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Topics - ¥ola

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
This is going to be a quick topic, though it should be longer, for lack of time.

I've recently started a few threads that are a bit more geared for older, and more mature forums members, so I usually have to use caution and make it known that jokers, spammers, and friends are not tolerated in the thread.  They usually still come in and wreck the topic either unintentionally or intentionally, doesn't really matter.  So what I'm asking for is the ability to 'moderate' threads that you create.

This would include 'muting' people so that they can read but not post in the thread, as well as the ability to delete or hide posts that are made inside the thread.  This would allow the forum to have more on-track discussions and prevent a lot of drama.

Obviously this shouldn't be abuse-able, just to keep certain people out of the thread, so I would think that as the same as PM, your moderation permissions can be taken away for however long/permanent.

Just a quick thought, anyone go ahead and discuss your feelings as well.

Off Topic / Teachers profession for power? [Rant]
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:26:19 PM »
Sorry for yet another rant on the forums, but this is one that's been coming for a while.

  My US History teacher, Mr. Moss, has a serious issue with about 3 students in his 5th period class, which just so happens to include me.  I've never been a student that put 100% effort into school, as I never really had to.  I could put in 50% effort and miss a lot of homework and make it up with near perfect test scores, I understand that isn't the correct though process, but that's another discussion.  Despite this, most teachers have been sparingly nice to me, and ones that don't put up with my lack of effort I completely understand, but this teacher, he's different.

  It all started about the first week of school, noticing a few of his more, weird, personalities.  I'm friends with most of the 'attractive' girls in the class, I sit with them in lunch the period after, so I get to talk to them pretty often.  Very quickly they and me caught on to the fact Mr. Moss was always flirting with them, either giving them weird-ass nicknames or complimenting them 24/7.  We soon also came to realize he had no wife, or really anybody.  He would basically hate anyone who wasn't female and was considered attractive by most men's standards.

  Then, he starts getting mad at the class constantly, apparently him sitting at his desk staring at his computer the entire period while having us do book work wasn't allowing us to pass.  That is not an exaggeration either, every two weeks we would have a test on Friday, the following Monday we would receive a notes lecture and every other day he spent at his desk, face planted into computer monitor, and we did silent book work.

  This work really bored me so I usually ended up doing about 75% off it then doing something else, so I was getting a B or C at the end of the grading term.  So then in the middle of the second term, he decides to give a HUGE rant about how he has 37/110 students he teaches failing his class, despite him teaching the same method for 15 years, so in the midst of his rant I raised my hand and made the retort, "Do you think maybe you should try something different?".  I was given a detention on the basis of insubordination.

  So now, whenever I do anything wrong, he jumps all over me and he's usually in the wrong, yet I receive a detention anyways.  One example is, he told us as usual to get out our books and a piece of paper to do our work.  I didn't have a piece of paper so I asked around for one.  He stands up, walks over, and tells me to stop talking, so I retort, "I need a piece of paper to get the assignment done".  He then tells me to get my book out, and turn to the right page.  So I do, and then I ask for a piece of paper again, and he tells me to be quiet or else I'll be sent to the office.  Then, at the end of class when I have nothing done, he gives me a detention for doing nothing during class.

  This same situation goes on at least every other day, with me ending up with another detention, my grandparents have already set up appointments to meet with school officials on the basis of his flirtation with the students, forcing of opinion on his students, and unfair punishment.

  He's also renowned for pushing his own opinions on us, and the females spoken of earlier are completely for me doing something about it.

tl;dr; If you don't want to read it, don't post

Discuss teachers who joined their profession just to have a place of authority.

Modification Help / [Resource]-Torquescript Learners Guide-[WIP]
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:23:47 PM »
Torquescript Learners Guide

Hello there, chances are you've come to this topic to learn some Torquescript so you can make some basic add-ons for your favorite game, Blockland.  Well I'm here to do my absolute best to help you achieve that goal!
Let's begin, shall we?

Syntax is sort of like grammar for programming languages, it is the correct way to form and position the lines of code you will be writing, such as always putting a period on the end of a sentence.  Torquescript has a very easy to learn, in my opinion, syntax.
[This section will be re-done]

Contrary to most programming languages, Torquescript does not require the usage of actually declaring variables, the first time the variable is used it will automatically be declared, what are variables exactly, might you ask.  A variable is a tool used to store information, the types are a string and to my best belief a byte.  A string is a variable that uses letters or a letter and number combination.  A byte is simply a number.  To set a variable you use the variable indicator, the variable name, an equals sign, and the value it should be set to, followed by a semicolon.  Here are some examples:

Code: [Select]
$Test = 1;
Code: [Select]
%Test = "Hello World";
Notice how one indicator is a percent sign and the other is a dollar sign?  If you did, good job.  The dollar sign represents a global variable, which will stay the same unless changed or the script is no longer being executed.  A percent sing indicates a local variable, which will only persist for the duration of the function it is being used in.  Also notice the "$Test" variable has no parenthesis, but the "%Test" does, the parenthesis are needed to declare anything that includes non-numerical characters.

Alright, so you've made it this far?  Good job, now let's learn the heart of any programming, functions.  Getting something done.  A function is an executable piece of code that can be called anytime to return a value or cause an event to happen.  Torque/Blockland already has pre-programmed functions that can be accessed, and modified.  But first why don't we learn how to create a function?  Here's an example:

Code: [Select]
function Test_This(%input)
return %input;

Okay, so let's get to understanding this code now, the "function" part is used to tell the engine that we are creating a new function, we then add a space and decide our name.  The name cannot start with anything besides a letter, and the entire name cannot contain spaces, you must use an underscore if you want to create a space.  We then use an opening parenthesis to start our arguments, we would put the name of any argument that we need in the function to run it, and seperate two using a comma.  After this we start a new line and use an opening bracket, without this you will get a syntax error, this bracket lets Torque know that you are beginning the function.  Inside this bracket we then use another new line and tab, the tab is used anytime after you use a bracket, we will learn more about this later.  Then put whatever the code is inside the white space you now have, using a new line anytime you start a new method.  Also notice what I've gone ahead and put in the function, "return %input;".  Let's break this down.  "Return" is used to end the function and return the value specified.  If we made %input equal to 1, and called the function, it would return the value 1.  Then the semicolon at the end of the line is used at the end of any method.  Then we use our closing bracket to end the function.

Now let's call our new function!

Code: [Select]
Using this, you should get the number 1 returned and echoed to you, now, what is echo?  Echo is used to write the value inside of the parenthesis inside your console window, accessable by the tilde key.  You've made your first working function!  Also remember you can change the "1" inside the function calling to anything you want and it will echo it, but if you use anything besides numbers be sure to use parenthesis!

If-Then-Else Statements
Now let's get a little more in-depth.  If-Then-Else statements are used to determine if one thing is equal to another, and are extremely useful.  I'll be referring to them as if-statements for the sake of my fingers for the next part.  If-statements can be used in many ways, it's all based on what you are doing.  Let's see some examples:

Code: [Select]
function Test_This(%input, %check)
if(%input $= %check)
return "true";
else if(%input > %check)
return "greater than";
else if(%input < %check)
return "less than";
return "false";

Alright, let's get to it.  First you will see I started my function as usual, and created two variables to use.  Then I use if and an opening parenthesis to indicate me putting the parameters in.  I then put my variable name, condition, and the second variable name.  If the condition is met, it will execute the code inside the brackets of that if-statement, if not, it will go to the next statement and do the same.  The next statement is and "else if", meaning if the past if wasn't true, then see if this is.  The last was just an "else" statement, so if no other conditions were met, then the "else" will be called.  Now let's see something else:

Code: [Select]
function Test_This(%input, %check)
if(%input > %check || %check > %input)
return 1;
else if(%input $= %check && %check $= %input)
return 2;

Now this one is a bit more tight and easy to read, but it doesn't do the same thing as the last.  Notice how after the if-statements it doesn't have brackets, if the method you are calling after the if-statement is only one line, you don't need to use brackets.  You may also notice the || and the && signs, let's see what these mean.  || means "or", if this is true, OR, this is true, then the condition is met.  The && means "and", if this is true, AND, this is true, the condition is met.

This is only the very beginning of this resource, it will be expanded upon in the next two days greatly, if you have anything to contribute or want to be put in, please feel free to let me know, and if anyone is trying to learn, but needs one-on-one help, feel free to add me on Steam using the name in my profile

Off Topic / Custom PC Information/Help
« on: December 26, 2012, 11:33:22 PM »

Custom PC Information/Help

Hello, I'd like to inform people here on the Blockland Forums that I am going to start helping people with building their own custom desktop computers.  I notice a lot of people here that need help and are usually answered by people who think they are, but aren't entirely correct.  Obviously everyone makes mistakes, but seeing as I work in the field of building these machines for people, and get a paycheck based on such.  Please do not ask me for help with building a laptop, as I have little to no knowledge of the machines and inner workings themselves, feel free to ask technical questions about the machines though.

If you'd like help please feel free to send me a PM, or add me on Steam, which is located on my profile.  Just let me know the needs of your machine, and the budget, as well as any additional information you may have, or questions you might need answered.

Past Configurations:
  • None yet

Games / "You-pick-the-game" Giveaway!
« on: December 25, 2012, 05:14:07 PM »
Alright guys, this is my last giveaway for the holidays but I think it'll be the best so far.

I'm giving out two games to different winners, your choices are Terraria, Towns, Garry's Mod, and Ace of Spades.
If you'd like to add another game under $10 to the list, have at least 5 other people be ready to back you up and I'll start a poll for it.

Each of the two winners gets to pick one of those games to be gifted through Steam.

Current Participants:
  • Noone

You do need Steam to participate, and just reply with "I want it", followed by the game you want to enter.
End date is the 1st

Go check out my Ace of Spades giveaway if you haven't already!

Games / Ace of Spades Giveaway[Oasis Won]
« on: December 23, 2012, 12:36:28 PM »
Well stuff, I went and did it again.  Yesterday it went on 75% off so I got two of the 4 packs, so once again I guess I'll pass out one to you people.

Ace of Spades

Current Participants:
  • MonkeyFunkyMonkey
  • [0]e-maxx
  • Unwritten Calendar
  • [0]cooldawson3
  • Frontrox
  • [0]WOLFPACK2
  • TeeJay
  • [0]Alphadin
  • Kingdaro
  • [0]Twenky
  • Bahamut
  • [0]Private McDoggy
  • Fireboy
  • [0]Timezbrick
  • Tudoreleuu
  • [0]Legodude77
  • PowerDag
  • [0]King Leo
  • Plastiware
  • [0]Mordius
  • John Freeman
  • [0]Jerome
  • Block Box
  • [0]Nightmare-Duckie
  • Bubbagum
  • [0]Titanium Man
  • Boink!
  • [0]Uglynator
  • Crazy Salt
  • [0]DaSord213
  • TheProdWad
  • [0]Moriarty
  • Fredulus
  • [0]Oasis
  • duckman1229
  • [0]pecon98
  • nienhaus1
  • [0]TheXrayNerd
  • MunkeyCheez
  • [0]Racerboy
  • TJ10
  • [0]Ticonderoga
  • Freeze
  • [0]Cookiez664
  • shinyarceus4
  • [0]MrLol2
  • RedGajin
  • [0]keesfani
  • Dragonoid-X
  • [0]The Corporation
  • KelBlock
  • [0]Bravo
  • Maze24
  • [0]BlockLeg
  • Cheezr
  • [0]fawkes
  • Jairo
  • [0]Morpheus
  • Niven
  • [0]Megaguy2
  • Dexxtter
  • [0]Lamebro1
  • Evar678
  • [0]Shell
  • Sami2ss
  • [0]Hiiro326
  • LeetZero
  • [0]Yosher
  • Port
  • [0]Demian
  • Aide33
  • [0]Arekan
  • Donro98
  • [0]J MASTER
  • Orion
  • [0]Ghille
  • TheScout
  • [0]phflack
  • PrototypeCow
  • [0]Tylale
  • Jaydee
  • [0]ATKitton
  • AssassinDevil2
  • [0]King Leo

    Chance of Winning: Too loving lazy%
    Post "I want it", to become a participant, you do need Steam
    End date is three days from now

Games / Unmechanical Giveaway[King Leo Won]
« on: December 22, 2012, 05:22:14 PM »
Alright, I got a few extra copies of Unmechanical the other day, so I guess I'll do a giveaway for one.

It's a pretty fun little platformer, I haven't played too much of it myself.

[Current Participants]:
  • Messes
  • [0]Alphadin
  • 16-Bit
  • [0]Funnelcakes
  • Regulith
  • [0]TheProdWad
  • TheXrayNerd
  • [0]LeetZero
  • Yosher
  • [0]cooldawson3
  • Niven
  • [0]Momentum
  • Hiok1998
  • [0]Daedalus
  • Black and White
  • [0]King Leo
  • Nienhaus1
  • [0]WOLFPACK2


    Chance of Winning = 5.8%
    I'll set the end date the day before Christmas
    Simply post "I want it" to get in, you need Steam

    ==King Leo is the winner, I will try to contact him today, if I don't get a response I will redo the raffle tomorrow==

Off Topic / Political Debate [Gun Control/Legalization]
« on: December 19, 2012, 07:28:03 PM »

-Political Debate-

Alright people, let us start off with a brief saying of a few things.  This is a mature debate, if the only thing you have to post is what your parents have beat into your head or some stupid majorly biased stuff with nothing to back you up or no knowledge of the subject, please refrain from posting.  Also please let these be mature debates, no flaming people on their opinions, and feel free to express your own.  Thanks.

Gun Control|
Alright, so after the Connecticut shooting, there has been a large amount of talk about the Democrats trying to get their usual stricter gun laws passed.  This has been a topic of discussion for a while now, with the Democrats standing behind a stricter policy on gun ownership, and the Republicans as usual standing for the Constitutional rights.  Some people believe that only fully automatic weapons should be controlled and/or banned.  Others believe increasing the difficulty of obtaining a gun legally should be a large portion harder.  And yet others believe weapons in the hands of 'untrained' civilians should not be legal at all.  Then we have freedom fighters standing that we should be allowed to carry weapons simply because the government shouldn't have the right to change that.  Right now the larger majority of the US population leans towards a stricter policy regarding already placed gun laws.  However, this is only recently as of surveys taken almost directly after the recent school shooting.|
Alright, so recently Colorado and Washington state both passed the legalization of Marijuana, and hope for passing the remaining states stays true in a lot of minds.  Marijuana has a lot of uses other than the usual thought of smoking it.  Hemp is fairly cheap to grow and produce on a large scale, and can be used for a large variety of industrial purposes.  Smoking Marijuana as well has no proven medical conflicts with persons with a developed brain.  It does, however stop brain cell growth in children with undeveloped brains, and that is proven.  It can be used for a painkiller for the terminally ill/elderly.  A lot of people believe Marijuana shouldn't be legalized because their parents beat into their heads when they were young that it's a 'drug' and should therefore be classified as bad.  These are the same people who typically speaking are okay alcohol and tobacco usage.  Both tobacco and alcohol in a usage over moderation prove much more unhealthy than smoking Marijuana. Also, with good Federal moderation over it, the taxes and permit revenue would bring considerable revenue to the budget, obviously not the amount of getting debt anywhere near paid though.

My Opinion:

In my opinion, gun laws should be either less as strict or stay at what they are.  If you look at it from the viewpoint of if someone inside that Connecticut school would've had a conceal to carry pistol, 27 people wouldn't have died that day.  I understand the idea that if the man hadn't found his mothers guns obtained legally in the first place, it wouldn't have happened either.  However, if she had been a responsible gun owner, she would have kept them in a locked safe away from a child who had been already diagnosed with mental illness'.  This is when I say, gun laws should stay the same, however become more enforced, not more harsh, just enforced more.

My Opinion:

In my opinion, Marijuana should be legalized with very strict industrial usage, and a permit needed to purchase it for personal usage, not a 'medical' permit however.  More so a permit to keep people who cannot control themselves from purchasing it.  These are just my opinions.

Please feel free to post your own opinions, as I'd love to hear them and see what others have to say about the presented debates.  Again, please keep the flaming and idiocy outside of this thread.  Have fun discussing, I'll be here to answer any questions I can and help out as much as possible.

Drama / What the forget Ephialtes?
« on: December 14, 2012, 05:34:04 PM »
This post is directed 100% at Ephialtes, only because I want every word said public and not for him to twist, and because he'd probably ignore it otherwise.
I will be sending this via PM as well anyways though.

  I understand your position here on BLF, and that you are the creator of RTB, however that really doesn't give you permission to do what you are doing.  You are almost always harassing other people, posting negatively on other topics, or deleting ones you don't like.  There once was a poll in which was a 'petition' to get your administration authorities stripped from you, but obviously we the people have no say.  I just don't get what drives you to be this conceited way?

  Are you mad at something?  Embarrassed that you might be wrong about something, or people don't like you?  Really, why is it?  You lock topics about you that are negative, you negatively in so many threads, and you delete posts that you don't like.  I don't fully know your relationship with Badspot, nor do I know him personally myself, but if you were an admin for me the second you pulled the stuff you've been pulling I would remove you from your status because it's pathetic.

  Chances are this will be locked, for no good reason as I was completely respectful in the above post.

Games / $50 on Steam, what to get?
« on: December 11, 2012, 07:08:30 PM »
So I loaded a $50 gift card onto Steam and haven't decided what to get.

I'm really thinking Far Cry 3, but not sure

Please no Source games, as I have them all

Drama / Elecro - Idiocy covered by "I'm tired"
« on: December 05, 2012, 07:00:50 PM »

- Elecro -

Alright, let's get started, Elecro is pretty well-known around the forum off topic and drama sections.  He has been drama'd before for attention whoring.

Now I have put up with him for so long, with his absolutely handicapped comments, and his bullstuff lies and excuses.  To be honest, I'm finally fed up with it.

Here's one of Elecro's "backing out" techniques, it's called the "Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention/I'm tired"

i'm confused i'm tired, i thought we were talking about gba sp's
I probably should have read on from

Geez, no need to be harsh, I didn't read far.
Whatever, I misread it.

Here's an example of his idiocy, he posts this:

You don't go to a forum board for legos and ask how to ask a girl out. Also, it's something you should know how to do already.

When he posted a thread himself asking for help with females here:  Couldn't find it because I'm lazy

Then he loves to flaunt his 'intelligence' around, keep in mind he knows basically nothing about anything he says

Acer motherboards have a tendancy to heat up CPU's
This coming from a guy who knows nothing about computers, acting like he knows what he's talking about

redownload malwarebytes, lol.
Coming from the guy who posted an entire thread on what antivirus he should get

And literally like 20% of his posts are about like this.

Then, he is a major loving attention whore, he posts lies, and random stuff for attention.  His dad dying, was bullstuff, his age he told us, was bullstuff.  Then he tries to have this internet ego or some stuff and acts like he's the toughest thing around, when in reality my 5 year old sister could win against him in a boxing match.

Keep in mind reading through his posts will probably enlighten you a bit more, I just can't quote every single dumb thing he does, as I'd hit the character limit.

I for one, hate him.  Discuss your feelings.

Off Topic / I need some advice/criticizm
« on: November 28, 2012, 08:05:54 PM »
Okay, just to start off, if you think I'm here to attention whore, please exit now.

Now I've got that out of the way

Alright, this may or may not be a long wall of text, and I'm not even sure about everything I'm going to type at this precise moment, but here it goes.

As most of you know, I'm going to be a father soon, and more recently I am now officially engaged to my beautiful fiance.  But lately I feel so, I don't know, and it scares me.  Before I moved with my grandparents, where I live now, I lived with my father and step mother, my father was a severe alcoholic, and my step mother abused me.  No I'm not here to complain about that, but it made my life hard, I was always stressed, I never fit in at school, I didn't know who to go to, where to turn.  I pondered Self Delete many times in that house, but obviously I never actually went and did it, which I most likely never would.  But my question is, why?  Why didn't I?  What scares me about death, I ask myself this many times, but I cannot find an answer.  Anyways back on topic.  I remember my first 'date' in 7th grade, me and her dated for about a week when she decided she wanted to return to her 'ex', keep in mind this was an immaturity relationship basis.  I remember the exact, exact, song I listened to in hopes of getting over it, it was "Metallica - Nothing else returns".  More-so recent, a later girlfriend, a one I did truly love, I'm not entirely sure was mutual.  We dated about a week and a half, and I remember the songs I listened to then, "Drake - Headlines".

No I'm not talking about the songs themselves, rather the habit I have created.  You see, when I listen to these songs, I immediately shut them off, I get this emotion inside of me that I cannot comprehend, it's not anger, not sorrow, not anything I can correctly identify.  But it isn't just music, anything that goes badly or of that sort, I label it with some real, material thing, but when I want to return to that thing, it scares me.  Sometimes I force myself to confront them, but the entire time I do, memories run through my head at the speed of light, and whatever I was listening to, or whatever, is over.  Some of them I cannot even confront.

That is the first part.

The second part,

Since my dad moved in with my step mother, and the hell of being tortured by her every day, I can remember only small occasions of being angry.  The reason?  When I get truly, sincerely, angry, it scares me.  I feel as though there is a hole inside me, filled by a black sphere of infinite mass, every ounce of which is pure hatred and anger.  Every time I get the feeling I scare myself so badly I immediately remove myself from the situation.  Yet when I want to use it for an advantage, or to burn it off, in sports or lifting or such, it's not there.  Even the other day, someone told me "I can't picture you angry", because I always keep my cool, I'm not an emotional person, I rarely have a true expression on my face, and/or laugh.

That is the second part.


To wrap up, don't bother saying 'you fear it', I've contemplated this, and I'm not a person easily intimidated, or scared, I stand ground against anything.  That's why I don't understand, because fear is the only thing that comes to mind when I start thinking about both of these, but it cannot be it.

Thanks guys, I appreciate anything posted in this thread, negative or positive

Add-Ons / Clear Ghost Bricks/Brick [v1.0]
« on: November 20, 2012, 10:20:02 PM »


clearGhost is a simple mod that allows you to clear either one clients ghost brick or the entire servers ghost bricks in one simple command.

To clear the bricks:
  • /clearGhostBricks - This will clear all ghost bricks in the server
  • [0]/clearGhostBrick <name> - This will clear any one client's ghost brick as long as they have one

    You currently need Admin or higher to use both commands, if it is suggestion/supported to add rtb prefs or permissions compatibility I will do it.


**Feel free to post any bugs/suggestions in this thread or PM me

Modification Help / Getting a vehicle ID from the brick?[Solved]
« on: November 15, 2012, 06:25:35 PM »
Is there any way to get the vehicle's ID from the brick that spawns it?

Like spawn a jeep on a vehicle spawn, and I need to jeep's ID

Off Topic / I'm going to be a father in 7 1/2 months
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:26:23 PM »
Hey guys, so recently I've had a lot of things going on, and a lot of stress that comes with it all.

I'm currently 16 years old, going to be 17 this December.  A week or so ago my girlfriend noticed that she had missed her period, so she took a pregnancy test, as we've been active in loveual activity recently, and next thing you know.  I'm going to be a dad.

I'm not entirely sure what I take from this, a part of me wants to sit and embrace the child within myself and isolate myself, and the other half wants to be the man I'm supposed to be and get my life together so I can make this work.  I'm really torn right now.

So yeah, I'm not here to plead for your sympathy, I want your guys' opinions and/or your own stories about things like this.  I'm also 100% open to criticism, as long as it's not as far as flaming.


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