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Topics - Cdog1st

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Whats your favorite music?
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:54:59 PM »
Band name: Sum 41
Song name: Still Wating
Band name: Eminem
Song name: Bully
Band name: System of the down
Song name: Chop Suey
Band name: Linkin Park
Song name: Numb

Off Topic / Post gruesome stuff.
« on: October 11, 2009, 08:32:14 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / Can the 880 have a scope on it please.
« on: October 11, 2009, 07:55:15 PM »
Please it would be fun.

Suggestions & Requests / Can someone make this M4?
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:32:43 AM »
Right click is to shoot bullets.
Left click is to propell grenade.M4

Off Topic / Post even more scary stories.
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:07:07 AM »
The day when the Oakwood kids went in the Thurman house.
It was a normal day in a urban neighborhood only that right in between two houses were a crooked old 50's house it was dried up of fresh wood and boards. When it went that way was when there was a couple called the Thurman family moved there and started living there but tragically they were mysteriously murdered by a maniac killer but then again, people started moving the house over and over.
But family across the street from the house just moved in, there they lived for years but not ever realized that the house from them was the Thurman house. When their 11 year old daughter went with some of her friends at her school to take a look at the house, they didn't bother to go in it was to creepy as they thought about it.
They went home for their dinner and later that night all of them had a chilling nightmare of a couple being murdered, when they woke from the horrific dream they all sneaked out of their houses like being controlled by a hardwire, yet they kept moving to the house then all the sudden they had a urge to see what was inside they all entered through the front door.
One of the kids looked at their watch it said 2:34AM he told the rest of them how long they have been awake but none of them seemed to care, they all kept moving along the entrance looking through things to investigate their dream, although one of the children found a bent piece of wood like it was a hatch to something he tried to pry it open it didn't budge, he started think about why the dream had came.
When the kids started searching the living room things went bad some of the lights when turned on shattered, the kids got frightened but they held hands and breathed in and out, one of kids found a crease in a wall and taped it lightly, he said "This wall is hollow something is on the other side." ,another child said "Its proably just a empty arch to help support the house." they all went limb for a moment when feeling a breeze crawl up their necks.
They scurried to get their job done they started to pace when the other kids took to long, anxious and tired but they kept moving through the house one of the children said "Its like mansion so many rooms, we better split to make this go faster, when everyones done go back to the living room." Everyone quietly agreed.
One of the children went into the kitchen only to find dark cabnets with no food or cans nor pots he accepted nothing mysterious of the kitchen tell a knife began to float about with only a man coming into place with glowing red eye's and a lightly dimmed tuxedo as he began to growl he shoved the knife directly into the child's back the child was too shocked to give out a scream for help but he started making  "huh" sounds as his breath leaves his body, he urges his self to stay high and standing, only yet to fall fast to the floor.
Everyone heard a "Thump!" they all hurried to what they thought the noise came from, when they got to the kitchen they all gasped in fear, there was blood gashed everywhere from the knife in the back, with the dead child's face in shock and eye's wide open everyone started to head for the door but only to be stopped from it for being locked.
One of tallest kids suggested that they go look for the nearest window in the house, yet they all said that the rooms had no window's, one of the kids said "Were all doomed to die like he did then!" he was crying and they were getting ready to sob over the unfortunate of a man to kill them also. Everyone went in one room where 1 by 1 were getting killed by the man, however one of the kids were strong enough to get away from the man and hide but only to be trapped for the rest of her life until death of hunger or the man. The man then after trying to hunt down the girl had fed off the remains of the other kids.

However the wife was still alive she escaped before the door could've been locked on her although she lost a leg doing it.

Off Topic / What do you do best?
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:22:48 PM »
Script. Nothing more to say until later......

Off Topic / My teacher is a complete idiot.
« on: October 05, 2009, 10:22:40 PM »
In 5th period our teacher (what ever his name is) is loving rude say's I'm not doing my work when I was ahead of everyone and say's I'm goofing off to much and say's don't talk to him about stupid things I wasn't even talking to him.

  Discuss or DIE!............Discuss

Off Topic / I got rid of all my add-ons just to get L4D to work.
« on: October 04, 2009, 01:39:29 AM »
It didn't work my computer sucks to much ass to run the damn thing.
Who wants to pay 150$ for my computer plus USB plus my L4D?
(But I keep the key board)

Off Topic / Haunted houses are freaky!
« on: October 02, 2009, 11:36:00 PM »
My house is haunted its the oldest in the neighbor hood.
1950-1959 those dates were when it was built but anways,  I keep hearing these noises in the house like the sound of a door or a person walking outside, but sometimes in mirrors I see thin white bloches and the move and disapeer its freaking me out.

Off Topic / Lets play a game #2
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:26:09 PM »
Ok here you get a present say "what is it" and the person below will answer you.

What is it?

Suggestions & Requests / We need this Nerf gun.
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:11:31 PM »
Reason:It would be fun a great idea and a freaking nice change.

Off Topic / Want to play a game?
« on: September 22, 2009, 08:41:49 AM »
Tell future death of the person above you

Example:bla bla bla

Whoever: your going to die cause this bump, bumped you.

Suggestions & Requests / Can we get a bible in here.
« on: September 22, 2009, 08:33:24 AM »
Hello there, would you like a new weapon?Then I got a brand new idea for you.
BIBLE!!Throw it at people make a church then throw a bible at the minister.
Want more bibles?Then here's another idea why wine glasses to?
If anyone can make this I will thank you and make you a honorary statue.

Off Topic / What the most handicapped things your classmates say?
« on: September 21, 2009, 06:45:12 PM »
Me:Do you know what a MP5 is? (I'm not stupid I was just asking him if he know what it was)

Austin: A MP5 doesn't exist there is a MP4 that just came out last month.

Me:A MP5 is real look it up.

Austin:NO ITS NOT!!!!



Post yours.

Gallery / What the most handicapped things your classmates say?
« on: September 21, 2009, 06:41:20 PM »
Me:Do you know what a MP5 is? (I'm not stupid I was just asking him if he know what it was)

Austin: A MP5 doesn't exist there is a MP4 that just came out last month.

Me:A MP5 is real look it up.

Austin:NO ITS NOT!!!!



Post yours.

Pages: [1] 2