with textures enabled.

function showHUD(%client)
   if(%client.disableHUDUntil > $sim::time || $pref::server::TotalRPG::disableHUD)

   if(!isObject(%client.player) || %client.player.getDamageState() $= "Disabled")

   %health = mFloor(%client.player.getDatablock().maxDamage - %client.player.getDamageLevel());
   %mana = %client.player.mana;
   %Coins = %client.score;

   if(%Coins $= "")
      %Coins = 0;

   if(%client.currentSkill !$= "")
      %skillHUD = %client.currentSkill SPC "Level" SPC %client.skillLevel[%client.currentSkill] SPC "(" @ %client.skillEXP[%client.currentSkill] SPC "/" SPC getLevelEXP(%client.skillLevel[%client.currentSkill] + 1) @ ") EXP";
   if($totalRPGHUDExtensions > 0)
      for(%i = 1; %i <= $totalRPGHUDExtensions; %i++)
         %extension = $totalRPGHUDExtension[%i];
         %method = getField(%extension, 0);
         %target = getField(%extension, 1);
         %value = getField(%extension, 2);
         %name = getField(%extension, 3);
         %args = getField(%extension, 4);
            case "player":
               %target = %client.player;
            case "client":
               %target = %client;
            case "minigame":
               %target = %client.minigame;
         if(%method == 1)
            %retrieveValue = %target.getAttribute(%value);
         else if(%method == 2)
            $temp = "";
            $tempC = %target;
            // Someone let me know if there is a better way to do this :/
            eval("$temp = $tempC." @ %value @ "(" @ %args @ ");");
            %retrieveValue = $temp;
         %extensionStats = %extensionStats SPC "\c4" @ %name @ ":" SPC %retrieveValue;

   commandToClient(%client, 'bottomPrint', "\c2<bitmap:Add-Ons/server_totalrpg/CI_dinner>:" SPC %health @ (%mana $= "" ? "" : " \c1Mana:" SPC %mana) SPC "\c3" @ $pref::server::TotalRPG::currencyName @ ":" SPC %coins SPC "\c6" @ %skillHUD SPC %extensionStats, false);

//downloadable hud

AddDamageType("dinner",   '<bitmap:Add-Ons/server_totalRPG/CI_dinner> %1',    '%2 <bitmap:add-ons/server_totalRPG/CI_dinner> %1',0.5,1);


These bots will not die properly. They will walk in place, crouch, make sounds but will not disappear.

You can even walk through them.

Console shows up nothing.

Suggestions & Requests / Setprint event.
« on: September 28, 2018, 10:44:18 PM »
So right now you can only set numbered prints through events.

Anyway to set actual prints for events?

I would be able to make animated prints easily if that were the case

Games / [news] rome 2 has got woke and is going broke.
« on: September 27, 2018, 07:34:22 AM »

Check out these steam reviews.

They were criticized for including female generals which is not accurate at all for the time period then insulted the fans telling them to not buy the game if they don't like it.

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