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Topics - Mangaspawn09

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Does a public server on Modern Warfare 2 for Xbox 360 have an actual player as host?

Edit: Apparentally yes. Next question.

Do these "hosts" get powers?

Off Topic / Is this a good computer for BL?
« on: February 21, 2010, 06:07:40 PM »

What I plan to use it for

I need it to run gimp, blender, and blockland smoothly.  I also would like to know if it can run other games easily. Nothing like crysis, but things like spore. I have no idea what these specs mean, and I was wondering if this would be a good comp to buy. It has a little upgraded RAM I do believe.

Happend today on blockland.
I usually don't let kids on the internet piss me off, but I enter one server and a kid is talking about how mexicans, blacks, and asians are beneath whites or some BS. I told him that I was asian and he had begun to personally insult me. The only reason I didn't leave is because There were about 5 people on my team who I knew and rarely get to play with. This guy would not shut up and it genuinely hit a soft spot. I've never been so racially insulted before. I have pics of the convo and was wondering if I posted them could any action be taken against him?

The second thing is when I entered a friends trench wars server. It was crappy, had bases that u could build infront of the door, etc. I only joined to help my friend keep the place in line. He was supposed to give me s admin and full trust so I could keep it running while he was gone. Well I got to the server and he's afk which was ok because everyone was behaving and was listening to me even tho I had no real power(lol.) So we play for about an hour and have these massive tunnels, forts, bunkers, you name it. But then 5 new players come, 3 of which go on the other team. Soon as they join, they go, "i'm bored, can we just kill?" so they start murdering everyone which is fine because our bunkers are pretty functional. We kinda turn the tide our way and end up winning the skirmishes. Instead of it being fun and games, they got all butt-hurt and came and boarded up the door to our spawns and picked us off one by one and wouldnt let anyone leave while they trashed our forts and everything that we spent a long time building :,(

Gallery / Predator.
« on: February 19, 2010, 06:06:50 PM »

I have been playing the xbox AvP demo and have been loving it. One day I let my mind wander and came across the thought of "What would a lego predator look like?" And from there, I decided this is what a Blockland pred would look like. I know the dreds are a little off but... it's the best I could do :P

Suggestions & Requests / Mass Effect vehicles (pics)
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:48:41 PM »

I've been waiting for someone to make one of these forever but it hasn't happend. So I figured instead of waiting, I might be able to push some skilled add-on maker in the right direction :P

Games / Bioshock 2 graphics... kinda sucky.
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:07:35 AM »
I just got bioshock 2 and have been loving it... but is it just me or are the graphics just not... good? It seems like the graphics are a little off even with my HD tv. I expected gritty, grungy, creepy. Now it just looks cartoony to me.

General Discussion / Is it just me, or are most add-ons boring?
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:02:00 AM »
I've noticed that even a year ago when I joined, everyones main focus on add-ons was to make a realistic famas, or ak-47. It's stayed that way to this day. While I respect the modelers/scripters/animators for many of the great versions of these, isn't it about time people got original? Do we really need another CoD based gun?

Some good examples of creativity:
People flame the mini-nuke but you have to give credit for its ratchet-and-clank esque design.
The MAS swarm (which if the funnest vehicle to drive in my opinion) is pretty creative.
The old massive F.R.O.G vehicle.

These all seemed very "blocko" and looked right in a blockperson's presence.
I adress this issue simply because I may chuck my lap top out a window if there is one more CoD poser TDM.
Think people of blockland.
What if a pregnant lady is standing out my window? Do you want that blood on your hands?
Then find that unfinished ak-47 file, find the recycling bin... and "Send it to a beautiful farm in the country."put the damn mod down

Help / How to reduce water level.
« on: February 13, 2010, 10:06:58 PM »
I'm making a pirate DM, and I was wondering how to decrease the water level on sea slate.

Modification Help / Need help making parts separate "objects"
« on: February 13, 2010, 06:12:35 PM »
Notice: Before you read, please make note that this is not a thread asking to "ploxx teech mee blendar(spam cookie)" so you can put your flaming-sticks away.

Anyway, I have been experimenting with blender. I have made the pieces to my model, and they all went somoothly. Now i'm on to coloring.

My first problem that I encountered was that my pieces acted like they were linked. I discovered that this was due to the fact that they were edited duplicates of a part. I went into edit mode, selected, and pressed "P" and pressed "selected." This effectively unlinked them. This problem was solved.

So now, i'm ready to color... but it will only color my original object, even when the other objects are selected, it will only name and color my original. Can someone please point me in the right direction to fixing this? Thank you. If you need me to elaborate, please say so.

Suggestions & Requests / Makko and Normandy from Mass Effect
« on: February 12, 2010, 06:12:26 PM »
I joined this game nearly a year ago, and i've seen many mods from other video games, many that have turned out great, so I figured someone would have made either of these already but I guess not. I think it's be cool to see em in bl.

General Discussion / So i'm thinkg of learning blender...
« on: February 11, 2010, 05:37:13 PM »
I have some basic experience with anim8or which is a crappy program anyway. I don't script, and I don't animate. Do you think, with this background knowledge, that learning to model in blender will be that challenging? Thanks for the input.

AoT General / Shenanigans.
« on: July 08, 2009, 03:36:38 PM »
Man, it was fun yesterday.
I had 800 dems for taking my clothes off and forgot to log out XD

So this weird cop dressed in all white (looked like the grudge girl) chased me around while my friend emorou and tiger helped me escape.

The guy stunned me, so emorou came down, grabbed my body while tiger came on a horse and picked us up and rode away into the sunrise :P

Music / A couple of noise/music requests.
« on: July 07, 2009, 05:24:23 PM »
Idk if noises are aloud to be requested here, but I have a couple of noise requests.(the kind you can activate in events)

I just need an assortment of soun effects from The Legend of Zelda.
For example, when Link opens a tressure chest, I would like the tune that plays when he gets something out of it.

For music, I would like the Eponas ranch background music.
I would very much appreciate it if someone made these.

Suggestions & Requests / Some fantastic weapon/vehicle/etc ideas...
« on: June 03, 2009, 12:34:08 AM »
Hi, let me say thanks for taking the time to read this! I would like to first start off by telling you that there are many, many ideas here. I figured why make a bunch of topics/wait to make a new topic when I can just fit them all in one? Now, some of them are based off other video games/shows/etc. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE BAD SUGGESTIONS! If you have nothing positive to say about any of my suggestions, don't say anything. That does not mean I am not open for critiquing and feedback!



- Dual Flamethrower: Now I know what you're thinking. "why?" Basically I pictured boba/jango fetts wrist flamers and thought that it would be epic to see a player have one.

- Wrist rocket: Again, based of jango/boba fett's armory. It's a wrist rocket, plane and simple. It has a fast reload time and mid-high damage.

- C4: Basically a C4 complete with detonator.

- Flashlight: make a flaslight model and find a way to script the "lamp" to five feet in front of you when holding this weapon.

- Paralysis gas: gas that paralyzes and blinds the target.

Special Weapons

- Tornado-nade: a light, white glowing sphere. It has the same function as the grenade but it does something way cooler; instead of an explosion, it slowly lifts everyone in the blast radius 3 feet in the air, spins them incredibly fast(fast enough to die when they hit something.) And if possible, it will cause all bricks in the area to break and spin in the whirlwind too. When the grenade hits, it doesn't bounce. wherever it hits is where the "tornado" is formed. It doesn't even bounce.[one use. a winddy sound effect]

- Vert-nade: Basically looks and acts the same as the one above. But instead, this one sets everyone's velocity who is hit to 0 0 100 so that they smash and hit the ceiling.[ones use. rising sound effect]

- VertTornade: combination of the two above. [one use.]

- Poison throwing knife: a knife that you throw. Instead of damage, it "poisons" causing damage over time. There could be an "antidote" item to cure it. [one use. super fast projectile speed.]

- Molotov Coktail: of course you know what that is!

- Pipe bomb: Just like from L4D. Recomended to be used on zombies only because i seriously doubt you can script a way for players to be forced to chase a grenade.

- Freeze ray: Gun that freezes an enemy stiff. maybe set a white fog emitter.

- Deployable auto turret: Now, I don't know if this is even possible, but make a deployable stand still auto turret that shoots the first enemy it sees until the enemy is dead, out of range/view, or the turret is out of time(30 secs)

Power-Ups Ok, I have been thinking of this concept for a while now. basically all of these work like the cheesburger, sandvich, med-pac, etc. you hold them in your inventory.

- Red mushroom: from mario :D It turns your player scale to double the normal height until have your hp is taken away.

- Poison shrrom: Turns your player into half it's size for 30 secs.

- Giant Shrrom: Turns your player giant, invincible, and the maximum size for 30 secs. (maybe even fakekillbrick on touch?)

- Star power: Turns you shiny and invincible, and makes you slightly faster. Oh, did I mention you kill whomever you touch?

- Speed x1.5: Use to go a little faster for a minute.

- Speed x 2: Go faster for 30 secs.

- Speed x 3: Go faster even more for 10 secs.

- Deflector shield: Basically a minute long shield that protects from all attacks and even sends them back.

- x2 jump: Does just that.

- Mr.Freezy: makes you a slippery player :D

- Cloak: an item that cloaks you for 2 mins. every 20 secs, you are visible for a split second.

- Shield: Gives you an extra over-boost of health. You started with 100. Now you have 150.

- Regen: 3 min regen of health.

- Flame proof: makes you immune to explosives for 3 mins.


- Submarine: 4 man vehicle. Works as an underwater tank basically.(one guy mans the torcreeps) Nothing overcomplicated. It should have the same style and look of the standard jeep and tank. Veyr steretypically "blocko" looking.

If any of you made this, I would worship you. I have just had ideas brewing for the past few days and figured I should share them. Please post feedback :D

Gallery / Some random pics of my battle station's interior.
« on: May 25, 2009, 09:54:32 PM »

Noobs are dropped into this death trap.

...and other noobs are dropped here for later torture.

Captains chair has two admin only buttons- Gas Crew and Self Destruct.

Captured alien subject ^_^

Mine Field of doom!

The computers to the right and left is called "the pit" where other command bridge operators...well, operate. Every single button does an individual defensive/offensive/other event activation.

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