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Topics - YounqD

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Modification Help / Changing item/trail colors
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:58:19 AM »
I want to edit this mod to make the lightning black, but idk how to do it

Suggestions & Requests / Bot canCrouch event
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:08:50 AM »
Basically title, we have a bot canJump event, so I was wondering if I could have a crouch one

Help / Zone events lag
« on: June 14, 2017, 07:29:30 PM »
Alright so when i set up zone events for some reason I start lagging when someone enters the zone, it starts to get really choppy for me, but not them.

For reference i set up my events for this specific case pretty much like this
Code: [Select]
onMinigameReset - self - setZone - center 250 0 0 0
onplayerenterzone - minigame - modvariable [Town Bots] - Add - 1
onplayerleavezone - minigame - modvariable [Town Bots] - Subtract - 1
onplayerenterzone - minigame - ifVariable < 0
onplayerleavezone - minigame - ifVariable < 0
onVariabletrue - namebrick[Town Bots] - attemptbotspawn
onVariablefalse - namebrick[Town Bots] - attemptbotdespawn

Suggestions & Requests / Event saver stand alone version
« on: June 11, 2017, 01:21:19 PM »

Just trying to have just the event saving and loading without all the other parts from the blockland essentials mod

Suggestions & Requests / Mod Request [nvm crown is the goat]
« on: June 11, 2017, 08:42:08 AM »
Alright so im trying to make it so that when someone enters a zone it teleports them i have it set up like this

onminigamereset > self > setzone > center :400 0 0 0
onplayerenterzone > namedbrick (whatever) > setplayertransform > relative

Now the zone works just fine and it teleports me just fine, but when someone else tries to go through the zone to teleport, it teleports me instead of them. I'm not sure how to fix that

I just really need this to be changed for my server, and I figured the only way people will surely do something is if money is involved. To whoever decides to make it, we can negotiate some amount I should pay you for the mod.

EDIT: Thanks crown that worked perfectly for me

Suggestions & Requests / Extra corner bricks?
« on: June 04, 2017, 04:28:58 PM »
I got the bricks from this pack but the 2x sizes don't appear in the brick menu idk if its broken or not, but I was hoping for not only a fix for that but for some other sizes like 1x1x3, 1x1x2, 2x2x3, 2x2x2

Suggestions & Requests / Bot spawning mod (modify request?)
« on: May 15, 2017, 07:23:42 PM »
Alright so this mod here makes it so that no bot spawns unless you get near it. I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that certain bots always spawn regardless if someone is near or not? So like select bots will bypass the bot spawning and spawn even if no one is near while the other bots still stay unspawned until someone comes near them

Modification Help / Zone events not working correctly
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:53:10 PM »
Alright so im trying to make it so that when someone enters a zone it teleports them i have it set up like this

onminigamereset > self > setzone > center :400 0 0 0
onplayerenterzone > namedbrick (whatever) > setplayertransform > relative

Now the zone works just fine and it teleports me just fine, but when someone else tries to go through the zone to teleport, it teleports me instead of them. I'm not sure how to fix that

Also not sure if this is in the right board

General Discussion / The Legendary Crusade (New Poll)
« on: May 13, 2017, 12:57:17 PM »


    The Legendary Crusade is a Fantasy RPG with 4 races and two factions; Humans, Dwarfs, Orcs, and Goblins. The two factions are the Alliance and Horde, and they of course are enemies to each other. Humans and Dwarfs are in the same faction, and can work together, this also goes for the other two races in the other faction. All races begin in their respective starter areas accessible to only that race, and can then later adventure on and see other areas of the world. The world is vast and contains many secrets and hidden gems so be prepared to go hunting for things. Also be mindful of where you explore for many areas can be dangerous.


    Throughout playing this game, you will read and learn about the story within the world of The Legendary Crusade. You will find that everyone is against what is called the darkness, controlled by an immensely powered being not of this world. The darkness has spread throughout all areas of the land, and you will encounter underlings who have been sent to this world to try and control and conquer it. You will learn about key characters in this story, who will actually be seen within the game provided you find them. While learning about the story through quests, you can get even more immersed by reading the book which will be released shortly after the games release.


    Within this game, there are no skills such as things like woodcutting, smithing, mining, etc. The main focus for this game is to provide an authentic combat feel, where all there is to worry about is fighting and killing things to earn gold, better gear, and health. A key thing to remember is that there is a death penalty, which is that ipon death you will lose everything in your immediate inventory but keep things that are in your bank, or bag(GSF Ghost's Bag to be specific). There are no levels either, the way to get stronger in this game is by acquiring HP, you do this by completing quests, beating dungeons, and raids. There will also be an enormous amount of gathering areas for friends and others to meet such as inns, pubs, and restaurants, all of which include their own unique form of advantages for the player.


    Pve is demonstrated in many ways in this game. One way is through quests which will help you gain HP, learn more about the story, and help you to advance to next area. Pve can happen any time and anywhere excluding safezones somewhat like Pvp (Which will be explained later). Dungeons is a fun way to gain hp and get better wepons. Raids are an enhanced version of a dungeon providing a more challenging experience including more, and stronger enemies, longer boss fights, and much more.


    Pvp is enabled everywhere excluding safezones, which means you can die from another player at ANY time. There is no such thing as "RDMing" in this game either you kill, or get killed. There are also no level restrictions for pvp as well.


    Classes are a key element to the game to provide different gameplay for every player. There are three classes which are the Warrior, Archer, and Mage. The warrior provides a close up fighting style for those who want to be in the fight, but risk a lot of damage. Warriors can access weapons such as swords and very little magic spells. The archer provides a balance setting for those who would like to be in the fight but also away from the fight at the same time. Archers can access Bows, Guns, and a very small amount of swords, and magic. The mage provides a safe and away fighting style for the players who do not want to be directly in the battles. Mages are an important class because they wield the power of all the magic spells like healing and much more. Mages can access most spells, and a very small amount of swords.


    Guilds add a very important element to the game, which is team play. This game is not meant to be solo'd, but is still possible. But for those players who wish to work along side others, we offer a guild system for those who would like to group up and work together. If your guild gets recognized as a solid well built guild, your guild will receive bonuses in many different forms which will be explained later after the games release. There will also be things such as monitored guild wars allowing for guilds to battle out in a privately built battleground.

Developers Commentary

From YoungD: Where in the world do I even begin, first of all i'd like to say that this project which is still not done but pretty much at its final stages; has taken up about 4 years of my life with day in and day out slaving to make this thing the best that I could. Because back then 4 years ago, I really wanted a RPG that I could play pretty much like what TF and I have just made. Anyways I hope this gets support from you guys and you like it and im glad we've finally gotten to the point where we can show you guys what we made and actually be proud about it.

From Ghost: Honestly Even tho this game took 4 years of my life I think it was preety worth it Not only that the anniversary of The legendary crusade is on my birthday so it's going to stick with me for the rest of my life and young's to because this is 4 years we'll never get back


Game Trailer

Images(Click for full resolution)

To-do list
    Coming soon.

    Coming soon.

Alright so first i know like the bare minimum of how to use this vps, so be patient with me.

Now I followed this all the way up until the end where it tells me to type in "cd /server" but everytime I do this it just gives me this

I was hoping someone could help me out

EDIT: I ended up getting a windows server instead, thanks for all the help tho guys

Modification Help / Just getting into modeling need some help
« on: April 30, 2017, 09:54:47 AM »
Okay, so I use solidworks for modeling cuz I used to take engineering classes and I learned how to use that program so I figured its best to just work with what I know. So I made something in solidworks and I did some research and found that I can export stuff from there to blender. I don't know what version of blender to get because if i'm not mistaken I believe not all of them can convert to dts or whatever i'm not to knowledgeable in this subject but I want to learn. So I was hoping someone could help me with what version of blender to get, and how to scale the thing I made down do the size of a blockhead.

Heres a pic of what I made

Not the best thing, but I just wanted to start somewhere

Off Topic / Anybody know if Deadzone has a steam?
« on: April 30, 2017, 09:37:59 AM »
This Deadzone just to be clear. But yeah I'm tryna contact him bout some mods stuff see if I can ask him some questions, but he kinda just went inactive again on the forums so i was hoping somebody could link me to his steam.

Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I didn't know where else it could go.

Be sure to ask him if I could have his steam first I don't wanna be intrusive and random, and if he does say yes please pm it to me.

Suggestions & Requests / Anybody have Zetro Ui from ZERØ?
« on: March 08, 2017, 09:01:40 AM »
Yeah the link in his topic is dead now, so i was wondering if anyone had it, or at least knew somewhere i could get it. I already checked glass so yea

Heres the topic from ZERØ

Games / Origin EA Publisher Sale
« on: March 04, 2017, 04:49:35 PM »

Pretty decent stuff there, if you still don't have BF4 its only $5, Also its a free BF1 weekend, or 10 hours not sure, but yeah go check it out if you haven't yet

Help / Better Shadow Control Bug
« on: February 26, 2017, 09:00:15 PM »
Yeah I wanna use this mod but i'm having the same problem that this dude was having in the topic itself heres the link

Yeah so idk what to do, so if anyone could help me out that would be nice. I also tried removing all my client add ons, and running the game with default mods only, but those didn't work either.

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